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  1. volcomrider157

    So how many grams do YOU consider a 10sac?

    I was talking to someone from texas and he swears up and down he pays 10 bucks for like 7 to 10 grams down there!!! This really blows my mind, and obviously not the only one i can see by reading some of these posts. Im like dude I dont know what your talking about but this weighs .7 not even a...
  2. volcomrider157

    Name Ideas...?

    So, I just got this new piece last night and I am having troubles thinking of a good name for this piece. I'm sure it will come to me soon enough, but If anyone has some ideas to help me out that would be cool. Let me know what you think. thanks guys.
  3. volcomrider157

    Little black beetles

    I am growing outdoors, and there are a few of my plants that have these little black beetles crawling around chewing holes in my leaves..I dont have like an infestation or anything but like 3 or 4 of these beetles on one plant look like they can do some damage pretty quick. Is there any kind of...
  4. volcomrider157

    1st outdoor grow

    yea chicken wire will protect them, I didnt use it because I waited til my plants were almost 20 inches tall before i put them outside. I've had much success indoors but this outdoor thing makes me nervous, cuz i cant control the environment lol. I got high hopes tho, weed grows wild...
  5. volcomrider157

    Damn bugs..what do i do !!!???

    I have some plants outdoors and I have these tiny black beetle lookin bugs chewing little holes in my leaves...I was wondering if there was some kind of insecticide i could buy to spray them with...i dont have any threat that i know of as far as things in the soil, when i dug the holes to...
  6. volcomrider157

    Omg!! Serious root damage!!!

    well thanks for the help, i guess no one has had anything like this happen before, in which case, if you've stumbled upon this thread looking for help on root damage I can tell you that after a week they still look good as new and are starting to show signs of new growth already. I think the...
  7. volcomrider157

    Help Second Grow Need Help

    they are just light in color cuz its new growth, thats normal. As for the droopy fan leaves, if your watering everyday, you might be over watering a little. The general rule of thumb I go by is when the dirt gets a little dry and crusty on the top I water....if they go too long without water...
  8. volcomrider157

    Omg!! Serious root damage!!!

    I have been vegging my 7 Armageddons and 4 power skunks for a little while now, indoors under one 600w hps. I've been prepping for putting them outdoors so yesterday with the tallest one reaching 19 inches tall and the weather finally letting me be able to put them out, I made the transplant...
  9. volcomrider157

    Pics of Ripe Power Skunk, Anyone?

    I've been vegging my power skunk for a month now under a 600w HPS I planned on putting them outside soon, right now we're at 13 hrs of daylight tho, if i put them out tomorrow would it be too soon?
  10. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    thanks for reading man i hope it was a big motivation. i wish you the best of luck and judging by your progress so far your off to a great start.
  11. volcomrider157

    3rd grow, papaya seeds

    24/0 light cycle...hmm ok maybe it increases growth rate by 30% yea but it also jacks your electric higher too, shit mine was high enough with the 18/6 with my 600W hps. your plants look pretty good tho man, your either burning them with nutes or with the light by the looks of the yellowing and...
  12. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    i still cant believe i did it, i all started with an idea, the thought of just doing it to see if i became a reality before i knew it....i did it!! woooweee! the one thing i can tell someone if they are thinking about trying it is....if your going to do it right, and yes...
  13. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    well the second one is now done and hangin to dry, i figured they would yield about the same, even tho the one appeared to have alot more buds the other one had alot bigger buds, but having them both done and hanging side by side, the more buds plant wins without a doubt, they were bigger than...
  14. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    i have not tried any yet, but i got a couple of little buds crispin up on my night stand just waiting to be smoked, im gonna wait till they get a little crunchy then fire one up! =) im so excited. i got my light problem solved, it was my bulb... got a new bulb today but im still gonna chop the...
  15. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    you gotta show me yours at harvest!! im so jelous of your purpleness, someone else told me theirs turned purple as hell curious now.
  16. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    wow thats awesome, im sure my babies could have gone til the end of the week, but my hps bulb quit working for some reason, i dont know if its the bulb or the ballast so i gotta get that checked out.. and i only had two 150 watt CFLs and lets face at this point thats just not enough light for...
  17. volcomrider157

    Nirvana's Papaya 400w MH grow.

    well i started my harvest tonight!!! i have some pretty intense pics up in my thread.... i suggest you check them out because its what you can expect to see in your future. =)
  18. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    so anyway i decided to post these up right away tonight cuz i am just so excited to share with you, but man im getting tired i spent 4 hours tonight on the "haircut" process as i call it...and i only got one of the two plants done, the plant that got it first was the one with the big cola..=)...
  19. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    lol here are some more, i guess the file size must be too big its only letting me do two at a time..oh well its fun. here are some close ups of that big ass cola.. resolution isnt the greatest but you get the jist of it anyway.
  20. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    the one on the right side has a massive cola its crazy thick! i must say i am quite satisfied thus far in my first grow ever!! =)