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  1. volcomrider157

    My Strongest Experience

    wow that is sounds like it could be really good or really bad....i think i got the bad end of the stick on that one... i felt a few of those exact feelings, scary shit. this will sound really wierd believe what you will but i seriously have flash backs from if i think about it...
  2. volcomrider157

    My Strongest Experience

    ive told my story to my many people i know and i have alot of people tell me it was probably laced with something. ... yea i'll look that up right now.
  3. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    well i uploaded my pics to this site, but cant figure out how to get them on this thread. i guess if you just click one of the random thumbnails and search for pics type in papaya and you will see my pics from the first three weeks of growth... dont laugh tho, this is my first grow. i lowered...
  4. volcomrider157

    My Strongest Experience

    i totally needed to hear that!! from the research ive done indica is a more mellow body buzz which sounds totally like what i want. but seems like unless you know a grower you dont really know exactly what your getting as far as the strain thats why i've decided to grow my own. i am...
  5. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    yea i have a feeling i didnt have the soil packed around the seeds good enough on the ones that didnt come up
  6. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    how can i get pics on here?
  7. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    they turned purple or pink toward the end of flowering..? oh and by the way those papaya seeds i ordered them online at The Attitude Cannabis Seeds Marijuana Seeds i got the stealth shipping which is where they hide the seed packet in a shirt and send it to you that way, and on your card it...
  8. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    yea i only got 4 out of 10 to sprout so i was really bummed about that. granted it is my first grow but still i did them all the same and only 4 of 10 came up. so i used a few bag seeds myself, i wanted ten plants but i will make due with these 4 papaya plants and the 3 bag seed mystery...
  9. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    one of my plants is starting to turn really light green, the whole plant, its my tallest plant so im a little concerned... do you know why this would be? the only reason i ask is because its just way way lighter green than the others and it just looks suspicious...
  10. volcomrider157

    My Strongest Experience

    this story takes place about 5 years ago..... use to get high on the regular up until this day i got this shit from this girl at school it looked like some mids but she claimed it was good. ok whatever after a bowl to myself im usually feeling pretty damn good but i didnt feel anything after...
  11. volcomrider157

    a constant heat battle!

    well i do believe i have it under control now thanks guys my temps have not hit 100 in a few days now, im holding steady in the low 90's now, id like to see it go down but the damn ac just wont stay kicked in long enough. like it blows cold then kicks out for a little bit then it kicks cold...
  12. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    yea i am using miracle gro moisture control potting soil, i just looked at the fert. rating and it seams rather low, but thats probably a good thing for starting plants. its .21-.07-.14 . ive decided im going to wait until next weekend to transplant and when i do transplant i am going to start...
  13. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    hopefully i wont need to germinate anymore seeds if i can get this whole cloning thing down. good idea on the wrapping the pots im totally doing that when i transplant. but when did you start feeding nutes?
  14. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    nice! so you had troubles germinating your this papaya your referring to, because i had a rough time there too, i germinated all mine in just a regular cup of water in a warm dark place and when the shells cracked(most within a day) i put them in there peat pellets and into the dome...
  15. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    i have them in dixie cups right now i have all my big pots lined up and ready to go, when do you think i should transplant them to there bigger pots..(final home).??
  16. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    hey everyone this is my first grow and im doing it indoors and am growing papaya, seeds i got from nirvana seed co. i am currently running them in veg. 18/6 light cycle and they are coming up on three weeks old. does anyone have and tips for me on this particular strain, such as lighting when...
  17. volcomrider157

    Lights left on without exhaust for 8 hours 100+ Degrees!

    i have been having problems with heat because i just can't find the best way to get the heat out and cool air in yet, i hit 108 degrees i dont know for how long but when i discovered it i quick opened up the door and let it air out and temps dropped down to the mid 90's but thats about the...
  18. volcomrider157

    How far to keep lights off plant?

    how hot is too hot as far as temp goes, i read that the optimal temp for growing is 78*F but plants can survive in temps all the way from 50*F all the way up to 104*F. i cant control the heat in my room very well even with this ac unit blowing and fans blowing i am holding low to mid 90's...
  19. volcomrider157

    a constant heat battle!

    so i woke up this morning and my temp was 102, come to find out my duct tape job didnt hold up on my exhaust blower due to the high heat. i did a little experiment tho i unpugged my light and fans a couple hours early because i had to leave for work but left the ac timer plugged in. so when...
  20. volcomrider157

    a constant heat battle!

    my current temp is 96.2 i just repositioned the intake for the ac unit more under instead of next the light. maybe that will help... im going to bed i gotta wake up early for work. will check in the morning and update you guys either in the morning or when i get home from work. also one more...