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  1. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    well for those of you that have been following along now is the moment you all have been waiting for and me esspecially!! harvest time is now in session, here are my babies at harvest...
  2. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    so i plan to start the process tomorrow after work, if anyone thinks i should wait and stick with my original plan even though my main light is out let me know, and/or is this low light hurting me more than helping me? if i dont hear anything from you guys i'll be taking pictures and chopping...
  3. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    well the unbelievable happened today!!! i am so mad i just cant believe it!!! so i was at home today at the time my grow rooms light cycle kicked on and i peeked my head in to notice my HPS didnt fire.. i hear the ballast buzzin and the lightning bolt is going through the bulb all seemed...
  4. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    so yea papaya is has a very nice aroma too it, the bud smells like a fruity melon, and its suppose to smell like a sort of pipe tabacco smell when smoked...i dont know, thats just what i read anyway, but i tell ya what one of my plants definatly smells soo damn fruity it makes my mouth water...
  5. volcomrider157

    Nirvana's Papaya 400w MH grow.

    when your plants get taller make sure you keep that thermometer at the canopy of you plants, i had a bit of heat stress in the earlier stages of my grow but nothing that did any major damage.
  6. volcomrider157

    Nirvana's Papaya 400w MH grow.

    unless your like a super expert on what to look for, you wont be able to sex until around 10 days after flowering...
  7. volcomrider157

    Nirvana's Papaya 400w MH grow.

    ....and ah yea if i was going the route i was shooting for i never would have had enough room... i got just enough room for these two... and i flowered at 15 inches tall. if you search pics on here of papaya you will see a bunch from me. take care and keep your eye open i will be posting some...
  8. volcomrider157

    Nirvana's Papaya 400w MH grow.

    well i actually started mine in dixie cups and transplanted them into their final pots at three weeks and slowly started adding nutes at a month. im am under the understanding that after so much time of adding nutes the soil gets a build up of things that can be not so great for your plant...
  9. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    so what more do i have to expect and when? i really dont wanna mess anything up this far into the game ya know? im not so much worried about messing up as i am just wanting to get the best out of my crop. i will get pics up when i harvest cause they are so damn huge i dont want to move them til...
  10. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    and now for an update...i was hoping to harvest this weekend, saturday, but tomorrow is friday already and yea, they are just not quite there yet... i know at the very end a few days can be all the difference in the world as far as getting that peek potency, which is what i desire. =) but right...
  11. volcomrider157

    Things to Know About Lighting

    are metal halide and metal arc pretty much the same or no!?
  12. volcomrider157

    Things to Know About Lighting

    quick question i have access to alot of bulbs for free right now but i dont know if they are what i want. i looked at the bulbs and they say 400W "Metal Arc" is "metal arc the same as metal halide? and if not will they still work well for growing?
  13. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    bongulator-- you must have harvested by now, how did your papaya turn out what did you yield per plant?-- this is my first grow so i dont know what all this bud is going to weigh when its all dried and cured, but im really hoping to get 2 oz. per plant, anymore than that and i'll be dancing and...
  14. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    oh yea those are the males i had to chop by the way... sad day that was. i will take em out for picture day one of these days soon, you gotta see the buds on these babies!
  15. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    its been a long time since ive been on here, holy crap. anyway yea things have been hecktic around here lately. broke up with the girl, furnace was givin me problems so i had to get it repaired and my plants were surrounding it so i had to tear down my whole set up and move it else where. but...
  16. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    awesome, we will be harvesting around the same time frame then, we should compare yields! this is my first grow ever but ive been researching for years. it grows wild around me so i've been toying with that stuff for a few years, its so much fun. i guess people refer to the wild weed as ditch...
  17. volcomrider157

    Purple Buds?

    some old hippie dude told me that same thing, he grows outdoors and im pretty sure he has been for a very long time, so there could be something to it...
  18. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    is this your first time growing papaya? we are about at the same stage then, cause im on day 10 of flowering. i would post more pics but for some reason my camera is acting up. im so excited about those clones! i hear alot of people have troubles with clones so i was a little nervous but i...
  19. volcomrider157

    A question of security

    i read through this whole thread pretty much, and i guess its pretty much a dead issue these days since the last post was like almost a year ago. but ive recently started a grow operation and have been documenting it on here on a thread i started, including pictures and what not, well come to...
  20. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    well i threw out 5 males today. arrg =(... so im down to 2 females, and i did some clones tonight. i took three cuttings from each plant so i have 6 clones sitting under a 75 watt flouresent light in a humidity dome that i made....mist daily and hope for the best eh.. i'll get some pic updates...