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  1. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    ok so after looking at alot of pictures of males and females its looking like i have two females out of 7. great... but i am going to give em til the weekend until i dispose of the males just incase those little bud looking things split to show pistols.... im going to pick up some stuff...
  2. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    well i hate to say it but i see no differences today, 2 sharing the same characteristics and the other 5 all sharing the same characteristics, 2 at the base...nodes? theres the two spikes ya know......well on the 2 there is two little spikes coming in...sharing the same characteristics of...
  3. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    day one for my plants was aug. 16th, your day one was 22nd....your already getting buds.....i flowered way to late.....? damn it
  4. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    by the way how far along are you now? and you should show me what she looks like....
  5. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    i have heard cloning after you started flowering is harder to do but possible have you tried? i would really like to clone but i dont have everything i need to do it and i couldnt wait any longer to flower these plants are just getting massive. but i might go get some stuff so i can do it within...
  6. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    no journal, sorry... just a little update i started the flowering phase oct. 1, so i am a about one week into flowering, i dont claim to be an expert but from what i can tell of my 4 papaya plants 2 are female and 2 are male....and the other three mystery plants seem to be all male i hope im...
  7. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    indica all the way, they are 85%/15% indica/ sativa yeah i havnt smoked this strain yet but the the strain description says it gives a very nice body buzz, so im pretty excited...
  8. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    the pictures are here!!!Error Error Error Error check em out and give me some feedback. just to give you perspective, the tallest one is like 17 inches and the short one is just over like 11 inches... when pic was taken a few days ago, the big one now is like just over 20 inches, im going to...
  9. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    Error current status..
  10. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    yea that is kinda what i was thinking, how much bigger can i expect these girls to get... i made more room in there yesterday i have some pics coming soon i took them yesterday i just gotta get some time and put them on here. yes they were all sprouted at the same time. day one was august...
  11. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    i read somewhere if your using a 600 watt hps you should flower at 15 inches, well of my 4 they stand at 17, 16, 15, and a runt coming in at 11 inches, not sure why that one just isnt nearly as tall, its definatly thick tho. im thinking i am going to flower on oct. 1st. i want to flower now...
  12. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    im thinking its too much fert. soil + a little more.... i just watered with regular water last night so we'll see what that does you can delete if you want it dont matter to me either way.
  13. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    anyway how do they look for three weeks? and i have another question, why would a few of my plants on the very edges of the leaves all the way around the whole leaf are like curling up?
  14. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    lol! yea i did that too, pics way too big. so i just deleted them
  15. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    Error ok that works just click "error"
  16. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    Error ok maybe this will work!! errgh
  17. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

  18. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    maybe this works?
  19. volcomrider157

    Papaya anyone?

    it uploaded but im not seeing it now so i dont know
  20. volcomrider157

    My Strongest Experience

    yea, im getting better about it tho, as long as i keep working into it slowly and not over doing it i think everything is gonna be all good. i have some bud right now, i dont know what it is but i like the way it makes me feel. me and a friend were chillin out over the weekend cuz he had a...