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  1. ancap

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    Well, when in doubt, you can always just restate your original argument. No need to pick apart another.
  2. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Maybe I'll take it easy on the co2 at first then (set the flow guage to 2 instead of 5). I want monsters dude! :mrgreen:
  3. ancap

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    The US taxpayers subsidize Blackwater. Blackwater is not accountable to a true customer base.
  4. ancap

    1st Grow BCNL Producer

    You planning on using all available lights during flower (hps, CFL, and T-5)?
  5. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    I have a photobucket slideshow I want to post, but don't know how. Just keep seeing html! Anyone have an idea?
  6. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Flowering Day 5 Everything is bushing out and growing up like crazy. I've decided to make a run to the hydro store and get my co2 all ready to go. The BCNL grow manual says to introduce co2 anytime after week two of flower, but because these plants are so big, I don't think waiting any longer...
  7. ancap

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    I think this is a very sensible thing to believe, but I'll bet if you give it some more thought you'll see that security and infrastructure can be handled better by the free market. If the ONLY reason to keep a fundamentally immoral institution around is to provide for a handful of essential...
  8. ancap

    1st Grow BCNL Producer

    Hey smacc, I'll be following along! Are your plants clones? What lights did you use for veg? My plants were hella bigger when I switched to flower, which you can see in my journal. I'm probably going to have height problems, but we'll see. I've seen other growers switch to flower in the...
  9. ancap

    Health Care Poll - Where Do You Stand?

    Sure, I was just building on your idea. My response might have been a little tangential, but if private charity in the absense of taxation becomes more robust, maybe we can assume the same about other government services. In the absense of a government monopoly on road building and maintenance...
  10. ancap

    Health Care Poll - Where Do You Stand?

    If private charity is more efficient than public welfare through taxation, maybe we should question whether or not government programs are necessary at all? Perhaps this extends to everything the government does. Though, the argument from efficiency isn't completely necessary when we can...
  11. ancap

    Health Care Poll - Where Do You Stand?

    Keenly, it's up to you if you want to continue debating Cloud City, but I'm telling you, save yourself the misery! I think a brick wall would bring more value to a debate because you might be able to actually hear a faint echo of logic. Cloud City is not interested in debating you on first...
  12. ancap

    Health Care Poll - Where Do You Stand?

    The trend will always be towards nationalization and nothing short of a government collapse will spare us from it. Socialized medicine is coming, and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. Stressing about it will only be harder on your health, which is something you will need to keep once...
  13. ancap

    Proof of corrupt politicians

    The subtitle of this thread should be "Proof that shit stinks."
  14. ancap

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    It was capitalism that lowered wages, decreased the work week and made the workplace a safer environment. Not unions or regulation. However I am fully supportive of unions in the voluntary, collectivist sense.
  15. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    I am four days into flowering. :)
  16. ancap

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    Ford's innovation changed the economic landscape and paved the way for an industry that would revolutionize the world and employ millions of people. This is hardly abuse. I am perfectly happy with Ford's freedom to NOT hire Jewish people if he doesn't like them. Same with black people. Same...
  17. ancap

    The US Health Care Bill Explained - The Video

    This "government healthcare" you are referring to is still mostly based in the free market. Just wait until all competition is removed and watch what happens to the quality and sustainability of your free healthcare. Secondly, how do public officials fund their free healthcare? They pay...
  18. ancap

    The US Health Care Bill Explained - The Video

    Why would a corrupt individual purchase a service that they can steal? Just because someone is benefiting from something doesn't mean it is "good". Did you know that Canadian officials get special healthcare treatment and in many cases seek out private healthcare from the US?
  19. ancap

    The US Health Care Bill Explained - The Video

    I highly recommend this video for anyone interested in what is happening politically with our healthcare in the US. I just viewed this video, and it is packed full of comprehensive information that I could not have posed more succinctly myself (not that I could have at all). The references for...
  20. ancap

    Republican Senator introduces bill to takeover dispensaries and growers in Colorado

    So predictable... Thanks for the post.