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  1. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    I used a 220 micron work bag (obviously), then a 160, a 73, and a 24 (those aren't exactly right, going by memory). I haven't weighed it yet, as I haven't finished using the second batch of shake, i'll keep you posted. It took me 3 weeks in veg just to get my girls to around 13 inches, and...
  2. S

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    Actually, it's funny you brought this up, because I was just doing a deal of research into this matter. As it turns out, you CAN cut clones from flowered branches. They WILL root, and root well. I've come across a great many growers who maintain a great perpetual garden *without* mother plants...
  3. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Hahahaha dude, its not dry yet!! Give it a few days!! I didn't weight the trim before i made it into hash, but there was about 1/3 of a large black garbage bag of good trim. I went through and got rid of fan leaves and stems to improve the hash quality, and that what was less. I'll weigh the...
  4. S

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    I would leave no more than 3-4 branches (not including cola) on each plant. It might seem like you're trimming good bud away but trust me, you aren't. Good airflow, light penetration, and plants focussing on a few branches is KEY. I would wait until the end of the third week of flowering to see...
  5. S

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    I think humidity management is the key. I've heard a much lower humidity during flowering (around 30%) can lead to increased resin production. Worth experimenting with on our next grows. Colas look great, hope everything lines up for you!
  6. S

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    I don't think the cups are a bad idea, I'm just worried about the roots getting suffocated in there. I just didn't like your oxygenated water idea, the cups full of perlite should do you just fine. however, given what i've seen, you might not be giving your roots much to grow in versus having...
  7. S

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    The plant I harvested early didn't burn very good at all. Roll a joint out of it and look for black ash, if you see it and it tastes bad, stop smoking it and making bubble hash out of it. Sorry man!
  8. S

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    Big bux, typically i've seen best growth in the spots towards the outer left and right side, the spots directly under the 400w. The 125 w is nice, but nothing compared to the 400w. See if you notice a difference.
  9. S

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    Ancap, one other thing I wanted to mention after re-reading ur post. I'm not sure how you're planning on keeping the water in the cup oxygenated, but I think that's a wholly bad idea. I would stick to the perlite, then your roots are gaurenteed oxygen, and all you have to worry about is...
  10. S

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    You might be. Good to see you running with what looks to be a full box!! yay! Should do you for now, your roots will tell the tale I suppose, but it looks good. Best of luck. And Bigbux, I think I saw medicine man pull close to 2lbs one single time out of these boxes, and it was with a low...
  11. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    By the way, I did come across some mould in about 2 of the plants that I had to cut out. I'm going to guess this was due to the lack of airflow from the plants being so damned bushy.
  12. S

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    I had the same problem with one of my plants, and she ended up getting chopped about 6 days early. I lobbed her at the stem and left the roots floating. At the end of the grow, I lifted the tub and couldn't tell which roots were from the dead and which from the alive. In other words, I wouldn't...
  13. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    So, here's my second-last post for this specific grow. Chopped today after 7 days of flushing and 3 days of shock ripening. I didn't notice even a little difference in the resin production as a result of the shock ripen, however I have read even without additional resin production, the darkness...
  14. S

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    I want to say that I used final phase and tested some of my stuff after just 4 days of flushing and i tasted absolutely no chemicals. I think next grow, using final phase again, i'm going to flush with final phase for 4 days, then just shock ripen for 3 to cut down on time. Have to say 2 weeks...
  15. S

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    Mmm with the seedlings staying under just a CFL light, they shouldn't be shooting up quite that fast... I would imagine you would be ok for another couple weeks or so at least. Usually I find my plants veg quite slow under a CFL, and shoot up once under a MH. With your seedlings transplanted...
  16. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Yea I hear ya on that one. I don't even use the valve to put nutes into the tub anymore, I just have a seperate rubbermaid container that I mix in, and I just open the lid and dump it in. Takes about 4 seconds :P But I hear ya. I was even thinkin of printing out a piece of paper and taping it...
  17. S

    Advanced Nutrients Products and H2O2?

    b-52 and big bud are fine. Even mother earth tea bloom is fine. The products you will not be able to use with h2o2 from advanced nutrients are : tarantula, piranha, sensizym, and voodoo juice. Happy growing.
  18. S

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    Are you going to chop the ripe buds, then leave the others in for another week or so?
  19. S

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    There are a couple of individuals I've seen use 4 strips of T5 lights instead of 2, that would require a seperate power source, but it can be done. Running a blue spectrum lamp in concert with a red spectrum during flowering has been reported to do wonders for resin production and overall THC...