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  1. J

    autoflowering question?

    the problem is i have one regular plant in my nft system with 3 auto's and the regular is in flowering also!
  2. J

    autoflowering question?

    whats a sticky??????????????
  3. J

    Reverting Back To Veg.

    im a newbie so this may be a stupid question but is it possible to make a plant flower early ( say after 4 weeks ) so it show its sex and then make it revert back to veg if its female. if so would it continue to grow as if in veg?????
  4. J

    autoflowering question?

    i have my autoflowering plants on 12/12 at the moment but i am thinking of giving them a few hours more light, say a 16/8. would this affect them in any way.......
  5. J

    Light schedule questions

    I have my plants on 12/12 ( plants in flowering ) but i was thinking about changing the time the lights come on. at the moment i have them off in the day and on in the night but i wanted to change it to the other way around. All i want to know is what would be the best thing to do without...
  6. J

    Clueless chick here.....first time growing!

    Yeah, but I'm betting I'm better at one of the things we have in common- and once I learn about the other, I'll be good to go haha! haha, so we can both teach each other something new like the saying goes- one hand washes the other and they both clean the face..............
  7. J

    Treating a nitro def in hydro!!

    But thats the thing! i only used a quarter strength ( it says on the Ionic bottle to use 70ml for 10 litres and i have a 20 litre tank so that would be 140ml. but i only put 30ml in there) the plants are autoflowering fems and i gave them grow nutes for the first 3 1/2 weeks until the white...
  8. J

    Treating a nitro def in hydro!!

    Ph is at about 6.2. dont have a ec meter yet ( is that a problem ) the leaves have a tiny lightening on the tips but the actual leaf is real dark green. I'm feeding them IONIC Bloom ( did start with IONIC Grow ) and my lighting is a 6oow hps. Will the plant adjust to nutes as it has water...
  9. J

    Treating a nitro def in hydro!!

    I think i may have over fed my plants nutes and they now look like they have a nitro def. i know people say to flush with pure water but is this the same for hydroponics ? ( nft system ).....
  10. J

    Nitro DEF.... experts

    Dude! your the guy i need to talk to cos you know your shit. Nah they are not yellowing althoug the very bottom leaves have by they are really dark almost bunrt looking. ?I thought it may be because my light was to close but i raised the light and then the plants where stretching for more...
  11. J

    Nitro DEF.... experts

    i believe i have a nitrogen deficiancy . I'm growing 4 plants in a nft hydroponic system and i just wanted to know that is it possible for the plants to adjust to the nutrient dose over time or if i carry on will it eventually kill them. I.E can i leave the tank as it is or should i change it...
  12. J

    Clueless chick here.....first time growing!

    cos at least i know we got 1 thing in common. 2 including sex.................
  13. J

    Clueless chick here.....first time growing!

    haha! nah dude, i'm at the right place.......... What better chick can you get than one that grows herb!!!!!!
  14. J

    Clueless chick here.....first time growing!

    Can i take you out for a drink?????
  15. J

    Remember my deformed baby girl..................

    dont know if any of you guys remember but put by spasctic baby on 12/12 and she is looking a little better now. For some reason though i'm still thinking its a hermie although i cant see no bananna sacks or whatever they call them but i do have little buds at the start of the branch that look...
  16. J

    sad sad blackberry kush next to a happy northern lights

    what kinda problems you talking about?????????????????
  17. J

    is it burn?????

    cool. if i leave it will the plant adjust or will it kill it if i carry on. I've got 4 plants in a nft hydro setup ( 20 litres ).
  18. J

    is it burn?????

    My plants have like a darkening of the leaves at the top of the plant so i thought that it was light burn but my plnats leaves lokk like they are try to stretch up to the light so surely it cant be that, can it ? ( im using a 600w hps )
  19. J

    2 Hermie Questions?

    some interestig shit!!! good read bro!!
  20. J

    2 Hermie Questions?

    If i grew a feminized seed and it turned hermie - 1. Can i grow it with the rest of my plants or will it pollinate them ? 2. if i use the seeds from the hermie for the next grow, will they come out hermie? would they be feminized or would it be a 50/50 like regular seeds ? thanks in advance...