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  1. iCanadianGrower

    Just Super cropped my critical plus......./ White Widow tops curling

    Its hard to say, i cant really say from the pic.. For some reassurance just prop it up with a stick.. Or a peice of wood.. Just to give it some support, so it can heal itself quicker
  2. iCanadianGrower

    Best guess? Totally newbie don't judge.

    Its hard to guesstimate yeild.. CFLs are not that high yeilders.. Some people swear by them but HID always produces more.. CFLs need to cover 50 real watts per square foot to get a decent yeild.. I have no idea what you will yeild.. Aim low for your first grow.. Its not gonna be a 1 pound plant...
  3. iCanadianGrower

    misting plants? good or nay

    Yeah its ofay to spray them.. Just careful not to spray the lights.. Hot bulbs will Burst
  4. iCanadianGrower

    Do clones need to be cut in flowering stage?

    GSC was clone only i thought.. I think you might be getting ripped off.. Someone correct me if im wrong.. I thought there wasnt GSC seeds
  5. iCanadianGrower

    What's the diff?

    Who the fuck smoles seeds, stems, or leaves.. Thats ridiculous.. You should smoke hemp, if leaves and stems get you high lol
  6. iCanadianGrower

    Seedling stem gone limp

    Yeah thats normal.. The only thing id suggest is prop it up a bit..
  7. iCanadianGrower

    who should I keep?

    Yeah if its the real BD... Go with that..
  8. iCanadianGrower


    Yup.. Its whenyou see the roots..
  9. iCanadianGrower

    Bigger Pots bigger yields.

    wtf.. its the matrix..
  10. iCanadianGrower

    epic win

    Heard average cost will be 700 dollars a year.. Depending on incomee.. How is that not worht it.. Thats nothing to make sure you dont get sick and die..
  11. iCanadianGrower

    male or female

    Plants can rreac 8 Feet tall before they show preflowers in veg..
  12. iCanadianGrower

    male or female

    Put it under 12-12 lighting.. 12 hours in 12 offf. Youll need a timer.. 10 bux at walmart.. After a week it will show preflowers.. as to whether its a female or male youll know hten
  13. iCanadianGrower

    LST Harvest please help!

    Id just hang each branch separtley.. It wont affect the final outcome of the product.. thhe smaller branches just might dry a little faster
  14. iCanadianGrower

    How Long would it take a for a a seedling to REALLY get in The veg state

    Add some soil to the base of those 2.. It will give them a bit more support.. Nd the reason his temps are so high is cause there outdoors im assuming..
  15. iCanadianGrower


    To plant in your Backyard.. Pick up some pro-mix (or wahtever soil you prefer), some vermiculite, and some perlite, worm castings and other additives help.. Just not blood or bone meal that will attract pests.. Use woprm castings and bat guanos, and manures if anything
  16. iCanadianGrower

    Emergency move during flowering?

    Why would someone plant beside yours.. If they wanted to steal them they would of remembered the spot.. and checked on them every few weeks.. They wouldnt blatently plant beside yours.. Then youd know they were there.. If they are crop hunting, thats the supidest way ive ever heard of.. Id wait...
  17. iCanadianGrower

    No new growth on lol

    Nice crocs btw man.. Thouse things are hella comfortable.. I garden in those maw fucks all the time.. :lol:
  18. iCanadianGrower

    Red Stems Curving Down

    The older fan leafs generally turn purpley, i dont know why.. I dont think that is anything to worry about, if the sems purpley, that means its cold.. I could be wrong though
  19. iCanadianGrower

    Red Stems Curving Down

    purple and red stems and fan leafs.. i always thought that meant they were cold.. and the oldest fan llleafs on mature plants stems gor purpley to, correct me if im wrong... As for the drooping.. Id go with the above answers...
  20. iCanadianGrower

    Ok soil growers, I need advice on how to flush my soil after a burn??

    When Flushing flush with three times the aamount as the pot.. So you wanna flush about 10.5 gallons through it.. Idk if that was your question.. But, i hope it helped a little