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  1. T

    Problems with the plant! In need of urgent help! (Pics)

    Hey prop, thanks for the reply. I ph'd it and it came out around 5.5-6 i think... but the soil near the roots came out 6.5. I think I forgot to mention that I added some dolomite lime to it from epsoma. (ground finely). Any chance you know how long it takes to work its magic? And I heard about...
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    Problems with the plant! In need of urgent help! (Pics)

    Hey CC, thanks again for the reply. Before I get started, I'm not sure if I mentioned above, but my NL is an AUTO. So when it first started out, I had it under 150w HPS 24/0 till it got to its third node or so, just cause it was way too cold in my grow area. It's been 18/6 since I noticed it'll...
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    Problems with the plant! In need of urgent help! (Pics)

    Hey CC, thanks for the reply. As for the keeping track, I noticed pistils on 6/28. After that, about a week and half later it started to flower? Idk exactly tbh lol. The past month or so has been extra hectic for me. As for nutes, I had it written down until I needed to start to nute couple...
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    Problems with the plant! In need of urgent help! (Pics)

    Hey RIU. My Nirvana NL auto is about a month and half old, and it's been flowering I think for the past two and a half weeks or so? I've had some thrips problems I think, but I've used azamax and a chili spray about five times and it seems to have settled down. Don't see anymore, but if I do, I...
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    Hey guys - new grower... Any advise on how long?? :)

    it means that not everyone spells advice like americans do. Nor with colour or favour etc etc... So just saying next time you see something spelled weird, it's prob b/c they're not american. He spelled everything else correctly on his post. Should be looking at that guy spelling trichomes...
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    Hey guys - new grower... Any advise on how long?? :)

    Have you heard of english people? Just wondering. When you see "colour" do you lol?
  7. T

    What kinda bug is this? (Pics inside)

    Yeah I know =T. Best I can do with my "45x" loupe and phone pictures. No guess at all? Does anyone know how well pyrethrum concentrate is? I've been using azamax, but my auto NL is about 17-18 days since showing sex and buds are starting to form. I'm not all that comfortable with azamax cause I...
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    What kinda bug is this? (Pics inside)

    Hey RIU. I've recently having a bit of a pest problem I think. I have bitten leaves, but past few days, I haven't seen anything. (Sprayed 1/2 str azamax two days ago). Just now I found this small thing crawling on the OUTSIDE of my box. Might be what's eating at my plants? Any help would be great.
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    Are my plants healthy?

    looks nice! might have a lot of tops though...
  10. T

    Advantages of auto flowering?

    What he said kinda. Most AFs are supposed to start flowering on it's own, but I've read a lot of stories about how they had to switch it to 12/12 for a week. Not sure if it's an AF that just takes forever to flower, or bad genetics. They DO grow a bit quicker. I got a NL auto next to two free...
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    Your Opinion...Is this Ready?

    Wow, huge nugs o.o. Second pic looks like a lot of white hairs. I'd go with what krypt said. Check the trichs, and it'll give you a better answer, and you can choose to chop whenever you prefer.
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    How much does this bud weigh?

    Wtf is a 2/8? Is that the same thing as a 1/4? And as to OP, I'm gonna go with 23.52^2(x+y)=z. Idk, if I could put pictures from the web on my skiz, I'd come up with a more conclusive answer. Looks nice though =). What's up with the leaves?
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    PlZ HELP: Keep or Toss?

    Just curious about a couple things... If you only had one plant, why would you top it on the first node?? Not tryna bash, but how did your last grow go? Same weird light schedules??
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    PC Grow Journal

    I'm no expert at growing, but I don't think that's how you're supposed to start your seeds... Surprisingly the plants look not too bad, cept that one up on top. Are you sure your case can accommodate three plants?? Do you plan to lst/top/scrog them? Just saying that b/c if you say it's an...
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    Any Guess on weight ?

    30 lbs prob.... Nah I'm jk. It's like Impman said. It's impossible to tell really. It'll constantly swell up. And if you haven't even touched them to see what it's like, how can anyone else know? But either way, looks like its gonna be a good yield =) EDIT: My bad didn't see the comparisons...
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    Sea of Green HELP

    Not to be "that guy"... but if it all seems kinda confusing to you. Just take some clones out for the first time, see how that works. As much as all the experienced growers here can help, you're situation is.. well yours. Fill your flower room up with clones, and go from there. When I started, I...
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    Marijuana Myth Busters

    Actually, while I'm here... I've noticed this thread has some of the more experienced growers on RIU. So I'm hoping one of you guys wouldn't mind answering me a simple question. I've got azamax for this "thrip" problem, and it's not really doing the trick. I'm using 1/4 str for now, thinking of...
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    Marijuana Myth Busters

    I think a lot of people on here are making things much more heated. Especially imp. BUT, I understand where he's coming from... Some may be true, some may be partially true, but can't except them in such black and white. A lot of stuff is circumstantial... When I first started, I was so...
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    Thrips adult and juveniles and their damage

    Hey pepe, I saw Captain Jack's spray and noticed that monterey has more spinosad in it than captains. I believe it was .5% for monterey, and .0001% for captain jacks? Is more spinosad better? Want to make sure, before I buy lol. I've tried azamax, and this habenero pepper spray just for...