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  1. Nobahd

    Help Yellowing Leaves 4no of White Widow @16 Days Old and Little Growth!!!

    [/LIST] [/B] Im no pro but over watering is a common mistake for new growers, i use fox farms Ocean Forest and i only have to water once a week, get yourself a ph,light,moisture meter they are 3 bucks on that why you will always know for sure when to water. Now for nutes again im not...
  2. Nobahd

    question for anyone who has ever failed a drug test!!

    i applied at HomeDepot and failed a UA before. They called me 5 days after i took the test to tell me the results and asked if there was any reason MJ should be in my system. Then i found out about Quick Fix that cost 10 - 15 bucks depending on were you live and i have never failed a UA in the...
  3. Nobahd

    How should i store the seeds?

    ill tell you the story of a seed i bought, i bought a La Diva seed online, the order took little over a week to get to me. These seed come in a little plastic zip lock and then the bag with seed was put in a all black DVD case. I never got around to planting this seed so it stayed in the DVD...
  4. Nobahd

    Hydro PPM meter

    I'd say its like anything you buy online google your options, read reviews, and hope nothing comes damaged in the mail.
  5. Nobahd

    What strain should I grow year round indoor

    Here check this site out this is where i buy all my seeds, they have male and female autoflowers, and male / female non autoflowers, and the best part about this site that i love is you can buy just single seeds, they give you...
  6. Nobahd

    Favorite drug besides mj?

    Other then MJ as of right now i would say MDMA but i did spend about 5 years smoking and hot railing meth everyday as a teenager i had to get off of it before it completely ruined my life but i will say out of all drugs ive tryed and experimented with Meth was by far the strongest, fastest...
  7. Nobahd

    Soooooo I took some ecstasy.

    lol ya you have to watch were you use World of Warcraft terms normal ppl wont get it, i remember that back when i played the game.
  8. Nobahd

    Soooooo I took some ecstasy.

    Thats because it has no MDMA in it i had a awful experience with a red ninja turtle that almost landed me in the hospitol it was a horrible experience and the feelling was clear that there was no MDMA in it, maybe this will help, you are not the only one who has felt this way on that pill...
  9. Nobahd

    Do you trust ecstasy pills?

    Ill tell you a Ebomb not to take "Red Ninja Turtles" i was gifted 2 of these pills for my birthday one year and it made me sick as fuck and an experience that i wouldnt wish on anyone. Long story short i had done lots of Extasy before in fact sad as it sounds me and my best friend had a daily...
  10. Nobahd

    Salvia experiences?

    LOL buddy ill share with you my experience with x10 Salvia extract. It was long time ago this was back when x15 was the stongest you could buy and much like you, me and a buddy ordered it online. Ive always loved weed and been a beer drinker but never really one for trying out new drugs or...
  11. Nobahd

    Bath Salt Suicide

    I agree but to be fair its a real thing that ppl use outside of getting high, im only 26 and i remember when Home Depot use to sell the plant Salvia Divinorum and naturally kids abused it and now its illegal to grow though you can buy the buds at any smoke shop. I hate to say this but kids these...
  12. Nobahd

    What are sypmtoms of overwatered seedlings?

    Dollar Store water sprayers, they come in different colors with Milliliter volume measurements stamped into the spray bottle, and what i like is they have alittle indented spot for a label.
  13. Nobahd

    i wanna try a auto strain where do i get the best

    I will say try ive bought from them, you can buy just single seeds instead of buying a pack and they have a 100% germination warranty, i bought a La Diva autoflower from that site and when i got it the seed was cracked and smashed... clearly not usable...
  14. Nobahd

    first grow

    23 watt cfl that equals to 120 watts ? maybe ive just never notice those, granted i dont use them but back when i was entertaining the idea of CFL the biggest i found from Home Depot, and Lowels was a 64 watt CFL that was equal to 150 watts incandescent
  15. Nobahd

    Need a CHEAP Carbon Filter and duct fan...

    Has anyone tryed those "Ozone" lights? ive never tryed them with growing weed but i smoke cigs in my garage and it does take the smell away fast and you only have to leave it on for 20-30 mins a day and at the price of 12 bucks really its not a bad deal... but does it work with weed plant smell...
  16. Nobahd

    2 types good or bad

    Nice good luck man, i know alot of people say bad things about ebay products but in all reality ive been using ebay for 10 years, basically when i turned 16 and got a car.. and the only thing i wont trust on ebay is Turbo Chargers from China besides that ive bought car parts, grow room...
  17. Nobahd

    Highest Yield ?THC Content / Taste

    Yeah id believe that ive noticed a huge amount of Blue Dream being sold in Seattle with street vendors it seems to be a pretty popular cash crop at the moment.. if you're saying Blue comes from NorCal then it all really makes sence why its so popular where im at.
  18. Nobahd

    1st time growing. Few questions...

    Only thing i can say in general as im also a new grower to weed, is do as much research as you can before hand, and just went you think you have it all down cross check all your facts with people that have good amount of grows under their belt. I have heard SOOO many stories from ppl wondering...
  19. Nobahd

    The good old days 1977

    Lol no kidding man the only down side of being born in the 80s and growing up in the 90s was having to see your mom wear those awful pant suits with padded shoulders
  20. Nobahd

    2 types good or bad

    I have to say i love my Super HPS bulb, from everyone ive talked to about them they all say they work great for veg and flower, the Super HPS has more blue and white spectrum in it compared to your normal HPS bulb, i bought the cheap 135 dollar ebay kit with dimmable ballast and 400watt S-HPS...