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  1. mededcannabis

    Weird yellow dots on plant leaves

    if you use it religiously you must not have eradicated 100%
  2. mededcannabis

    Smart Meters

    stealing from a dead grower...thats classic teenage shit right there. aahhh, it takes me back to when i knew it all and then forgot it all as i got older:-(
  3. mededcannabis

    Heat Stress? Too much water?

    i wouldnt worry too much. they are probably saying transplant me real soon. also do you have drainage holes at the bottom? that could be a huge problem. further bagseed can have genetic flaws so it may not be you at all. good thinking on your part...practice run first and then do the real...
  4. mededcannabis

    o ver watering

    try extra heat and ventilation as well. air should be moving all the time. raise heat to 80 for a day or two, make sure your not enclosed and have proper ventilation.
  5. mededcannabis

    Weird yellow dots on plant leaves

    mites are like herpes they are forever. they hate cool temps, humidity, seaweed extracts, and constant vigilence. they love heat, dry, and lots of decay. they can lay dormant when times are tough for them and spread via clothes, soil, walls, etc. there are predator mites, lady bugs, and the...
  6. mededcannabis

    I'm stumped and its still dieing

    id say this strain doesnt like all the nutes. flush and foliar feed after a week or two. after that assuming you have correct ph values you should be fine...maybe. good luck:leaf:
  7. mededcannabis

    Horizontal buds!

    real problem you have there, buds are too heavy, what a shame lol. as mentioned stake them, tie them, rotate them so that they can get the most light possible. you should have a fan though it will help immensely. plants grow towards the light so its not unusual for a branch to tip and...
  8. mededcannabis

    Horizontal buds!

    silica in my experience can mess with ph probably not for the beginner, use as foliar if necessary.
  9. mededcannabis

    plant turning a little yellowish

    yep, i concur. this person needs to start integrating feed slowly and build up from there.
  10. mededcannabis

    Clones turning yellow on me

    probably time to transplant, your soil looks burnt out. i wouldnt panick right now transplant and straight water for two weeks. then add nutes again. you might want to learn cloning as it will save you a ton of money:leaf:
  11. mededcannabis

    Clones turning yellow on me

    cns17 is their commercial grade line up. for clones try a seaweed extract(old age or maxicrop) they seem to work well and it even says its for propagation on the label. 80 is too hot, and is that the temp inside the dome? if not then its ten degrees hotter inside there. not good. make a...
  12. mededcannabis

    Clones turning yellow on me

    if they didnt they would be dead already
  13. mededcannabis

    Omg someone save the girls

    i am more inclined to ask, how old are they, whats your ph, what and how often are you feeding/watering them, whats your soil? if your soil is new you should add nutes after a week or two and gradually. ph is a fickle thing yet must be tended to 6.5-6.8 is ideal. your soil must drain...
  14. mededcannabis

    Clones turning yellow on me

    looks kind of wet but it is a balancing act until roots kick into gear. raise your tray inside the dome if water is on the bottom, if your rapid rooters get saturated you could prevent roots from forming(no oxygen) and could have your clones turn to mush. you also need to gently foliar feed...
  15. mededcannabis

    pH issues or paranoia?

    problems are solved more effectively by looking ahead. good luck.
  16. mededcannabis

    pH issues or paranoia?

    your trippin. relax but stay diligent. enjoy.
  17. mededcannabis

    my babies getting worse and I havent a clue? (help)

    well, ph is my first start point. at least get a wal mart test kit in the aquarium section and get your ph in the ball park. some people do ok with mira-gro most dont prefer it. time release for beginners i wouldnt recommend as well as moisture control as most tend to overwater early on...
  18. mededcannabis

    Why is my leafs drooping someone help me?

    they are stretching(thats correctable as mentioned). what are your water temps, room temps, ph, what are you feeding, how much air are you pumping into the water, these are possible issues to address right now.
  19. mededcannabis

    plants looking kinda funky, need help!

    yeah! i gotta say NEVER add nutes to a freshly transplant in soil(unless it is mature enough to handle it or otherwise is in inert material). us ph balanced 6.5-7.0 and wait a week or two, soil dependent. if you feel so compelled to feed,feed with light foliar misting. for now your in a...
  20. mededcannabis

    need help please! help me fix my girls

    my guess is you didnt have calmag issues at all. heats not an issue, planter size wouldnt cause that entirely, not enough light wouldnt cause that(except for the smaller bud issue), ph can affect everything(coco should be upper 5's) and can make you think your def or over nuting. dont let the...