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  1. mededcannabis

    How is this site compared to grasscity

    havent been there in a while. last i was there it was a bunch delinquents bragging to the peeps about growing a gram.
  2. mededcannabis

    Coca Cola Compost Booster!

    i wouldnt trust my crop to a major corporation of fat and sugar. compost pile is the cheapest youll find(as someone said) just no meats or fats. get earthworms for your organic vegatation compost. mollasses is good as well.
  3. mededcannabis

    ? About foliar feeding indoors

    wetting agents are designed to create a film over a surface to spread out nutrient induction. spray your plants and youll notice that it beads up. wetting agents help spread that out so that more nutes can be absorbed. same goes for the roots. NOW you have to ask the main question... HOW...
  4. mededcannabis

    I have Bites out of my Plants Looks like something is Eating them but i see nothing

    then they emerge and fly around, buzzing in your face and stuff. bungholes, i find gnats to be a small peril, just let the soil at the bottom dry more. ive seen the mysterious leaf munching thing as well with no culprits to procure. perhaps KIEFler elves, ghost bugs, ALIENS, transient...
  5. mededcannabis

    Should i kill these plants and restart?

    whoa hold on there cowboy. dont add anything until you know whats going on. very cold temps and/or fluctations like hot and cold can cause it. hormonal issues could be a factor. salt build up, root rot, like before mentioned the more info the better. ive see this a few times and usually...
  6. mededcannabis

    pH question

    yes it is important, although there is room for error. at two weeks you should have a nice root system forming and if this were in hydro id say its even more critical.
  7. mededcannabis

    multiple symptoms, first time grower please help!!

    #3 and#4 have it. and ill raise you a, how much nutes are going in, do you add on or flush, clean, and introduce. id say water 4-5x, change solution and nutes every 4-7 days. dont use h2o2 all the time thats just for clean outs and/or disease prevention. water temp is a little high, bring it...
  8. mededcannabis

    leaf tips of seedlng gone whiteish?

    its too hot, you shouldnt be feeding yet, you shouldnt have an mh in such a small place, your soil isnt that good and to top it off your soil is too hot meaning nute rich. the fact its still alive is a testament to its survival instinct. a lot of herbs dont require substantial nutes whereas...
  9. mededcannabis

    Smart Meters

    yeaaahhhh, lets all cling to that life raft. call me crazy however, they cant watch everyone yet but they can watch anyone if they wanted.
  10. mededcannabis

    Listen up Hydro Newbies . . .

    get your wallet out, bitches.
  11. mededcannabis

    Light problem. Are my girls stressed to the max?

    it may take longer than expected, but dont panic yet. most of the times things just work themselves out. after all shit still lives doest it?
  12. mededcannabis

    First Week In Flower

    my advice transplant into ffof and stop using nutes for three weeks. ease off the watering and adjust based on weight of planter. buffers in the water, feed and soil will fluctuate ph. if using cal/mag with tap water you could be in danger. your ph is decent just stop trying so hard and use...
  13. mededcannabis

    Why do all my plants look the same no matter the strain

    how do you know that? there is no info that would detail your answer. they all look the same after a while. stop being visual and grow what you need. HAIRS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH MATURITY ITS TRICHOMES THAT DETERMINE THE FINISH PRODUCT.:blsmoke:
  14. mededcannabis

    Problems With Clone

    oh yeah, be careful with that high strength nute(20-20-20) which which isnt really all that necessary at this point. let the roots fill your pot then transplant. after a couple of weeks add in nutes gently.
  15. mededcannabis

    Problems With Clone

    your soil mix will hold a lot of moisture. they look fine too me. transplant to a higher quality soil and im sure they will take off. as mentioned fox farms ocean forest is a good starter blend.
  16. mededcannabis

    Why do Med shops clip the leaves on the Clones? If so will this effect anything?

    yes or just leave small leaves. either way you need low level light.
  17. mededcannabis

    How do they look for 2 week old?

    looks like a micro grow. whats your strain? blues tend to do that naturally. if you cant repot then be prepared to water a lot. they look alright just keep an eye on it.
  18. mededcannabis

    Is it me or is this the perfect cover plant?

    that looks like some whoville flowers. if your purp haze looks like that...your gonna make a lot of new friends.
  19. mededcannabis

    Is it me or is this the perfect cover plant?

    you made a funny mon, respect:lol:
  20. mededcannabis

    Warehouse Grows

    well, at least you can grow your own.