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  1. mededcannabis

    need help please

    using ro wont help for salt build up, you need something like clearex. stop using peroxide, also. tried it once or twice and ever did it again.
  2. mededcannabis

    need help please

    pull them out and check your roots if they look unhealthy then thats where your problem is. is that one getting enough oxygen, maybe your bubbler is plugged. your plant may also be nute sensitive so see if you need to correct your schedule. and as always keep that ph under control.
  3. mededcannabis

    Out Door Lemon Haze HELP. Deficient / Toxic ?

    if you think you overfed them, flush. check your ph runoff, it might be higher in the root zone than you think. nutes tend to raise ph.
  4. mededcannabis

    Flowering problem please help!!

    bagseed is hit and miss to begin with, you may just have hemp. give it a couple more weeks if you dont see anything then just bag it or hone your growing skills.
  5. mededcannabis

    transplant hell!!! please help!!!!

    thats because their root base wasnt as big when you dug them out. you shocked the larger ones and the more you compensate the more problems will occur. as someone said previously get those roots going again.
  6. mededcannabis

    Very little plant

    well good luck in holland, i hear they have limited mj smoking/practices to citizens only...courtesy of the USA. as far as the plant goes...too little sun, im guessing the planter is to small, and who knows what that girl was eating, ph levels are big factor, not to mention whats it growing in...
  7. mededcannabis

    Can anyone help please

    as long as rockwool is wet youll be fine. lower your ph to 5.5 roughly. if you got roots feed them. easy though. for clones 65 degrees ambient temp and keep it moist.
  8. mededcannabis

    2 weeks flowering... getting some excessively yellow leaves, daily

    i always hear problems with promix. did you recently transplant? your ph may be higher than you think, check your runoff. if your using your line up in freshly transplanted soil you probably have burn. post more info please.
  9. mededcannabis

    nute burn or deficiency?????

    if you use tap you wont need as much cal/mag if at all. lack of n is most likely at six+ weeks of veg. ph may be the problem because certain nutes will only be absorbed in specific ph ranges. looks like eko soil or something similiar. soil like that is good for a week or two, then you need...
  10. mededcannabis

    Babies are drying up

    i would suspect your adding nutes to a 5gal bucket full of nutes. further if you went from a small container to a 5gal bucket and tried to soak it you have further issues. your roots arent set yet and nutes are not needed as well as heavy watering.water around the root zone w/o nutes with ph...
  11. mededcannabis

    Yellowing of Lower Leaves

    dont forget N is still needed in flower.
  12. mededcannabis

    Buds are Weak

    also, is your orange bud from dutch passion? what are your thoughts of it if it is?
  13. mededcannabis

    Buds are Weak

    i agree with drfever, however i dont think its your real issue. are you doing anything different than before?
  14. mededcannabis

    Buds are Weak

    not in coco, dude.
  15. mededcannabis

    hydroponic growing

    THAT SANTA SCARES ME(using the child wiggins voice ...simpsons) ph will allow or disallow nutes into the root system. ph is always a problem you have to watch it all the time. :joint:
  16. mededcannabis

    BROWN TIPS: NO FERT, WATERING 100ml per day, 100 watt CFL

    no ferts is a good thing. you cannot use compost for babies or seedlings. fox farm ocean forest, if its available there is a good starter soil. transplant the girls in less potent soil and start feeding in a couple of weeks. height vs root mass and nutrient availabilty determine yield as far...
  17. mededcannabis

    Cloning Question....

    four days in flower is not a problem at all. people revege all the time. i dont prefer it, you just find out what works for you.
  18. mededcannabis

    10 weeks flowering WTF???

    you are definately malnourished. the cause can be ph imbalance or not enough nutes, and /or read on. im guessing ph. next issue what size is your rez and air pump? roots need a lot of oxygen and when the ph is right absorbtion is at peak. if your roots look milky or gunky youll have...
  19. mededcannabis

    PH closer to 6 or 6.5?? Keep seeing and hearing diffrent things

    .3 in ph terms is actually a big deal. for soil 6.2 - 6.8, the most nutes being absorbed between 6.5 and 6.8. stick with 6.5 and youll be good to go.
  20. mededcannabis

    Mother semi-flowering during veg

    its normal for clones to that. its also a very nice headstart into flowering phase. it can literally look like its forming up but it wont. also cloning is great for rejuvenation, ugly moms make nice clones. dont use the same mom over and over start a new clone mom every so often.