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  1. amrock

    cloning, and harvest questions for the advanced

    By the way ceilingbeds, take some advice from ganja he has the knowledge. if you don't believe in him, read more forums. But his methods are very good, i my self have my own, but its always nice to here from another whos knowledgeable, good luck.
  2. amrock

    cloning, and harvest questions for the advanced

    hey ganja, hows the crop, anyway i went out and bought a rooting kit today for cloning, am going to attemp cutting four clones from my love potion, two of them am going to use dip n grow rooting concentrate and the other two am to use my method and see what's the diffrient in time. I will update...
  3. amrock

    clear rolling paper/joints

    the word is leche for milk in spanish.
  4. amrock

    clear rolling paper/joints

    why don't you study a little about sticky paper and see what they use to make that glue, besides the paper sticks pretty good without it, try it. not all rolling paper has it, bamboo is one of them, they wont tell you on the box that it is.
  5. amrock

    top newer leaves very droopy (pics), suggetions please.

    that plant looks very healthy, don't cut the leaves at all they will fall on their own, new tops always look droopy at first, then later they open much bigger, good luck.
  6. amrock

    clear rolling paper/joints

    for some of you that didn't know this, the glue on the side of the paper is actualy pig fat, so if you don't like poke, you will tear it off and role up without it, just a little heads up for unknowns.
  7. amrock

    Can I save my seedlings, are they ok? 1st timer AK-47

    Your problem is simple, TO MUCH WATER, those things are not going to make it in that dome, take them out and let some of that water dry out on its own, do not mist or wet those babies for a few days, keep them under a warm but not hot, light. And maybe they will come back to you, good luck.
  8. amrock

    Wow, something i never knew about why legalization probably won't happen..

    there is a racial descriminis on this site, for those that don't know what that is, read all the forums on this page from top to bottom and you will find out who that person is.
  9. amrock

    Almost time to harvest - Bublepon0cs - pure Indica

    Shit this must be your first time growing erb, next time ask around for help before you do some thing crazy, like trying to smoke the balls thinking their buds.
  10. amrock

    Growing tips any one i really need sum

    dude you obviously have alot learn about growing, plz pay close attension to all the forums on this site and you will learn more from everyone, it does'nt hurt to ask a question when your not sure about something, don't just take one person's word for it, ask everyone you come across for advice.
  11. amrock

    is she ready to be a mommy

    well i have done it, but my method was, first cut the clone from the bottom and stuck it in a moist peet puk, then i put it in the dome similar to the one you got, and this was my results.
  12. amrock

    is she ready to be a mommy

    have you ever heard of someone cloning without rooting gels? And have gotten a growing plant as a result.
  13. amrock

    clone help please

    for cloning your going to need, clone gel or roottone, then place it in some peet moss and put it under a light 24/7, or until the roots start to pop out.
  14. amrock

    Ready to clone.

    thnks for the update, anyway it depends on if your going to flower those plants as they are, if so, i say go ahead and clone. make sure you find the strongest top and do some cloning my friend. But if you want the plant to get alot bigger, then i say wait a while let the plant develope more...
  15. amrock

    Ready to clone.

    ? why is your pics out of date, what time zone are you in.
  16. amrock

    While two heads are better than one.

    listen bro, if you were to cut the top off a tomato plant and stick it in some water for a few days, it will root by it self, no gels no nothing, so why cant you do the same with marijuana, just make sure your hands and razor are clean and styrol.
  17. amrock

    While two heads are better than one.

    its cool, thnks for the advice but am getting a 100% with the method am using.
  18. amrock

    While two heads are better than one.

    here are the pics.
  19. amrock

    While two heads are better than one.

    first time cloner, no rooting gel or cloning gel, from cutting to planting, so here is my progress.
  20. amrock

    While two heads are better than one.

    I took a clone cutting on may 18 2009 and since then i have been feeding and watering the right amount, this plant is going to be a monster mother that i will take more cutting from, am planning on veging this plant for about 6-8 months until i get a successful amount of clones from her, then i...