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  1. G

    Autoflowering Strains

    I also harvested an AK-47 auto earlier this summer. It was the Easy Ryder (can't remember the seed bank off-hand). It went from seed to harvest in exactly 60 days. Pulled a little over 1/2 an oz off of it in a 2.5 gallon pot (I really wish I had put it in the ground). From what I've read...
  2. G

    Autoflowering Strains

    I actually JUST harvested a Pandora Automatic today that I had kind of forgot about for a while. It actually doesn't look half bad. I'll post some pics in a few, its currently drying.
  3. G

    Hash QuestioN - wet bud

    What kind of hash are you planning to make jack? Like others said, it doesn't matter if its wet. I like to put it in the freezer for about an hour beforehand, but that is about it. I usually just make iso hash, but sometimes I'll pull the bags out.
  4. G

    when do plants go into bloom outdoors?

    I would increase the time under the flouros as time goes on as well. The days will be getting shorter, so you don't want the plants to sense the light decreasing. Add about 20-30 minutes of extra artificial light each week and you should be good.
  5. G

    Help Me Guess My Guerilla Grow Yield

    Was there even bud on them to take yet? Someone may have just chopped them because they disapprove. I know how you feel though man, its happened to me before as well. I wouldn't go back out to that spot again anytime soon.
  6. G

    2-2.5 Week Flower, Hindu Kush Skunk

    nothing negative to post about that plant lol.....looks gorgeous and very healthy. I like the LST work as well.
  7. G

    just moved plants outside. will they make it?

    no chance, sorry man. You've got less than 8 weeks and it hasn't started flowering yet. You may pull some bud off, but it will be immature. You can use it to make hash and other things though. Just don't expect finished, mature buds.
  8. G

    8 ft not flowering??

    Anyone remember those Thai Super Skunk freebies from Attitude a couple of years ago? I had one that didn't start flowering until early September. Then the flowering was just excruitiatingly slow. I got maybe 3ozs of very immature, stringy bud from a 10+ ft plant. Had to finally harvest it...
  9. G

    outdoor bud looks like its all seed pods (There are males growing in with the females

    Yeah man, what are the circumstances here? How many plants? If that is someone else's grow, don't even go back to the location, unless its on your property or something. That location is potentially VERY dangerous. Seriously, don't go back. Its September and whoever planted them, could come...
  10. G

    iS THIS THE STRAIN or a problem?

    Yeah, I think the best thing you can do right now is to do nothing. I know how difficult that can be. Hopefully, you will have a bunch of consecutive sunny days in a row with no rain. That will take care of the "claw". Then plain water for a while to get the nute levels under control. Good...
  11. G

    Genetically Modified Cannabis?***=0***

    I want to sweat thc nector.
  12. G

    iS THIS THE STRAIN or a problem?

    Tough spot....looks like you've got 2 separate issues. Some nute burn and over-watering. The nutes have probably built-up over time in your soil. Try to let them dry out some the next 4 or 5 days then just give it plain water for a while to dilute the nute build-up in your soil.
  13. G

    My plants have a drive to live

    Your plants were actually under water????
  14. G

    Guerrilla grower's nightmare Leaf spot disease

    Wow, I've been growing off and on for about 15 years and I've seen this problem a lot here in NC. Never knew the name of it until I read this thread. Thanks for the info.
  15. G

    Milky / amber and time of day to harvest

    The trichs are where its at.
  16. G

    Need help, Outdoor mess

    Yep, I know what you are talking about. OP, do you have a picture of these things?
  17. G

    NY outdoor grow (help appreciated)

    Yeah, my very early prediction would be about 4oz's of dried bud. I hope you put all those leaves to good use after harvest. You should have enough to make a BIG ball of hash after you manicure.
  18. G

    Pics of my Ladies

    Wow, 55 plants........that's a LOT of work. I think you will get 5lbs easy. I think that's really conservative actually. Good luck.
  19. G

    NY outdoor grow (help appreciated)

    I just love growing in general. Its definitely my favorite hobby. Too bad we have to go to insane lengths to keep everything hidden. I wish I could just grow like 10 plants on my back porch every year (I have a large back porch). 20-30 gallon pots for each plant. I would never run out of...
  20. G

    Newbie. Flowering advice please!!!!

    Its getting a little bit late. I assume these plants are still in the veg stage? What's the flowering time on that strain? If its a quick flowering indica, you can probably pull it off, depending on the first frost in your area. What's the weather like in your area in late October/early...