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  1. o B12UT4L o

    Is it really legit?

    Yeah i bet 1000 people on this site know the answer to that question and wont reply after the fuck you guys comment! LOL
  2. o B12UT4L o

    Is it really legit?

    If the state guide line hand book states that there is no formal registration system in place in CA for caregivers and all you have to do is draft up a document between you the caregiver and your patient stating that your patient appoints you his caregiver then... Do it! GL
  3. o B12UT4L o

    Do You Really Think Marijuana Will Be Legal Soon? (nationwide)

    Thats why i keep my mouth shut and grow as much as I want 4 wife and myself. I'll never understand why the Government cant keep themselves out of states' F in business
  4. o B12UT4L o

    No bro I wish... I dont have any growing right now. Thats a pic a friend sent me from Washington.

    No bro I wish... I dont have any growing right now. Thats a pic a friend sent me from Washington.
  5. o B12UT4L o

    huge monster indoor plant

    pasta great lookn bud... GG
  6. o B12UT4L o

    Severr bac please!

    I have 2 buldging discs from a car accident three years ago and really bad arthritis in that area, enough that i was told to have surgery multiple times. I would never reccomend that to someone so young. Although i have 15 years on u cell1988 I can recommend a couple of things... I still have...
  7. o B12UT4L o

    Whoopie Kush

    never had it how would u rate it?
  8. o B12UT4L o

    help imn so fucked

    He meant "peddy" as in pedifile... lol
  9. o B12UT4L o

    help imn so fucked

    qwerty0260 referenced tiny penis or childs penis at least 4 or 5 times i think he is the "peddy" and your not so funny comment about numbers instead of letters brutal was already taken so i had to change it. Lol u really are a douche!
  10. o B12UT4L o

    help imn so fucked

    qwerty0260 why dont you check your spelling before you rip somone else. I hate douchebags that do that! It is funny when they correct somone and then missspell a word 4 times in 3 posts themselves!!!!!! Definitely is not spelled "definately" now go edit it then deny it! LMAO
  11. o B12UT4L o

    What are you ordering for Attitude June Offer?

    Thanks dude didnt hear about this offer... good lookn out!!!!!
  12. o B12UT4L o

    My first grow and my new electric bill

    my grow room increased my bill over 40 a month when i started... so i bought plugin timer devices for most of my outlets and the bill dropped 60 -70 a month. You be shocked how much TVs computers and gaming systems suck up when there off!!! If a person wanted to start growing and put these...
  13. o B12UT4L o

    Is this a dude??

  14. o B12UT4L o

    Free Grow Videos

    nice video!!!!
  15. o B12UT4L o

    help imn so fucked

    LMFAO im the son of a retired cop and Im glad he decided to breed! He smoked until he became a cop and now that he is retired Im trying to get him to smoke again. I think most cops want it legalized or at the very least decriminalized. The fact is pot smokers arent trouble makers... but svchop...
  16. o B12UT4L o

    Legalization May Not Be What You Think....

    I agree its not about money for me, I WANT MY FREEDOM to grow and smoke! I do wonder though what kind of money can be made by legalizing? We all have those friends who are afraid to grow or buy because the might get caught and lean on us to help them out... how many people are like that? I...
  17. o B12UT4L o

    Obama "firmly opposes" legalization

    I am hoping someday a President will support legalization of marijuana publicly.. of course it will have to be in his or her second term! When the U.S. gets in even deeper financial trouble they will choose to control it and tax the sh*t out of it!
  18. o B12UT4L o

    Which Seed Bank is the best to Purchase from?

    Hemp depot 4 me 7 orders 7 deliveries... y would i switch.
  19. o B12UT4L o

    Drug Test Monday Help Please!!!!

    Clear Choice NEVER failed me 8 to 10 times... $37 easy to use Sub-Solution® (Clear Choice®)
  20. o B12UT4L o

    Time warp field used to grow plants

    It wood b great bro!