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  1. I

    Any vegitarians here

    Global Warming is a hoax designed to drain affluent countries of wealth the wealth to 3rd world shit-holes once the funds have been filtered through the corrupt UN? Lmao you do know wealthy affluent countries have been draining those same third world countries of natural resources and exploiting...
  2. I

    Any vegitarians here

    i love juicy steak as much as the next guy. but you're a douchebag, you know why you made this thread. you wanted to start some arguments with some vegetarians and be a typical internet troll anyhoo have a nice day douchebagbongsmilie
  3. I

    do you believe in ghosts ?

    lmao i need some of the shit you're smoking
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    Marijuana and how it could be our savior.

    obama wants to destroy the economy? really? he said he wants to destroy the economy? ooo my can you back up your claim, and show me a video, article, something that says he wants to destroy the economy, because you sound pretty stupid about now.
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    Cannabis improves my memory very noticeably what about you?

    stop bullshiting any weed smoker will call you out on this considering marijuana does effect short term memory you're not special, sorry
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    my cousin took up rapping, lmao.

    your cousin is a horrible rapper he should stay atleast a hundred feet away from any sort of recording equipment.
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    The Pot Smokers Etiquette -(Unknown Source)-

    some of these rolls are wack as fuck like the one with bogarting, even if its your weed? fuck that, if its my weed i'm taking as many hits as i want, and everyone else is getting a hit and passing it.
  8. I

    No weed... what do you guys do?

    you sound stupid as hell, what are you a crackhead? when i run out of weed, you want to know what i do ? i live my life, i go to school, go to work, do shit that normal people do. you don't need weed to survive dumbass, it's great to have but you wont die without it. i swear people like you...
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    personal favorites or best blunts?

    Strawberry dutches and Watermelon or Brown sugar rolling papers these watermelon rolling paper seriously tastes like watermelon, makes me hungry while i smoke lol
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    I just lost a best friend

    sorry for your loss :( but maybe it's karma, you know, the whole killing animals for fun and all as a hobby lmaooo
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    I need a new drug

    theres starving people all around the world living in horrible conditions, far worse than yours. suck it up and deal with it pussy
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    my kittens

    i have like a love hate relationship with cats, some cats are cool, while some cats can be annoying. i'm more of a dog person, but i want to get a cat one day. like a laid back type of cat :( kinda like me
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    studying while stoned

    i love weed, but i'd be a fool and a liar to say that i can concentrate better and retain more information while under the influence of mj. most people in here that say they can do it are probably exaggerating or flat out lying. studying on a sober, rested mind > studying under the influence of...
  14. I

    I Need to be Comforted. Is America this Bad?

    hey thanks for the clarification on things i already knew. i'm an economics major the reason we have trade deficits is because americans buy so much useless shit, if we all lived within our means, we wouldnt have one, and the US wouldnt have to sell of more and more of our national assets...
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    I Need to be Comforted. Is America this Bad?

    lmao @ this hippy that shit would never work
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    I Need to be Comforted. Is America this Bad?

    the reason were g oing through tough timesright now is because americans the rich and some of the middle class got greedy and tried living above their means. bought shit with money they didnt have, wall street took chances with peoples money as well. it's not the end of the world as much as...
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    HEY!! Im back from REHAB

    if you went to rehab for marijuana then you sir, are a failure
  18. I

    Anything Going on for 4/20 in Vansterdamn

    i wish i could go, i live on the east coast though. vancouver is amazing, i have family there.
  19. I

    How many pot smokers voted for Obama??

    yeah i agree with you, wall street sucks. can't argue with that. i wish they were in prison as well. but bush relaxed a lot of business regulations that allowed these corporations to fuck the american public like this. so yeah bush is to blame as well, but he's not the only one that is responsible
  20. I

    How many pot smokers voted for Obama??

    yeah i agree marijuana laws are stupid, but we're not the majority. we're a minority. it's not a hopeless fight though a lot of states are pushing for new legislation regarding mj. obama has a lot on his plate, trust me this is the least of his concerns, theres a war going on in iraq where...