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  1. C

    Obama ... He's Lookin' Good!

    watch it when you say stupid or stupidity or stupidly because those word got Obama in trouble. See what happens when you don't have a teleprompter. LOL
  2. C


    do you use it on outdoor grows when the plant is in the soil or indoor grows?
  3. C

    Tax on rich for healthcare.

    If Gov ran healthcare is so wonderful, then why are people moving here from the other countries to get our health care?????Was watching on television some of the horros that happen in Canada with their health care. It is pitifull. Can't believe our gov wants to be like that with the American...
  4. C

    Tax on rich for healthcare.

    We already havae gov healthcare. What about medicade, people who have medical cards, we are already taking care of people, we do not need what Obama is trying to push on us. I like my insurance just fine. This is a free country right now, and I chose to contact my state representative and...
  5. C

    do you cut off some of the leaves when the plant is budding?

    the plant is outside and brought in about 5. I try to set it on the air condition ducks.
  6. C

    do you cut off some of the leaves when the plant is budding?

    Do you cut some of the leaves off while the plant is budding. Want to make sure it stays all dry and no mold because the budding area is so thick. any help would be appreciated. thanks
  7. C

    Who's Sick Of Obama Yet?

    NO, this is the great nation of the United States, we still have freedom to vote. But all this control the gov is trying to put on us like gov ran healthcare is bull. I love this country and feel that Obama is going to run it into the ground. He hasn't got a clue. I am not repeat not saying...
  8. C

    Who's Sick Of Obama Yet?

    whatever whatever whatever. Obama will go down in history as the worst, he spends , spends, spends, and National Health care wil be the worst. We live in the United States of America not Canada. He is burying us into a hole we may never get out of. My husband is retired army, My son is in...
  9. C

    Who's Sick Of Obama Yet?

    Can't stand him, I have never been so disappointed in a Pres of the US like I am him. He just thinks he's a celebrity he's a movie star wanna be, just can't memorize his lines, needs a telapropter.......LOL
  10. C

    never grown outdoors before...

    I prefer outdoors, no high eletric bills
  11. C

    for new growers... lots of info

    yes, has bud sites all over it, the branches are full of white hairs, where it is flowering , and the limbs are full of white hairs also. some hairs are amber in color. it was about 24 inches when i started the 12/12. I don't know the strain, but the plant is very thick, had to cut off some of...
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    for new growers... lots of info

    the plant is grown outside in a pot. bring it in everyday still doing the 12-12.
  13. C

    for new growers... lots of info

    plant is flowering now for about three weeks, haven't grown much in the last week. the height is 28 inches, the center of the plant is getting thicker. does the plant not grow much while flowering?
  14. C

    For your enjoyment weeds new episode..

    I love this show
  15. C

    Why are Americans so afraid of Socialism?

    Everyone talking about how expensive education is, I agree but their are all kinds of opportunities out there. I got the pell grant which is for lower income people and you don't pay it back its a grant. I also got the student loans, so if people really wanted to better themselves there are...
  16. C

    how long do you keep your plant at 12/12?

    Also, I have been growing the plant outside on my back porch, does that make any difference about the 12/12?
  17. C

    Its had white hair growing like crazy for about three weeks anow, thats why I've been doing the...

    Its had white hair growing like crazy for about three weeks anow, thats why I've been doing the twelve/12 so it would start flowering, at least I don't think its completely flowering right now, I've looked at some of the pics of flowering and its not quite there yet. my pics aren't that good...
  18. C

    how long do you keep your plant at 12/12?

    Its in my closet, with the door shut........ and I am new so what is a nanner????I guess I'll also cover the area with a blanket or something to make sure the darkness isn't interrupted. I'm am so thankful for any help.
  19. C

    how long do you keep your plant at 12/12?

    I have been doing 12/12 for about two weeks now, how much longer do I do this, it looks like its flowering with white hairs growing up and down the stems. Just wanted to know how much longer do I do this. Or should I put it in darkness longer? Any help would be deeply appreciated.
  20. C

    need flowering help

    check mine out on my site let me know what you think?