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  1. C

    imm help

    Depends on where you live. If your not flowering now im guessing you live quite far north? Up north of the 49th parallel most strains wont start to flower until 3rd week of august give or take. Again depending on where you live it can be quite problematic as you may not have enough season before...
  2. C

    Attempting to harvest ... rain.

    Well ive dried in there the past 3 years. Had a similar problem with rain 2 years back and things turned out fine. Just with 3 wet days coming up im a little .. well stressed about it. Probably will not chop the last 3 until it gets nicer out. Id take the shit in my house to dry, but I have a...
  3. C

    Attempting to harvest ... rain.

    Well this was supposed to be my weekend to pull everything down. I did however notice two days ago a bit of bud rot on 2 of the 5 of my plants (different strain). I decided those had to come down asap so I removed the bud rot which was a very small amount. They have been trimmed and are drying...
  4. C

    upcoming harvest

    Try our an air sponge, workds very well for most smells. Will be using a few myself when drying this year. Probably wont take away all the odor, but will help. Regardless of what you do ... your house will likely smell. Can buy those at walmart for $5. Worked...
  5. C

    Oh Well

    Sucks man I think we all here can appreciate the effort that must have went in. The risks we take growing outdoor I guess. GL with the 2 they left, hopefully you get some good smoke off those anyways.
  6. C

    Rain ... options.

    So im 5.5 weeks into flower. Its been raining pretty steady for the better part of the last 3 days and one more day of rain yet to come. The plants are in pots so I can move them. Should I take them inside at night into my shed to keep them out of the rain? Ive heard ventilation is important...
  7. C

    Trainwreck - real or not?

    1. Cant tell 2. 1.5 weeks into flower, trainwreck takes a LONG time to finish. 10+ weeks for sure id say. 3. Trainwreck is full sativa, cant tell from the pictures
  8. C

    trying to do some trainwreck outdoors but no flowers yet

    Well when you start really doesnt have any affect on when it will finish. You could grow it up 10 feet tall before you move it out, it still will only flower when the days are short enough. I think 55 day cycle is probably under lights or something, I seriously doubt youll finish trainwreck...
  9. C

    Eastern Canada - outdoor problems

    Find the strain you like then light dep them. Which meens either grow them in pots and move them in / out everyday. Or find some way to cover them at night. Can start them flowering in say mid june then they can flower with the good hot summer sun and finish on time. This is of course...
  10. C

    trying to do some trainwreck outdoors but no flowers yet

    I grew trainwreck a couple years back. I live in BC Canada, so north like yourself. Its an EXTREMELY slow strain up here. I ended up moving mine into a shed with a 1000w bulb and flowering another 5-6 weeks when it got to cold out. After 13+ weeks in flower I ended up harvesting and it could...
  11. C

    911 plz help. 6 ft plant drooping for 4 days and plant next to it is fine.

    TWS is likely right. Probably not getting water down to the bottom of the pot. What kind of holes are in that for drainage? Do you see water coming out of all the holes when you water?
  12. C

    I'm thinking about topping my sativa???

    Dont know where you live, but if your going to be flowering within a week or two I certainly wouldnt be topping it now. Dig a 2 foot hole?
  13. C

    No problem, about to start moving mine in this coming weekend. Excited but dreading the work. GL...

    No problem, about to start moving mine in this coming weekend. Excited but dreading the work. GL again with things.
  14. C

    Leaving town, watering ideas?

    Growing a few plants in some 7 gallon pots (will be force flowering as I live up north hence in pots). Im going to be leaving town for 3 days. It should be 95f while im gone so im worried about keeping them alive. I have been watering them lately and 2 days seems tops before they dry out and...
  15. C

    Force Flowering Outdoor Plants

    Ive force flowered my plants for the past 3 years. I move them into a small shed at night then back out in the morning. Have had great success and grew some very nice tight bud all 3 years. Somethings to keep in mind: -Because you started force flowering pretty early you will need to continue...
  16. C

    buds buds buds! 1pound mission

    I would say one onze per one gallon of dirt would be a decent guage. so say 4-5 onzes off a 5 gallon pot. Thats doing pretty well though and will need pretty damn good sun/water/love.
  17. C

    Just curious!

    Man people are just so uptight and overboard in this issue. I force flower plants every year. Ive left them out for an entire day weeks into flowering. Had some small light leaks in my shed at times. Left them out for good later in the season (adding sometimes 2 hours of daylight). And guess...
  18. C

    Early outdoor forced flowering

    I did this at the end of last season. I waited though until the days had less then 14 hours of sunlight before I left them out to finish. Didnt notice any real slowdown and they still finished really nice, pulling roughly 4-5 onzes from a 5 gallon pot.
  19. C

    Early outdoor forced flowering

    I have done this the past 3 seasons. Currently 2 weeks away from harvest myself. I manually bring them in myself aswell. I work at 5am everymorning anyways. WHat I do though is get them out before the sunrises then sunrise becomes your natural timer. I leave them out for 12 hours then move them...
  20. C

    DR Greenthumbs Iranian G13

    My father in law grows this and some strain called 9-11. Its decent smoke I wasnt overly impressed but the fact that it finishes very easy in is simple to grow makes it pretty nice. He has a few that are really quite big this year though, was over at his house this past weekend and he had some...