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  1. G

    600watt bulb in 400 watt ballast

    If this was a good idea, you would have already heard of more people doing it. buy the right ballast or bulb for its respective counterpart.
  2. G

    Can't find anything to correlate with these leaf problem...

    check pH, also possibly a micro nute or P issue. cant see leaf tips, so its hard to say if its a deficiency or toxicity. if leaf tips are burnt, back off your phosphorus ( more likely if you are in flower, not so much in veg). If you arent giving your plants a micro nute supplement, try using...
  3. G

    White ...residue on leaves after foliar spray **PHOTOS**

    try using RO water, and use a wetting agent when you add nutes. no more problems.
  4. G

    Adjusting PH with lemon?

    Uh, no. please do not gues when it comes to some one elses grow. Ph adjustment should be made using pH up or pH down (purchased at your local hydro store) along with a good quality pH meter. myron meters are the tits, hanna will do, but rapitest is bullshit. do not use lemon juice, baking soda...
  5. G

    Can anyone tell me what this is from?

    check your nutes. your leaves are really green for flowering, so you are giving your plants quite a bit of N. I couldnt see your leaf tips so I dont know if youre burning them or not. too much P or K can cause micro nute defficiencies. Thrips often leave slimey trails... so I dont think its...
  6. G

    Hey guys, maybe someone has some suggestions for me?

    normally I would say not to clone a re-vegged plant, but since you dont have many options, I will suggest an aero cloner. use cuttings that are no smaller than 3", no larger than 5-6". pH your cloner water to 5.5, and keep your water temps between 65-70F. you will get roots. Aero cloning is the...
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    PH question - DWC - 5 Gallon Rez

    organic nutes will take much longer to become available due to bonds made between certain elements. As loong as your using chem nutes, and your pH is right, your nutes will be available right away. check pH daily. DWC is not a method to walk away from for a week, if you do, expect problems...
  8. G

    Plant problem can anyone help? PLEASE :)

    It depends on what the nitrogen was sourced from. some will raise the pH, most N will drop the pH. you definitely need to add some N, but since youre in hydro I strongly recommend you find an inorganic N supplement. As far as the spots on your leaves, I have to say those are likely from bug...
  9. G

    Root Damage During Transplant

    allow soil to completely dry out before transplanting. when you transplant prior to flowering make sure to give them a week or so in veg to overcome any stress from transplanting. you do need some N. so heads up there. In flowering you do need to feed her or you wont yield for shit. there are...
  10. G

    Can't get seeds to sprout :( PLZ HELP!!!!

    If the seeds pop then the seeds arent the problem. someone mentioned you might have put the seed in too deep, been known to happen. I agree that light warrior makes a great seed starting mix. get it evenly wet first by watering thoroughly before planting to avoid losing the seed when you water...
  11. G

    Any help please!!! Should I be worried??

    It looks like a micronutrient deficiency, but since the tips are slightly burnt, my guess is that you are feeding her well. If you are already using a micro nutrient, the I would back off the phosphorus . phosphorus toxicity looks like micro nute deficiency. hope this helps
  12. G

    Yellow leaves at week 10 of 12/12 Why ?

    From what I can see... its just a nitrogen deficiency. add a little N if need be. Unless you plan to harvest soon. heads up for next time, N deficiency looks like leaves are yellowing, toxicity looks like leaves are dark dark green, tips will begin to curl downward and the tips will burn. Tip...
  13. G

    Testing outlets with paperclip?

    I am Ganjarob, you will probably see me on here, mostly the plant problems section answering questions. I have been growing for many years and have learned from some people who are very knowledgable. Results speak for themselves. Any advice I give is based on those results. Well despite the one...
  14. G

    If you want a better diagnosis look here first

    There is some basic information that really helps diagnose plant problems. 1) Are your plants in veg or flower? *how many weeks in veg/flower? 2) What type of system? *what type of grow medium? 3) How large are your plants? *when did you last re-pot? *what size containers 4) Light wattage...
  15. G

    Helppp! Pics!

    Stop feeding them for a while, they dont need it. try flushing and see if it helps. Are you using tap water or filtered water? what is the PPM of the water you are using?
  16. G

    Strange One

    seriously, 6 weeks in veg in 1 gallon pots? your plants are root bound as hell! I would stake my life on it. repot ASAP. If you were in larger containers vegging for less time, I would also think micro nute deficiencies, and cal-mag would solve the problem. I use cal mag at 1-3 ml per gallon...
  17. G

    Problem with Veg

    PPm's are too high, and your pH is way off. Also, with aeroponics try setting your sprayer pump for 4 minutes on/ 4 minutes off 24/7. hope this helps.
  18. G

    Dieing Clones in DWC - Help!!!

    If you can, buy a water filter to prefilter before adding nutes. Reverse Osmosis is the best. then bump up your PPM to 500-600PPM once your tap water is filtered to 0 PPM. the 200 ppm in your tap water will not be helpful to your grow at all. at least your problem is fixable for under $500.
  19. G

    2nd attempt at 1st grow...problems again :-(

    pics would be great for helping you with your grow. but unfortunately there is no way for me to give any advice other than avoid root pruning at this point. pics?