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  1. davie12

    Kandy Kush Zero trichomes

    hi guys thanks for looking, one of my plants is a kandy kush and is about 7weeks into flower , the problem is there is hardly any trichomes on the buds?? the other plants the same age are thick with them. just wondering why it isnt producing that much. using 600w hps. thanks in advance.
  2. davie12

    Switch back to veg?

    yip only got the 1 grow area but i was thinking the same thing tonight, i'm going to tidy out another closet and get a C.F.L and start vegging in there. i've got 11 plants in 12/12 from seed with a 600 hps , was only doing that for time reasons but if i veg for afew weeks and do some fimming...
  3. davie12

    Switch back to veg?

    thanks for all the advice guys. i'm gona see how they go, not expecting much tbh, in the meantime i've ordered some super bud and pineapple chunk. i'll know in future not to be lazy and wait so long. thanks again.
  4. davie12

    Switch back to veg?

    thanks for the quick response guys. aye your right, i'm going to leave them for a couple more weeks and see if they grow a bit. what a disapointment.
  5. davie12

    Switch back to veg?

    need some help guys, i have 5 diamond girl from greenhouse which have been in a 12/12 grow room for afew weeks , maby 5 or 6. the problem is that i left it a bit long to transplant and now they are full on flowering but very small in height and clear they arent going to be worth a fuck. any...
  6. davie12


    wtf is your prob? if it wasent for dudes posting questions there wouldnt be an RIU forum.
  7. davie12


    ah i see lol.
  8. davie12


    keep seeing folk write "bump". wtf does it mean?
  9. davie12

    flowering issue

    cheers ranchos. aye they are all big bang, sorry no pics. the ones with slower growth , is there anything i could do to help them along?
  10. davie12

    flowering issue

    out of my 6 mature plants 4 have made it so far. they are 4 weeks into flower (i think) and starting to produce resin on the base of the leaves. 2 are in MG soil and not sure about the others. my problem is that 2 of the plants are growing much bigger buds (Mg soil) , the other 2 have small...
  11. davie12

    Violence Against Women

    some women are just as bad as men in terms of violence. alot of men dont speak out because they find it humiliating that a bird beat the shit out of them. about 6 years ago i was in a relationship with a girl who came across as very sweet but when she had a drink she was a complete fucking...
  12. davie12


    cool cool buddy al let them be.
  13. davie12


    how you doing guys? merry crimbo! some of my plants have started to frost and go sticky, just wondering if it makes a difference to the lower bud sites if i trim some of the foilage away??
  14. davie12

    major para trip!!

    sound m8t, just major para today. in the local paper 1 guy got 32 weeks for 5 plants and the other guy got off free even though he had £20,000 worth just because a dog bit his nose off lol. fucked up or what.
  15. davie12

    major para trip!!

    haha , will do buddy.
  16. davie12

    major para trip!!

    hows it goin guys, all day ive been para as fuck about my grow. to make it worse i opened the door to water the girls and obv the whole room lit up, i then went into the kitchen and my neighbour across the back was standing at his door looking up at my house, he must of saw the major change in...
  17. davie12

    looking for a reliable seed bank with great genetics

    i use picknmix seeds. co .uk or seaofseeds . com the latter website gives you a shit load of free seeds even if you spend like £10 plus an 11% discount if you use rollitup code at checkout. i always buy greenhouse seeds.
  18. davie12


    i just pulled it from the room, there is hardly any white hairs and it looks like pollen sacks growing where the buds would be. awk well. aye it has yellow/green spade things growing up the way at the top nodes.
  19. davie12


    i will try get some up tomorow when the lights are on, camera is shite 2. if its a hermi will i need to get rid or can i carefully remove the pollen sacks when they appear?
  20. davie12

    Topping, LSTing and Re-potting

    i re-potted ,fimmed and lst'ed at the same time, she took longer to catch up with the rest that i fimmed and now she is twice the size, alot bigger. she is a big bang from greenhouse seeds.