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  1. CouchLock858

    Outrageous Spine Crackage

    The cracking that you hear when you crack your knuckles, back, the sound or air being release out of synovial fuid. Synovial fluid is the lubricating fuid found in joints so that your bones and cartiladge move freely and painfree. When you crack your back, it is simply an air...
  2. CouchLock858

    correct my good friend if hes wrong on this!!?

    Its oerfectly normal and natural for a deficient plant. Leaves should really only be dropping towards the end of the plants lifecycle. Hope that helps
  3. CouchLock858

    Nor cal medi garden 100 gdp & 70 og kush started dec 15 2008

    The last placed I used for seeds was I ordered them on a Sunday......I imagined they were closed until Monday. On Thursday I received my seeds. Im in Cali too, fyi. When I order again, I'll be using the Dr. again.
  4. CouchLock858

    Please help!

    I didnt take into account your soil. Like the earlier poster asked....what type of soil are you using? Time released nutes can be too strong for some strains when they start. You may have a sensitive one. If thats the case, you can try transplanting to a different soil. Or you could wait it...
  5. CouchLock858

    Please help!

    nute burn for sure. Your plants dont need supplemental nutes for about 3 or 4 weeks. You know when she needs them. The lower leaves start to turn a pale yellow. Any feeding in early growth will only shock the tiny plants. Your plant will recover, but it goes through a stunting phase while...
  6. CouchLock858

    Slackness when harvesting

    You can trim the little leaves when ever you want. It is harder when they dry....just ends up being a stickier mess. But your smoke will be fine. I usually trim all big fan leaves right before I hang dry. When they are about 60% dry I trim the remaining leaves and then stick the buds n a...
  7. CouchLock858

    Is it just me or is this(pics) F#@KING SHWAG?!?!?!

    This thread is making me stupid. $50 is not a lot. I buy my weed legally, and the best stuff available goes for $85 an eighth. Thats incredible and I wont spend that type of money. I will, however, buy $70 eighth's on a regular basis. I could spend less, but why would I. Its worth it to...
  8. CouchLock858

    USPS and attitude need help

    Go with Dr. Chronic...... I ordered my seeds on Sunday, ( the shop is closed that day so I imagine they didnt receive my order til Monday). One Thursday, a very discreet envelope arrived with my white russian seeds. I couldn't of been happier with my purchase from Dr. Chronic. 5 day turn...
  9. CouchLock858

    Couchlock and Hawaiian Red Flowering 61 days

    No worries about jacking the thread. Its open for any type of dialouge. I never considered a working fridge. The one Im use isnt functional as a fridge. I'm curious to see how that works out for you. My one concern is how much condensation the AC would give off. Blowing any amount of...
  10. CouchLock858

    seed question

    The only thing you can tell about the outside of the seed is how mature it is. The white ones are less mature, and typically have a less chance of germinating. Big ones with stripes, typically represent a seed at its peak maturity, thus increasing your odds for a successful germination.
  11. CouchLock858


    For sure....frats are fun as shit. And its the easiest way to get hooked up with hot chicks. Join a good frat that has good relations with the hotter sororities. You'll do a lot of social events together. Most of them involving liquor....and lots of it. Drunk, hot girls. Nothing better...
  12. CouchLock858


    Don't take the easy way out. Get good grades so you don't dead end yourself later. You may want to go on to post-graduate school. When all is said and is much better to give orders, than to take them.
  13. CouchLock858

    Grow operation busted, but they flushed!

    That story is so f'in depressing.
  14. CouchLock858

    got a girl that is bad. a real girl.

    I use to date a crazy chick. The sex was She was toxic though.....most things she touched in life eventually went bad. Dont know how to explain it, but a black cloud followed her. And when I was with her, she brougth that craziness into my life. Looking f'in way...
  15. CouchLock858

    Couchlock and Hawaiian Red Flowering 61 days

    Another thing guys......If you are looking for a really stealth grow. A mini-fridge may not be the best thing. It gets so hot that I need to leave the door open. If its shut, temps will hit about 100 F. Its fine when the light goes out. You can shut the door and it looks stealth. Other...
  16. CouchLock858

    Couchlock and Hawaiian Red Flowering 61 days

    Josh....I put them into a 36 hr dark cycle about 12hrs ago. Sorry, I wont be able to take pics for awhile.
  17. CouchLock858

    Couchlock and Hawaiian Red Flowering 61 days

    No problem Jimmlegs.....let me know if you have any questions
  18. CouchLock858

    movies to watch high

    Napolean Dynamite Naked Gun(any of them) Drugstore Cowboys Dazed and Confused Rocky IV
  19. CouchLock858

    Poems & Haikus

    way to high to write a high-ku. But entertaining read!!!
  20. CouchLock858

    Couchlock and Hawaiian Red Flowering 61 days

    Anon- Are you planning on using a 250 for that grow? Also what strain you thinking about?