AG Garland appoints special counsel

you can replace god with karma, or fate, or kismet, or justice...but sooner or later...

… Well you may throw your rock and hide your hand
Workin' in the dark against your fellow man
But as sure as God made black and white
What's done in the dark will be brought to the light
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I heard the Russians have pretty big cyber-attack going on in the EU, maybe some fall out? Or perhaps a simple misconfiguration, but if clicking on a like did take you to a malware site, that would not be good.

heard that too.......;)

clear you cache.....

NEW: Trump Lawyers ROASTED by Hot Bench at 11th Circuit Court Hearing

60,655 views Nov 23, 2022
A very hot and unfavorable appeals court bench today roasted Trump’s lawyers signaling that they will rule that judge cannon had no jurisdiction to interfere with the DOJ’s investigation into the stolen mar a Lago documents. Meidas Contributor Michael Popok from Legal AF reports.
Maybe Donald will be indicted at the end of the month, looking at the video above, but the Georgia runoffs are pretty close to that date too.
Jack has a right to know, and he will subpoena him if required.

BREAKING: Department of Justice Seeks to Question Former Vice President Pence on Trump Crimes

30,182 views Nov 23, 2022
The Department of Justice has reached out to former Vice President Pence to question him about Donald Trump’s criminal conduct. MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports.
He has bad lawyers for sure but how do you defend the indefensible?
You don't, you take his money and run while he goes away, just make sure yer paid well and up front with a big fat retainer.

Once the "machine" gets ahold of Donald he will, shockingly, be treated like everybody else in a DC federal court facing serious felony charges. That will apply to sentencing too and where he does his time is up to the department of prisons, run at the top by Garland. However, he will not interfere in anyway with Donald's arrangements and where he will do his time is the only real mystery remaining. The judge says how much time he serves, and it has to be in line with previous sentences given to others for similar crimes. For this kind of crime with this amount of evidence, he would be lucky to make bail and his SS would be the only reason he would be released, into their custody.
heard that too.......;)

clear you cache.....
Found out it was from my own fucking firewall and popped up at random when clicking on some likes, go figure, I've never seen it before, but recently had an SW update. It was a misconfiguration, just on my end! D'oh

NEW: Trump Lawyers ROASTED by Hot Bench at 11th Circuit Court Hearing

60,655 views Nov 23, 2022
A very hot and unfavorable appeals court bench today roasted Trump’s lawyers signaling that they will rule that judge cannon had no jurisdiction to interfere with the DOJ’s investigation into the stolen mar a Lago documents. Meidas Contributor Michael Popok from Legal AF reports.
If the 11th circuit makes the decision it looks like it’s going to make, trump will appeal it and when it goes to the SC, justice Thomas decides if trump’s appeal is valid? So, if Thomas does the right thing the special master will be no more.

Nothing to worry about.
With his legal difficulties mounting and his supply of sucker cash dwindling and no more Russian money coming in, I wouldn't be surprised if bankruptcy is in Donald's future, again. His businesses were not doing very well, and his golf courses bought with Russian money have been losing too. Maybe his indictment can drum up some more cash out of the suckers and then after he goes away there will be the "free Donald" campaign, kinda like "free willie" the killer whale. Every dime he gets is one less the republicans will, but Jack might cut his stop the steal con and others off at the knees with a mail and wire fraud indictment.
If the 11th circuit makes the decision it looks like it’s going to make, trump will appeal it and when it goes to the SC, justice Thomas decides if trump’s appeal is valid? So, if Thomas does the right thing the special master will be no more.

Nothing to worry about.
Thomas is in shit up to his fucking eyeballs and so is Alito, a win in Georgia means a real senate majority, including on committees, like judiciary. This would be like attacking the very foundation of law enforcement and rule of law and set a dangerous precident resulting in tens of thousands of appeals by convicts FFS. In metaphorical terms the other justices would step on his fucking neck!