Aliens....Do You Believe?

My beliefs are on shaky ground

I believe in man I believe in God
its like Im whishy washy i don't know sometimes.

By that i mean that man will pull himself out of it or maybe god will have to help , I don't know how it will play out
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I believe that one is very ignorant and egotistical to believe that we are the only intelligent life in our huge universe. Have they visited us? Idk.
I haven't read through the thread, but I 100% believe in extraterrestrial life. This Universe is SO BIG it's insane. Planets Trillions of light years away. That's GIGANTIC! There's gotta be other life forms out there!!
In fact, I did sight a UFO, 4-5 years ago too. That changed my entire outlook on this subject in general.
Have you guys read empire beneath the ice by Stephen Quale? If not I highly recommend that you do. Some of my army friends put me on to it. They became believers after seeing things they weren't supposed to. You can get it on amazon. I'm definitely a believer!

I found a radio interview with the Author and am listen to it now

Not sure probly a millisecond but to the nearest star its like 4 years
That is INSANE! And a star is minuscule to us on Earth. 4 years to the nearest star??? My daughter turns 4 in August. That's how far away a plane is to that closest star lol! That's a lot of days travel. Shit I don't think it's even possible to get there even by plane. Plane or rocket need gas at some point. That's a lot of gas fill ups!!!!!!!
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Extraterrestrial life is 100%, away from planet Earth. Are they homosapien? Who knows!! But there is definitely life on other planets!