Aliens....Do You Believe?

That is INSANE! And a star is minuscule to us on Earth. 4 years to the nearest star??? My daughter turns 4 in August. That's how far away a plane is to that closest star lol! That's a lot of days travel. Shit I don't think it's even possible to get there even by plane. Plane or rocket need gas at some point. That's a lot of gas fill ups!!!!!!!
Well the thing about a rocket is you only need fuel to get off the planet theres no friction in space so youd be traveling like 10s of thousands of miles per hour. It would take hundreds to thousands of years to travel 4 light years at that speed
Really nice audio discussion, you can play it in the background, while browsing.

The Tibetan word for sun is the Hopi word for moon, their word for moon is the Hopi word for sun.
If you drill a hole through the earth from Tibet, you will come out in Arizona, home of the Hopi.
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The nazi's in Antarctica Vid I posted gave me a headache I am going to try listening to it again tomorrow when not tired.. its not the best subject matter
Search for other videos by stephen quale on youtube. That's not all he haven't touched at all on the subject of giant human skeletons of various sizes being found all over the US and south america, Brazil and many islands. That's why the smithoneon institute was created - to take the found skeletons and make them disappear. Why? Because it leads you to start asking many many questions which challenge what they've told us about evolution....these giants were cannabals and the native americans had to fight for their lives against many things are all connected to each other I am finding in my own researching....
Something that bothers me, is everywhere I look, there is mention of the anunaki. I really didn't believe in it at first but the evidence is starting to stack up.
If you listened to the video I posted the guy mentions that the Hopi words anu and naki means ant people. But the mere fact that they also use this term is concerning.
Search for other videos by stephen quale on youtube. That's not all he haven't touched at all on the subject of giant human skeletons of various sizes being found all over the US and south america, Brazil and many islands. That's why the smithoneon institute was created - to take the found skeletons and make them disappear. Why? Because it leads you to start asking many many questions which challenge what they've told us about evolution....these giants were cannabals and the native americans had to fight for their lives against many things are all connected to each other I am finding in my own researching....
Read chapter 6 of genesis let me know wat you think? "And in those days were giants..."
Wats rong with it?

I get headaches from deep thinking or is it stress .. Im not sure but it also happens when playing chess against a more adept chess player then myself one challenging my IQ ?

Im not really sure but its something like getting a sore head from thinking to much , Im going to watch it right after i post this.

I'll post back with my take on it chances are Ive watched it already at some point stoned but i'll watch it again regardless
I get headaches from deep thinking or is it stress .. Im not sure but it also happens when playing chess against a more adept chess player then myself one challenging my IQ ?

Im not really sure but its something like getting a sore head from thinking to much , Im going to watch it right after i post this.

I'll post back with my take on it chances are Ive watched it already at some point stoned but i'll watch it again regardless
Post the video
I'm glad to see people are asking about extra terrestrial life. You're at the entrance to the rabbit hole. And when you go down it, it will completely alter your foundations. It can effect your mental health. Many people that I know don't really go down into that hole to see what's there until after something happens to them where they question what they've been told all of their lives. My belief is the we have been lied to since the end of World War 2. If you look at 2016 you'll see that the pope and his equal in Russia flew down to Antartica for a reason. Operation Myth is what Stalin called his 4 year investigation into what really happened to Hitler. He and the other leaders of the time sincerely believed that Hitler escaped with 3000 nazi scientists by Uboat. That the person that was found at the bunker was one of several body doubles. That base (base 211) is now an American base. they have an entire military force links to global warming by man made machine in the hopes of thawing out the polar ice so they can continue to get access to ancient civilizations that are buried beneath the ice.

As I say, as you go down the rabbit hole you will find many things...and many of them if you search long enough you will find are interconnected.

A Man I would also like to show to you is Dr. Stephen Greer. A medical emergency room doctor now retired who created the disclosure project. He has briefed many of the US government who should know stuff but don't - they've been kept away from the real truths in those numerous black funded operations and underground bases (DUMB) [deep underground military bases is what that stands for] I was going to show you the link of his first amazing documentary called Sirius. But it's had a copyright claim and has been taken down from you tube. He is however making another documentary and as I looked online today, he has an update. It's an audio broadcast.

Stephen Quale mentions genesis several times on his talk shows about the giants. Just recently he and a colleague traveled to several native American elders and were given access to what they knew...they're protecting burial sites of these giants and they were informed that once a year they open portals and communicate with giants living somewhere other than earth but they are returning is the big message. He also has just come out with another documentary about the giants and that's also on you tube. If you guys want answers, I strongly suggest you watch these men online... also if you look online you can see a story about American special forces teams searching, finding and then losing to a giant in Afghanistan. (They don't like us very much except as a meal) but the second team that went in was able to kill him. he was flown to the US. Why? The DNA! Giant DNA is worth billions to the illegal programs as they attempt to create super soldiers underground and on pacific islands.

I know you will say is this real...all I can say is once you have an opens your mind immensely to the point where you do want to know what's in the rabbit hole and then a whole new world opens before you. But it can and does affect your mental health when you realize the governments of the world have been lying to us since the end of WW2 and that everything we've been taught about our evolution could be BS. What do we do about it is the next question? Then you realize we're thinking this is freedom but actually we're in a system of hidden slavery to make money for that 1% that controls everything...reality for you will go all over the place...but I hope you can find a place where you can be happy and create positive vibration because that's what we need.
You guys do know the speed of light is 186000 miles per second, right? D you know the fastest speed we can currently reach in a rocket is (hint, it's roughly 36,000 mph - not per second - per hour).

We just aren't that special. We can't go very fast at all in a cosmic sense. And even if we could, do a little math. F= mv2. if the V is close to the speed of light, imagine the force even a grain of dust would impart as you bumped into it. There wouldn't be much ship left. Physics can suck, even when you don't have to take it in school. ;)

So we are bound to our puny little galaxy until someone finds a worm hole. We may not be alone in the universe, but we won't be able to visit anyone anywhere else before we are just more galactic dust. We aren't that smart. Really. We aren't. And no god is going to save us.

So unless some who is smart decides to pay a visit, or already has, we are alone.