Aliens....Do You Believe?

You guys do know the speed of light is 186000 miles per second, right? D you know the fastest speed we can currently reach in a rocket is (hint, it's roughly 36,000 mph - not per second - per hour).

We just aren't that special. We can't go very fast at all in a cosmic sense. And even if we could, do a little math. F= mv2. if the V is close to the speed of light, imagine the force even a grain of dust would impart as you bumped into it. There wouldn't be much ship left. Physics can suck, even when you don't have to take it in school. ;)

So we are bound to our puny little galaxy until someone finds a worm hole. We may not be alone in the universe, but we won't be able to visit anyone anywhere else before we are just more galactic dust. We aren't that smart. Really. We aren't. And no god is going to save us.

So unless some who is smart decides to pay a visit, or already has, we are alone.
You know they are researching a engine that can do 10% the speed of light it used small nuclear explosions as its thrusters
You know they are researching a engine that can do 10% the speed of light it used small nuclear explosions as its thrusters

They are also looking for unicorns. ;)

Ever try to stop on ice? The physics aren't kind wrt to maneuvering. At those speeds, even using a planets mass to try to slow down won't work.

The point is we can do research in any direction we want. But we aren't smart enough to solve all the problems and get to another galaxy, or even to another solar system. We as a species will be gone long before we even have all the things we need to know identified.

I'm not trying to depress anyone, but the solution isn't in faster rockets. Even at the speed of light, you are talking about tens of thousands of years to get anywhere interesting.

Life is short. Don't smoke shitty weed.
So finished listening to the interview posted at the bottom

Its my understanding its common for submarines to use a underwater entrance to bases under mountains here in Canada not sure about other parts of the World but it seems like a likely way to conceal a Sub and crew.

I'm curious where those German freaks ended up it was mentioned that Stalin and the U.S went in to Antarctica jointly to search for Hitler to wit the Americans ended up with their base. Not sure if i trust that peace of info but who knows.
The guy seems to move to his imagination at a drop of a hat and called it divine. What im referring to is when he mentioned that Germany and France would join forces with Russia.

Just don't see Russia and Germany getting along to nicely maybe he does nor do i see France teaming up with either. He mentioned the thought hit him when he was in the shower and that God works in mysteries ways .... I nearly fell off my chair France ?

What am I missing on that one ?

must be something he put his reputation out there on it.

It was between 2hr and 2hr 10 minute

It appears he does not think Trump is the evil one he did say he thought Hilary fit the evil one as was Barack and his trinkets

I interpret Hillary as a evil one it and actually see Trump as someone willing too and did stop her and the demarcates from furthering their destructive Plans.

To me they were clearly doing Satan's destructive work not gods work.

The way I see it the Clinton followers were her victims not supporters but hey shes gone now so it matters little now. trump is in the house to kick ass as yet to be determined.

I hope Trump is the man for the Job he portrays himself as willing and able

You guys do know the speed of light is 186000 miles per second, right? D you know the fastest speed we can currently reach in a rocket is (hint, it's roughly 36,000 mph - not per second - per hour).

We just aren't that special. We can't go very fast at all in a cosmic sense. And even if we could, do a little math. F= mv2. if the V is close to the speed of light, imagine the force even a grain of dust would impart as you bumped into it. There wouldn't be much ship left. Physics can suck, even when you don't have to take it in school. ;)

So we are bound to our puny little galaxy until someone finds a worm hole. We may not be alone in the universe, but we won't be able to visit anyone anywhere else before we are just more galactic dust. We aren't that smart. Really. We aren't. And no god is going to save us.

So unless some who is smart decides to pay a visit, or already has, we are alone.
We are alone HERE.
I don't agree with you ttystikk. We are not alone. If you google earth on the north and south poles you will see many things covered up/blotched out. We have the technology now to see things they didn't want us to see. ever. If you look hard enough you will find many things including giant holes that go deep underground. Admiral Byrd flew into them in 1947 and reported living civilizations. My friends in the military and my own experience showed me that we are indeed not alone. But some are ready for that realization. Others are not for millions of reasons.
Hey buckets , do you think the things in the holes / underground are of this earth or from elsewhere ?

Im open as we might be dealing with anything from demons to aliens to some pissed off earth bound species that the Public is unaware of.

Any tips on where those critters might be from ?

The person i reference in particular is Phil Schneder the guy with a burned out Stomach apparently done by a weapon wielding Lizard as unlikely as that is.

Hey buckets , do you think the things in the holes / underground are of this earth or from elsewhere ?

Im open as we might be dealing with anything from demons to aliens to some pissed off earth bound species that the Public is unaware of.

Any tips on where those critters might be from ?

The person i reference in particular is Phil Schneder the guy with a burned out Stomach apparently done by a weapon wielding Lizard as unlikely as that is.

I heard the pope John Kerry and a few others have gone to the south pole to visit with fallen angels. Ill have to find the videos i watched on the matter.
Might be the Bible was referring to Aliens when describing demons because of their predisposition to fuck over Man.

Things are looking that way to me
Might be the Bible was referring to Aliens when describing demons because of their predisposition to fuck over Man.

Things are looking that way to me

I actually came in here to post that very same thing! I believe that aliens are demons masquerading as demons, from some of the testimonies/stories I've read the only thing that has ever managed to make an "abduction" stop is by calling upon the name of the Lord. Furthermore, most of these encounters involve the divinity of Jesus being downplayed and outright denied. Combine those things with the fact that these encounters are often painful and traumatizing, I believe that aliens are in fact demons in disguise.

I've even seen people speculate that "Bigfoot" is also another demonic apparition of some sort and while it is a bit of a stretch it could explain why so many people claim to have encountered a "Bigfoot".

If you believe the Bible as truth then you believe there is a spirit world (high places in the KJV and heavenly places in other translations) that coincides with this one and the things that go on in these high places have direct consequences to the physical realm.
I think I am missing a large point one that drowning man hinted on by asking my opinion of the trinity.

So we have the Father Son and holy ghosts the Trinity fill in the blanks for me if you would be so kind
I think I am missing a large point one that drowning man hinted on by asking my opinion of the trinity.

So we have the Father Son and holy ghosts the Trinity fill in the blanks for me if you would be so kind
Ok watch this one first not preachy but more about logic.
If I came across as a bit to strong guys I apologize. The energy was weird for me today and my dad just got rushed off to hospital for a possible stroke...

Admiral Byrd did an interview to the public in 1947 and you can all see it on you tube which he declared to the public that there was possible threat in Antartica where craft could travel from pole to pole in a very quick time. Far faster than anyone else had at that time. You will also see in 1947 after operation high jump returned with its attack fleet seriously injured, a number of these craft came to Washington to send the US president a message not to mess with the new Berlin (base 211) and that's also in the papers of that year. But what they say they really were run by wasn't extra terrestrials but nazi pilots...admiral Byrd was told to shut up and he wouldn't. So they took him in and I believe he fell off of a building...think it happened to another senior officer as well.

Admiral Byrd wrote a book about his journey through both entrances and somebody told me they actually found his journal online somewhere. I haven't read that yet and I would be interested too if you guys find it. In the journal he spoke of his flying escorts that took him to the underground city as he flew in his plane.

Just one thing leads people to questions which lead to even more questions. Not something the government or the 1% that control us want us to have...I keep hearing we're in an awakening period where all this stuff is coming out because so many are interested in finding out what's really going on. You can spend years online watching...I don't think all of it can be fake...Oh, Byrd said he was able to speak with a great being under the North Pole.

If you research enough you'll soon see how many dots there are (crop circles, missing people in the forests [missing 411 is the documentary] nazi secret bases in Antartica [they say one is in Canada's north too and the kgb list two in the Northwest Territories but say they are bad extra terrestrials there currently] inner terrestrials, giants, little people [1 footers] US secret bases, crystal skulls, pyramids all over the world [generators of energy], deep transcontinental under tunnel systems not made by current man, big foot, beings with cloaking devices in the forests [yes predator looking - search you tube] abductions by the military, genetic engineering underground, deep underground military bases [470 I believe in the US alone] men in black, recovery squadrons for fallen craft shot down by machines like HARRP in Alaska...Native American legends...sightings by citizens of all sorts of countries....on earth and above earth, and even cities in the air with cloaking)...those are a few examples of a few of the dots I have joined together. It can effect you when you see that the governments are lying or I should say if you come to that conclusion as I have. And all these governments seem to be in on it...if so I continue to have an enormous amount of questions and I want us to be free'er and happier than we are right now. I would like us all to evolve to a higher vibration than most of us are right now. The systems we live in are designed I suggest to create negative energy which feed some of the bad beings...that's what I have heard so many knowing all of this and more.

See what you guys think and let me know if you continue to find good videos worth watching.
If I came across as a bit to strong guys I apologize. The energy was weird for me today and my dad just got rushed off to hospital for a possible stroke...

Admiral Byrd did an interview to the public in 1947 and you can all see it on you tube which he declared to the public that there was possible threat in Antartica where craft could travel from pole to pole in a very quick time. Far faster than anyone else had at that time. You will also see in 1947 after operation high jump returned with its attack fleet seriously injured, a number of these craft came to Washington to send the US president a message not to mess with the new Berlin (base 211) and that's also in the papers of that year. But what they say they really were run by wasn't extra terrestrials but nazi pilots...admiral Byrd was told to shut up and he wouldn't. So they took him in and I believe he fell off of a building...think it happened to another senior officer as well.

Admiral Byrd wrote a book about his journey through both entrances and somebody told me they actually found his journal online somewhere. I haven't read that yet and I would be interested too if you guys find it. In the journal he spoke of his flying escorts that took him to the underground city as he flew in his plane.

Just one thing leads people to questions which lead to even more questions. Not something the government or the 1% that control us want us to have...I keep hearing we're in an awakening period where all this stuff is coming out because so many are interested in finding out what's really going on. You can spend years online watching...I don't think all of it can be fake...Oh, Byrd said he was able to speak with a great being under the North Pole.

If you research enough you'll soon see how many dots there are (crop circles, missing people in the forests [missing 411 is the documentary] nazi secret bases in Antartica [they say one is in Canada's north too and the kgb list two in the Northwest Territories but say they are bad extra terrestrials there currently] inner terrestrials, giants, little people [1 footers] US secret bases, crystal skulls, pyramids all over the world [generators of energy], deep transcontinental under tunnel systems not made by current man, big foot, beings with cloaking devices in the forests [yes predator looking - search you tube] abductions by the military, genetic engineering underground, deep underground military bases [470 I believe in the US alone] men in black, recovery squadrons for fallen craft shot down by machines like HARRP in Alaska...Native American legends...sightings by citizens of all sorts of countries....on earth and above earth, and even cities in the air with cloaking)...those are a few examples of a few of the dots I have joined together. It can effect you when you see that the governments are lying or I should say if you come to that conclusion as I have. And all these governments seem to be in on it...if so I continue to have an enormous amount of questions and I want us to be free'er and happier than we are right now. I would like us all to evolve to a higher vibration than most of us are right now. The systems we live in are designed I suggest to create negative energy which feed some of the bad beings...that's what I have heard so many knowing all of this and more.

See what you guys think and let me know if you continue to find good videos worth watching.
They say hell is at the center of the earth makes sense
the centre of the earth has me thinking about another dot to join up with the others I have previously mentioned. We've been taught for how long that there's all these layers to the inner earth...yet how do we know? The deepest anyone has gone is 12 miles down and it was the Russians who did it. They were stopped by water. It's 800 or more miles to the centre of the earth it is it really is only a theory yet we've all been taught that is the way it must much has happened over in Russia too. They have been doing stuff on the mind for over a hundred years. They've had an underwater city in a lake and every time they send crews down to it those men get shot up to the surface and with no decompression they die a very nasty death. Underwater cities...I forgot to mention that dot too. But all this stuff just re-enforces my belief in a creator. If we do venture underground though we would be wise to have stuff with us that would help us survive such as light and sound. No light down there would put us at a disadvantage big time.
Wow, what are you guys smoking and where can I get some? ;)

The only conspiracy you need to worry about is the one trying to convince you there is a conspiracy.......