All your shitty jokes

And why is a roll of toilet paper like the starship Enterprise?

They both circle your Uranus searching for Klingons.

Worthy of a shit eating grin. LOL.
An Irishman living in Boston visits a bar, and orders 3 beers.

He drinks one.
Drinks another.
Then the 3rd.

He does this all night.

The barman is curious , and asks what's up.

"Oh, I miss my 2 brothers back home, Seamus and Paddy. This is my way of sharing a drink with them."

A few months later, same guy, same bar, same barman, but this time he orders 2 beers all evening.

Batman is curious again, and asks:

"I see you're ordering 2 beers only. I hope nothing untoward has happened to Seamus or Paddy?"

"Nope", the customer replies, "it's me. I've given up drinking."
One more really shitty one.

Three old guys in the nursing home are discussing their age related ailments ...

"I wake up in the morning with a full bladder, bursting for a leak but I battle to get it out."

"Huh, with me, I'm constipated in the mornings. It takes me ages of just sitting there to get my bowels moving."

"Oh, I have neither of those issues, I'm as regular as clockwork. 5:30am I have my first piss of the day, 6:00am a good solid dump. My problem is that I only wake up at 6:30."
A delivery driver passed by and lobbed my parcel onto the roof when I called customer services they said don't worry "it's on the house"

I got asked to check a customers balance then got the sack when she he over.