Americans Maintain a Positive View of Bernie Sanders

Hillary prentened to be a feminist all the while standing by her man for the sole purpose of furthering her career. Then people like you whine about Trump getting "elected" rather than admit your DNC corporation screwed Bernie who would've annihilated Trump if Hillary wasn't a capitalist scam.
What you said: "Men gave women the right to vote"

How paternalistic of you to say so.
Hillary prentened to be a feminist all the while standing by her man for the sole purpose of furthering her career. Then people like you whine about Trump getting "elected" rather than admit your DNC corporation screwed Bernie who would've annihilated Trump if Hillary wasn't a capitalist scam.
We get it, you want to change the subject to your hatred of women.
Pre-ordered this book:


I collect cookbooks from different cultures and this one is by an expert on the different regional cuisines of Turkey. The chef who wrote this was profiled on Netflix and a google search showed his cookbook wouldn't come out until April 1. No other site could I have pre-ordered a hard copy with free shipping. But Amazon, no problem. I don't know what Taco is whining about. This is the kind of thing that would have been practically impossible in a brick and mortar book store.

I buy local whenever possible but use Amazon when the local stores can't fill the bill.
Have you got this one yet?:

We get it, you want to change the subject to your hatred of women.

Trump was the worst Republican, and still won against Hillary the Great. Which means any Republican would've also won. So tell us which Republican you would endorse? After all you sympathize with billionaires like Bezos. We get it, you just don't like fake Trump Republicans who you think he stole the party from.
Trump was the worst Republican, and still won against Hillary the Great. Which means any Republican would've also won. So tell us which Republican you would endorse? After all you sympathize with billionaires like Bezos. We get it, you just don't like fake Trump Republicans who you think he stole the party from.
Why would I debate a fake Buddhist about Hillary Clinton being a fake feminist or Trump being a fake republican in a thread about Bernie?

We get it, you're a republican.
Run n hide, blue dog.
You're the unemployed bernout who didn't respond to valid arguments against the hypocrisy of your messiah. In fact all you've offered today were ad hom and blatant dodging, ya dingus.

PS, if I could vote in the WV senate election, I would vote against the GOP.
We get it, you're a republican.
You bring up an interesting point; who is more conservative and who is more progressive?

I think that's pretty easy to figure out, based on the issues we support. So instead of simply making a claim that someone is more conservative than you, add evidence along with the claim. For instance, do you support universal healthcare? Universal college? Student loan forgiveness? A new green energy deal to advance clean energy technology? Campaign finance reform? Financial regulations? Etc. or not?

Based on the issues, I support the progressive position on all of them. Do you?
You bring up an interesting point; who is more conservative and who is more progressive?

I think that's pretty easy to figure out, based on the issues we support. So instead of simply making a claim that someone is more conservative than you, add evidence along with the claim. For instance, do you support universal healthcare? Universal college? Student loan forgiveness? A new green energy deal to advance clean energy technology? Campaign finance reform? Financial regulations? Etc. or not?

Based on the issues, I support the progressive position on all of them. Do you?
Oh, hey, I have a question that I've been asking but you probably were busy and forgot to answer but that's OK.

Is Gillium corrupt because he accepted large donations from wealthy people? Should he return that money?
You bring up an interesting point; who is more conservative and who is more progressive?

I think that's pretty easy to figure out, based on the issues we support. So instead of simply making a claim that someone is more conservative than you, add evidence along with the claim. For instance, do you support universal healthcare?
YES Universal college? YES Student loan forgiveness? YES A new green energy deal to advance clean energy technology? YES Campaign finance reform? YES Financial regulations?YES Etc. or not?

Based on the issues, I support the progressive position on all of them. Do you?

Questions answered in quote box above.

Cause as a Trump supporter that's how I roll.
You bring up an interesting point; who is more conservative and who is more progressive?
You've just reframed the whole discussion to make it about a candidate in a senate district neither of us can vote in. It also ignores the reality that you don't vote on issues. You don't vote on health care. You don't vote on education. You don't vote on any of the things you listed in your loaded trap. The fact is, you either vote against the party that is driving the country to the extreme right or for them.

Maybe you should learn the basics before you comment.
A vote for Manchin is a vote for the most progressive candidate running for West Virginia Senator's seat.
I'm pretty sure that he made a thread in support of a REAL PROGRESSIVE running for congress there. In this case, REAL PROGRESSIVES vote for Trump.
Oh, hey, I have a question that I've been asking but you probably were busy and forgot to answer but that's OK.

Is Gillium corrupt because he accepted large donations from wealthy people? Should he return that money?
Is he corrupt? I'm not sure as it's too early to tell how the large donations affect his vote since he's not been elected yet. Yes, he should definitely return large donor money.