Americans Maintain a Positive View of Bernie Sanders

A vote for Manchin is a vote for the most progressive candidate running for West Virginia Senator's seat.
Who votes for Trump more than 60% of the time

WV can do much better than Manchin when it comes to Democratic candidates. The problem is the Democratic party leadership strategy that has abandoned traditionally red states. That's why they openly support Democrats who support Trump more than 60% of the time.

The bottom line is that people like you don't think a more progressive candidate can win in states like West Virginia, I do. So until we have one and put him/her to the test, both of our positions are moot. We had one in Virginia that won, Lee Carter. We've had 24 other progressive candidates win, many of them also in red districts. So if/when they win in November against the Republican, will your position change?
Is he corrupt? I'm not sure as it's too early to tell how the large donations affect his vote since he's not been elected yet. Yes, he should definitely return large donor money.

But why did they bitch about Ron Paul accepting Nazi's money? Seems the two are the same with lip service differences only.
Anyone accepting Nazi money should not be elected to public office

My point is it's ridiculous to accuse of, "if you're against them, you won't accept the money." You can't use that accusation only against your enemy, but say back, "but it's not a Nazi."

That's how Democrats get away with being such hypocrites, "what was I thinking, you're right that money wasn't.from a Nazi."

It's the same joke used in The Wimpy Kid's Diary movie I saw. "I thought I was going to get an F on my math test." The mom and dad look horrified until he says, "but I got a C minus!" "At least you didn't fail."

When I pick a person it's not the party but the integrity of the person.

"We're not the party of Nazis!" But they're still the party of scum who march to a different beat.
Both parties are driving the country to the extreme right

The only individuals who aren't are the ones who are not beholden to big donor corporate interests because they refuse corporate campaign contributions
"Give us Bernie or we'll give you Trump!"

Your cult handed the government to them. At least the other party got us medical Marijuana and the ACA. I'd take them over the GOP any day. Saying both parties the same just because of the WV senator is asinine and naive.
Who votes for Trump more than 60% of the time
Q: "Who votes for Trump more than (Manchin) 60% of the time"?

A: Every Republican Senator.

WV can do much better than Manchin when it comes to Democratic candidates. The problem is the Democratic party leadership strategy that has abandoned traditionally red states. That's why they openly support Democrats who support Trump more than 60% of the time.

The bottom line is that people like you don't think a more progressive candidate can win in states like West Virginia, I do. So until we have one and put him/her to the test, both of our positions are moot. We had one in Virginia that won, Lee Carter. We've had 24 other progressive candidates win, many of them also in red districts. So if/when they win in November against the Republican, will your position change?
It doesn't matter what you think or believe. Especially not you. Only elections matter.

No moral victories. Maybe West Virginia is moving more towards the left but you wouldn't know it by recent election results.

Paula Swearingen lost the West Virginia Democratic Primary election big time. 70% to Manchin and 30% to Swearingen. I'd have voted for her if I lived there but she had no chance this election cycle. With a 40% margin for Manchin, my vote wouldn't have mattered much.

I don't know why it upsets you so much when people tell you they are going to vote for the best progressive remaining on the ballot. Would you prefer left leaning or progressive people not vote at all? The 30% of Democrats who voted for Swearingen, for example. If they don't vote for Manchin who IS THE MOST progressive candidate on West Virginia's ballot this fall, the Republican would take the seat. Then West Virginia's Senators would be voting for Trump >90% of the time. How is that a better option for progressives?
Is he corrupt? I'm not sure as it's too early to tell how the large donations affect his vote since he's not been elected yet. Yes, he should definitely return large donor money.
All right, at least you are consistent.

It's a close race and millions of dollars are being spent to run negative ads against Gillum. Without those donations, there is nothing he can do to counter them. You do know that the campaign that spends the most is much more likely to win. You are ok with the moral victory but a loss at the polls?
Who votes for Trump more than 60% of the time

WV can do much better than Manchin when it comes to Democratic candidates. The problem is the Democratic party leadership strategy that has abandoned traditionally red states. That's why they openly support Democrats who support Trump more than 60% of the time.

The bottom line is that people like you don't think a more progressive candidate can win in states like West Virginia, I do. So until we have one and put him/her to the test, both of our positions are moot. We had one in Virginia that won, Lee Carter. We've had 24 other progressive candidates win, many of them also in red districts. So if/when they win in November against the Republican, will your position change?
I agree, fuck Manchin. Not that I necessarily disagree with Fogdog, because he is a Dem in the most inbred Red State in the country. Still, fuck Manchin.
Q: "Who votes for Trump more than (Manchin) 60% of the time"?

A: Every Republican Senator.

It doesn't matter what you think or believe. Especially not you. Only elections matter.

No moral victories. Maybe West Virginia is moving more towards the left but you wouldn't know it by recent election results.

Paula Swearingen lost the West Virginia Democratic Primary election big time. 70% to Manchin and 30% to Swearingen. I'd have voted for her if I lived there but she had no chance this election cycle. With a 40% margin for Manchin, my vote wouldn't have mattered much.

I don't know why it upsets you so much when people tell you they are going to vote for the best progressive remaining on the ballot. Would you prefer left leaning or progressive people not vote at all? The 30% of Democrats who voted for Swearingen, for example. If they don't vote for Manchin who IS THE MOST progressive candidate on West Virginia's ballot this fall, the Republican would take the seat. Then West Virginia's Senators would be voting for Trump >90% of the time. How is that a better option for progressives?
Do you personally support the positions Manchin supports?

If you do, why are you a Democrat?

If you don't, why do you support someone who claims to be a Democrat who openly supports Republican policy and support Trump on the issues more than 60% of the time according to his voting record, when the most "moderate" Republican supports Democrats less than 15% of the time?

If I were you, I'd feel like a sucker being completely taken advantage of over my perceived "higher ground morals". You bend over backwards to be bipartisan and support Republicans in Democrats clothes, while they spit in your face and tell you to "accept it, bitch!". You wanna play bipartisan when bipartisan lost you more than 1,000 seats under Obama, and at least one supreme court pick for life.
"Give us Bernie or we'll give you Trump!"

Your cult handed the government to them. At least the other party got us medical Marijuana and the ACA. I'd take them over the GOP any day. Saying both parties the same just because of the WV senator is asinine and naive.
To be fair, Russia sealed the deal by pissing everyone off by releasing Hillary’s sabotage of Bernie right before Election Day. It was part of the PsyOp. I honestly got pissed off enough that I almost did the same thing, but stopped myself.

Hillary better never run for President again if the Dems want a fair shot.
Without those donations, there is nothing he can do to counter them.
You do know that the campaign that spends the most is much more likely to win. You are ok with the moral victory but a loss at the polls?
The "moral victory" would be a win for Gillum at the polls. Accepting big donor money is effectively a loss when it comes to votes as it loses more progressives than it wins.
You guys all realize this whole Russian thing and both the Mob & the Russians seizing control of our government is a prelude to war, right? You guys realize it’s probably only going to escalate from here?
Do you personally support the positions Manchin supports?

If you do, why are you a Democrat?

If you don't, why do you support someone who claims to be a Democrat who openly supports Republican policy and support Trump on the issues more than 60% of the time according to his voting record, when the most "moderate" Republican supports Democrats less than 15% of the time?

If I were you, I'd feel like a sucker being completely taken advantage of over my perceived "higher ground morals". You bend over backwards to be bipartisan and support Republicans in Democrats clothes, while they spit in your face and tell you to "accept it, bitch!". You wanna play bipartisan when bipartisan lost you more than 1,000 seats under Obama, and at least one supreme court pick for life.
What part of "best progressive on the ticket" don't you understand? I'd absolutely hate him for his stands on the environment, opposition to abortion, immigration policies, votes for Kavanaugh and Rolling back Dodd Frank. I'm sure I'd be knocking on doors and showing up at Paula Swearengin rallies if I lived there.

On the other hand, Manchin supports unions, retiree pension plans, shoring up the ACA, continuation of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid also reinstating net neutrality. With Manchin we get 40% of the time voting against Trump. With the Republican we get less than 10% of the time voting against Trump. Manchin gets my vote in the fall IF I lived in WV.

It's simple arithmetic. Even you should be able to see that 40% > 10%

That said, I live in Oregon. Wyden votes against Trump 85% of the time and Merkely votes against Trump 90% of the time. I voted for both. I'm much more satisfied with the idea of them as my senators compared to Manchin. Manchin couldn't win as a Democrat in Oregon.
Could you clarify what you mean by that? War between Russia and the US?
Russia, China, DPRK, and probably Iran vs. the West.

Russia has been conducting Psychological Operations in countries around the world, as well as Cyber Warfare Operations. Philippines, UK, Catalan Spain, France, Canada, etc. Then, the Flat Earth and Antivax bullshit was a test, to see how gullible/susceptible to brainwashing people were. Like, all of this stems from sanctions over Crimea. Probably much more.

However, the GOP has had connections to Russia since the beginning of the Cold War.