Americans Maintain a Positive View of Bernie Sanders

You seem to keep getting Russia and China mixed up.
Im perfectly aware of China and its south sea policy. I was refering to the rest of your post....
I’m not getting anyone mixed up. China and Russia are the closest of allies. Russia and China are coordinating and planning for a war, probably because they eventually expect their actions to come fully to light (i.e. installing a puppet in the White House using PsyOps, Counterintelligence, and Cyber Warfare) which will demand we act against them.
They aren’t “strengthening their defense capabilities.” They are utilizing their surreptitious offensive capabilities, to include clandestine assassinations and aggressively interfering with our elections. I don’t condone the shit the US has done, our wrongs don’t justify Russia’s clandestine operations. And this is much more sinister.

"We", not me, but Team America in conjunction with the Israel's True Religion factions, going against the will of their people, developed the Stuxnet virus as an attempt to social engineer the meltdown of the Iranian nuclear power plants which would've caused countless lives lost and unimaginable radiation pollution.

You can't get much more fucked up than that.

"Russia" "stealing" our election pales to what Team America does and still does, and we need to thank whatever maker we believe in, that we're still alive after pulling stunts of such inhuman acts.
"We", not me, but Team America in conjunction with the Israel's True Religion factions, going against the will of their people, developed the Stuxnet virus as an attempt to social engineer the meltdown of the Iranian nuclear power plants meltdown which would've caused countless lives lost and unimaginable radiation pollution.

You can't get much more fucked up than that.

"Russia" "stealing" our election pales to what Team America does and still does, and we need to thank whatever maker we believe in, that we're still alive after pulling stunts of such inhuman acts.
No one cares.
Seven manmade islets. Airstrips. I’d say China knows something is about to happen very soon. Probably because Russia coordinated with them and told them to plan ahead.
Haha.. China is reacting to Americas provications over the last 10 years. China has historically not been an aggressor. In fact its been the opposite- they even built a wall...
China and Russia are very close allies, why wouldn't they be? They are both similar in their governments paths.
China has not supported a Russian war as far as im aware and yes they want the US out of that area around Korea and Japan. Cannot blame them.
Haha.. China is reacting top Americas provications over the last 10 years. China has historically not been an aggressor. In fact its been the opposite- they even built a wall...
China and Russia are very close and close allies, why wouldn't they be? They are both similar in their governments paths.
China has not supported a Russian war as far as im aware and yes they want the US out of that area around Korea and Japan. Cannot blame them.
So, China has been building airfields and atolls at the same time their closest ally, Russia, has been invading Crimea and conducting various operations around the world in multiple Western countries.. and North Korea has been building nukes with parts from China and Russia.. And that’s pure coincidence? Not likely. It doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to put two and two together.
No one cares.

Exactly so! But you will care when the "jack booted thugs" come marching down our streets when they've finally had enough, and can organize properly by getting support from the very international banks we can no longer afford our debts to. But you'll wonder, "hey no one cares! You fucking assholes!" While cowering in hiding from your basement and screaming that.
I’m not getting anyone mixed up. China and Russia are the closest of allies. Russia and China are coordinating and planning for a war, probably because they eventually expect their actions to come fully to light (i.e. installing a puppet in the White House using PsyOps, Counterintelligence, and Cyber Warfare) which will demand we act against them.
America does the same thing back. America has been controlling world leaders for decades..They even put them in place, Saddam for eg...and then took him down and grabbed the oil for yourselves.

You seem to thinks its OK if your the one doing it but if its another country then its just not on...Your a pot calling the Kettle black.

Countries have ALWAYS done what you state to each other, Always will. The economy is the only thing that counts. Hence why America recently started a Trade war.
America does the same thing back. America has been controlling world leaders for decades..They even put them in place, Saddam for eg...and then took him down and grabbed the oil for themselves.

You seem to thinks its OK if your the one doing it but if its another country then its just not on...Your a pot calling the Kettle black.

Countries have ALWAYS done what you state to each other, Always will. The economy is the only thing that counts. hence why America recently started a Trade war.
Like I said, they are preparing for war. They are coordinating. And they are provoking us. Everything I said is correct. And I think it’s really stupid that your answer is “Well the US does it, so they can, too.” The correct answer is, neither side should do it. And if China and Russia are preparing to start a war with us directly, that does fall upon them. Meanwhile, you’re pretty defensive. I wonder, are you working for China?

We need to stop letting politicians control countries, and we need to justifying their actions. Otherwise, we’ll never find peace.
America does the same thing back. America has been controlling world leaders for decades..They even put them in place, Saddam for eg...and then took him down and grabbed the oil for yourselves.

You seem to thinks its OK if your the one doing it but if its another country then its just not on...Your a pot calling the Kettle black.

Countries have ALWAYS done what you state to each other, Always will. The economy is the only thing that counts. Hence why America recently started a Trade war.

What people don't understand is countries, and mine unfortunately most of all, does this because we are at the mercy of banking warlords who tell us to act like the mafia collecting debts by busting a few knee caps. But the "war" version of that is sending a drone with enough bombs to flatten a city the size of Los Angeles as incentive to keep up their payments.

It's not because Trump thinks they're bad hombres, although he does have way too much fun with his John Wayne acting role.
Like I said, they are preparing for war. They are coordinating. And they are provoking us. Everything I said is correct. And I think it’s really stupid that your answer is “Well the US does it, so they can, too.” The correct answer is, neither side should do it. And if China and Russia are preparing to start a war with us directly, that does fall upon them. Meanwhile, you’re pretty defensive. I wonder, are you working for China?

We need to stop letting politicians control countries, and we need to justifying their actions. Otherwise, we’ll never find peace.
You want war with China and Russia? Fk me man are you mad?
Peace? Your country is always at war. Its your economy. You army is not a defence army. Its a large modern Roman Army. It invades and it reaps the riches as the fat cats live in indulgent luxury.
You sheep do as they say and belive how its sold to you.
First, it was denial. “That isn’t happening!” “China didn’t do that!” Then, it’s “The US does the same thing!” Sounds to me you are functioning more on emotion than logic regarding this situation. Either that, or you are deliberately trying to counter my attempt at informing people of the truth of what direction we’re headed with this whole situation.
You want war with China and Russia? Fk me man are you mad?
Peace? Your country is always at war. Its your economy. You army is not a defence army. Its a large modern Roman Army. It invades and it reaps the riches as the fat cats live in indulgent luxury.
You sheep do as they say and how its sold to you.

Of course he's mad, mutual assured destruction. Bring it on?
You want war with China and Russia? Fk me man are you mad?
Peace? Your country is always at war. Its your economy. You army is not a defence army. Its a large modern Roman Army. It invades and it reaps the riches as the fat cats live in indulgent luxury.
You sheep do as they say and how its sold to you.
I specifically said I DIDN’T want war. I dunno about you, but I’ve actually experienced war. You’re literally twisting what I’m saying, I just can’t tell if it’s out of stupidity or out of a desire to invalidate me so no one else listens to what I’m saying.
First, it was denial. “That isn’t happening!” “China didn’t do that!” Then, it’s “The US does the same thing!” Sounds to me you are functioning more on emotion than logic regarding this situation. Either that, or you are deliberately trying to counter my attempt at informing people of the truth of what direction we’re headed with this whole situation.
Don't wrap several points and put it under one.
Ill even get that post you made and see if I can slow it down for you.