Attention Atheist

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Hey all you ignorant atheist out there, Ive tried getting an answer to my question on your athiest thread but all of you just answer with some nonsense that has nothing to prove or do with the situation.Anyway my question is if god is not the creator of the heavens and the earth & you dont believe scientist big bang, ice asteroid theory then how in the hell did everything come about?Do you seriously think that the universe just accidently created everything & everyone for no reason? You cant just ignore reality your whole life & if you can I feel terribly sorry that your children must be raised upon lies. and Please id love to hear your bullshit explanations

This doesnt really go anywhere because an athiest could just as easily say where did god from? Eventually you have to accept the fact that A. Either there was a never a beginning and there will never be an end. Or B. Something came from nothing.

Eithier way its like two drunk people fighting over what's the best beer... It never goes anywhere.
*sigh* The op was obviously looking to stir shit up.
I guess I'll throw in my two cents since I bothered clicking on the link.

The thought that everything was created by anything other than chaotic chance in the universe scares the hell out of me.
I think Carl Sagan said it best.

"It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."
*sigh* The op was obviously looking to stir shit up.
I guess I'll throw in my two cents since I bothered clicking on the link.

The thought that everything was created by anything other than chaotic chance in the universe scares the hell out of me.
I think Carl Sagan said it best.

"It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."
How is some crazed, judgmental, self righteous deity watching my every move just ready to send my ass to a flaming pit supposed to be reassuring?! I don't konw about the whole god creating everything, but I will say learning what I have been about genetics lately, its like a badass programing language, the ultimate programming language....I find that odd, and entertaining. I want to learn how to program in it... :twisted:
If I were to suggest that between the Earth and Mars there is a china teapot revolving about the sun in an elliptical orbit, nobody would be able to disprove my assertion provided I were careful to add that the teapot is too small to be revealed even by our most powerful telescopes. But if I were to go on to say that, since my assertion cannot be disproved, it is an intolerable presumption on the part of human reason to doubt it, I should rightly be thought to be talking nonsense. If, however, the existence of such a teapot were affirmed in ancient books, taught as the sacred truth every Sunday, and instilled into the minds of children at school, hesitation to believe in its existence would become a mark of eccentricity and entitle the doubter to the attentions of the psychiatrist in an enlightened age or of the Inquisitor in an earlier time. ~Bertrand Russell

The burden of proof is not on the skeptic... but on those who would have us believe without proof.

With that said... there are many crazy gods, goddesses, etc. Who's god, goddess, etc... is the right god? Is the real god that we should be worshipping Thor? Zeus? Either way... would the real god please stand up so we as a species can stop killing each other over the right to call our imaginary friend the real and most potent one.

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?

You should live your life and try to make the world a better place for your being in it, whether or not you believe in god. If there is no god, you have lost nothing and will be remembered fondly by those you left behind. If there is a benevolent god, he will judge you on your merits and not just on whether or not you believed in him.
Atheist artwork for those who like that sort of thing.
How is some crazed, judgmental, self righteous deity watching my every move just ready to send my ass to a flaming pit supposed to be reassuring?! I don't konw about the whole god creating everything, but I will say learning what I have been about genetics lately, its like a badass programing language, the ultimate programming language....I find that odd, and entertaining. I want to learn how to program in it... :twisted:

I call this bad ass technology scary as hell and I find it EERIE as hell any of us as human beings, whether "believer" or not find it entertaining. I question technology....and God gives answers. Technology most often produces heartache and devastation beyond reproach......all in the name of blasphemy.

.....not challenging your opinion Raven, nor your intrigue...just noting what I consider notable for those who have eyes in which to see......I know, I know.....sounds "religious>"......truth, nonetheless.:peace:
Are Robots Really Stealing Human Jobs? - PCWorld

This joker calls these androids the "seeds of hope for our future." Umm........ok.:-|

......we all know actresses are in such HIGH DEMAND!
Always question.......yes, even science.
Humans are and always have been trying to become God. This is why we create things such and androids. Its funny how people can deny that it is possible to be created when every day in science we get closer and closer to creating our own species. We are just mimicking God. We where created in his image. So we also try to create as He did.
Humans are and always have been trying to become God. This is why we create things such and androids. Its funny how people can deny that it is possible to be created when every day in science we get closer and closer to creating our own species. We are just mimicking God. We where created in his image. So we also try to create as He did.
So because we create and build tools that look and act like us (presumably to make interactions with our machines easier and more natural) that somehow proves that we were created by a man in the sky?
So because we create and build tools that look and act like us (presumably to make interactions with our machines easier and more natural) that somehow proves that we were created by a man in the sky?

Nope just one of many psychological patterns that would show our tendency to mimic a creator. Not proof as you call it. Just showing the possibilities.
Nope just one of many psychological patterns that would show our tendency to mimic a creator. Not proof as you call it. Just showing the possibilities.
Yet you find it funny that people can deny god in light of all of this. That sounds suspiciously like you think these patterns somehow amount to evidence that something created us. Really you are making god in your image. Creativity is one of the hallmarks that make us human. This ability to form abstract thought is something that anthropologists recognize as something that distinguishes us from other primates and have found other hominids such as Neanderthal also had this characteristic. I find it odd that anyone would think that our desire to create things, even likenesses of ourselves, have anything to do with whether or not we ourselves were made by something. To me it is a complete non-sequitur.
Yet you find it funny that people can deny god in light of all of this. That sounds suspiciously like you think these patterns somehow amount to evidence that something created us. Really you are making god in your image. Creativity is one of the hallmarks that make us human. This ability to form abstract thought is something that anthropologists recognize as something that distinguishes us from other primates and have found other hominids such as Neanderthal also had this characteristic. I find it odd that anyone would think that our desire to create things, even likenesses of ourselves, have anything to do with whether or not we ourselves were made by something. To me it is a complete non-sequitur.

No I find it funny that people who are actively trying to create new life are the same people that deny that it is possible that we may have been created. Why is it so hard to believe that if we might be able to create a species than why couldn't we have been created? Where is the logic in that? Once again the God complex comes into play. You want to be the first, the creator, instead of the created.
No I find it funny that people who are actively trying to create new life are the same people that deny that it is possible that we may have been created. Why is it so hard to believe that if we might be able to create a species than why couldn't we have been created? Where is the logic in that? Once again the God complex comes into play. You want to be the first, the creator, instead of the created.

:clap:...and God has been letting mankind know we've crossed the borders a time too many in the sick society in which we live.

Happy Thanksgiving :leaf:
No I find it funny that people who are actively trying to create new life are the same people that deny that it is possible that we may have been created. Why is it so hard to believe that if we might be able to create a species than why couldn't we have been created? Where is the logic in that? Once again the God complex comes into play. You want to be the first, the creator, instead of the created.
Wow, seriously? Are you now trying to make up a new type of logic or something? Even if we have the capability to create and alter life or build replicas, that doesn't give any credence to the idea that we were created. It doesn't even invite the possibility. Your conclusion does not follow your premise yet somehow you think that is logical. You can't even put it into a syllogism since you're missing a step that shows why the ability for us to create has anything at all to do with how we came into being.
non sequitur

By Richard Nordquist, Guide

Filed In:

  1. Grammar & Rhetoric Glossary
  2. > Main Clause - Oxymoron

Definition: A fallacy in which a conclusion does not follow logically from what preceded it.
See also:


From the Latin, "it does not follow"

Examples and Observations:

  • "Of course, overcrowded prisons that are awash with drugs, and a system which gives short-term prisoners no supervision or support on release, is almost calculated to fail. But this could equally be an argument--the one which the modern Conservative party is making--for a complete transformation of prison regimes and a system of support for offenders when they are released from jail. It's a logical non sequitur on a grand scale to argue that because short-term prison sentences currently aren't working, we should therefore stop using them at all."
    (Nick Herbert, "The Abolitionists' Criminal Conspiracy.", July 27, 2008)
  • "The difference between the post hoc and the non sequitur fallacies is that, whereas the post hoc fallacy is due to lack of a causal connection, in the non sequitur fallacy, the error is due to lack of a logical connection."
    (Mabel Lewis Sahakian, Ideas of the Great Philosophers. Barnes & Noble, 1993)
  • "A non sequitur is any pretended jump in logic that doesn't work cleanly, perhaps because of unfounded premises, unmentioned complicating factors, or alternative explanations, such as 'This war is righteous because we are French!' or 'You will do what I say because you are my wife!'"
    (Steve Hindes, Think for Yourself. Fulcrum, 2005)
  • "Warming was caused by sunspots, or fluctuations in the Earth's orbit, or volcanic eruptions. Therefore it cannot be caused by mankind. The 'therefore' is the giveaway, the delicious non sequitur: just because Earth has warmed for one or another reason in the past is no reason why it cannot warm for a completely different reason in the future."
    (John Llewellyn, "In a Confusing Climate." The Observer, Sep. 2, 2007)
Wow, seriously? Are you now trying to make up a new type of logic or something? Even if we have the capability to create and alter life or build replicas, that doesn't give any credence to the idea that we were created. It doesn't even invite the possibility. Your conclusion does not follow your premise yet somehow you think that is logical. You can't even put it into a syllogism since you're missing a step that shows why the ability for us to create has anything at all to do with how we came into being.

Seriously man get over yourself already. You are out of control with this crap. I don't care how many definitions you post. Whatever Mr. Spock your logic does not compute. What is so hard for you to understand?
Seriously man get over yourself already. You are out of control with this crap. I don't care how many definitions you post. Whatever Mr. Spock your logic does not compute. What is so hard for you to understand?
Sounds like you're in denial to me. You can't seem to answer simple questions about your logic so you resort to more attacks and blame my logic. Nice attempt to put your lack of ability to recognize your own fallacies as somehow my fault. What I don't understand is why you just won't answer the damn questions rather than attempt to restate your argument.

Here's your logic:
1. We are capable of creating androids that look and function like us
2. ???
3. therefore we too possibly were created

Everything that you attempt to put in as #2 such as the idea that we are attempting to mimic god is assuming what you are trying to demonstrate, that is that we were created by a god with these characteristics.

Look, I gave you links to help you understand why your comment makes absolutely no logical sense. Don't keep blaming me if you don't understand. Remember, you are the one that claimed it was completely logical. I'm not trying to train you for formal debate but come on, at least have the rocks to admit when maybe you were wrong about something. The validity and soundness of a logic argument is not a matter of opinion. It can be proven just like math.
Sounds like you're in denial to me. You can't seem to answer simple questions about your logic so you resort to more attacks and blame my logic. Nice attempt to put your lack of ability to recognize your own fallacies as somehow my fault. What I don't understand is why you just won't answer the damn questions rather than attempt to restate your argument.

Here's your logic:
1. We are capable of creating androids that look and function like us
2. ???
3. therefore we too possibly were created

Everything that you attempt to put in as #2 such as the idea that we are attempting to mimic god is assuming what you are trying to demonstrate, that is that we were created by a god with these characteristics.

Look, I gave you links to help you understand why your comment makes absolutely no logical sense. Don't keep blaming me if you don't understand. Remember, you are the one that claimed it was completely logical. I'm not trying to train you for formal debate but come on, at least have the rocks to admit when maybe you were wrong about something. The validity and soundness of a logic argument is not a matter of opinion. It can be proven just like math.

No i simply pointed out that the reason man wants to create may be because we are obsessed with trying to be like the creator. The urge to create comes from in my opinion the urge to become like God. It was a simple observation that I posted on roll it up. I was not submitting a new theory to a panel of scientists. Like I said you take yourself way to seriously. Really man it does not always have to turn into something so complicated. I understand thats how you feel better about yourself. Trying to show how smart you are I mean. And its not that I don't understand what you are trying to say. I understand just fine. I'm just annoyed that you continually over analyze everything everyone posts. Yes I am allowed to have a different opinion than yours without having to break down every phrase and word I type.
No i simply pointed out that the reason man wants to create may be because we are obsessed with trying to be like the creator. The urge to create comes from in my opinion the urge to become like God. It was a simple observation that I posted on roll it up. I was not submitting a new theory to a panel of scientists. Like I said you take yourself way to seriously. Really man it does not always have to turn into something so complicated. I understand thats how you feel better about yourself. Trying to show how smart you are I mean. And its not that I don't understand what you are trying to say. I understand just fine. I'm just annoyed that you continually over analyze everything everyone posts. Yes I am allowed to have a different opinion than yours without having to break down every phrase and word I type.
Quit crying. You made a post on RUI that was not made out to be an opinion. You made definitive statements that at the same time made a backhanded insult to those of us that create and use such technology that you and babs so readily deride.

Now you bitch and moan about just being an opinion or an observation. NOW you use "may" and "my opinion" but we know better. You also accuse me of not seeing the "logic" in your statement, yet you seemed to not understand my responses yet you continued to engage me with a response. It appeared that you wanted to dialogue but when you had enough of your impossible position of trying to defend your initial attacks, you accuse me of being hypercritical and over analytical.

Well fuck you and I'm sorry but I get tired of stupid theistic attacks on human advancement through science. Let's be honest, you hate that your stupid arguments are ripped apart because you want immunity from saying such ridiculous things. Every new step in science and technology seems to be an insult to invisible sky man worshipers and now when you get called out on your bullshit you attempt to turn the tables and make me the bad guy. Sorry but crap is exposed for all to see.
Here's your logic:
1. We are capable of creating androids that look and function like us
2. ???
3. therefore we too possibly were created
