Attention Atheist


Active Member
Evolution is fact, Natural Selection is theory... And if evolution still was only a theory, that's still a few steps up from a belief. I can't believe this thread is still alive!

WTF planet do you live on buddy? Evolution was never a fact and never will be. Can you see every plant on earth or every species? It is not possible that this all evolved over time...uhhmm sorry im not that mindless buddy?


Well-Known Member
Dude is just bored sad and lonely.

I don't believe that he is religious at all.

He's not actually arguing for any purpose or taking anything seriously, he's not even trying much he's that bored.


Well-Known Member
Some people will never progress. Don't let it get you down, just keep walking...There IS stimulating conversation out there...


Well-Known Member
Come on guys, every response gives this guy more shit to respond to, that's why the thread lives...

Just quit responding and it'll die.

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
I think if there were a supreme Taco in the sky that it would be disgusted and entertained at the same time as you people pine for first position in your Heaven. i like when you used to throw virgins in Volcanoes---I wish I was there to enjoy that. Or how about dunking or burning witches---that is one of my all time faves----we are so clean and christian we burn people alive---nice group of fellas there. Seems I could do better in a Headhunter hazing?


Well-Known Member
WTF planet do you live on buddy? Evolution was never a fact and never will be. Can you see every plant on earth or every species? It is not possible that this all evolved over time...uhhmm sorry im not that mindless buddy?
1. I live on earth
2. Evolution is proven, i don't need to personally prove it to you
3. No i can't see them all, can you?
4. How would you know unless you claim to see all... refer to your third statement.

As soon as you make an actual point on this thread, i'd be happy to address it! You're starting to look like a big baby


Well-Known Member
1. I live on earth
2. Evolution is proven, i don't need to personally prove it to you
3. No i can't see them all, can you?
4. How would you know unless you claim to see all... refer to your third statement.

As soon as you make an actual point on this thread, i'd be happy to address it! You're starting to look like a big baby
Not to mention the fact that scientists estimate that only 2 million of the 8 million species on earth have been discovered yet!!! F-A-I-L


Well-Known Member
I think if there were a supreme Taco in the sky that it would be disgusted and entertained at the same time as you people pine for first position in your Heaven. i like when you used to throw virgins in Volcanoes---I wish I was there to enjoy that. Or how about dunking or burning witches---that is one of my all time faves----we are so clean and christian we burn people alive---nice group of fellas there. Seems I could do better in a Headhunter hazing?
Christians have killed more people than Nazis...There's a fun fact for ya! I personally like the stoning...Now I would get HBO for THAT!


Well-Known Member
si. he eats well. His shits are bigger than mine. Thats impressive. Except he doesnt have to shovel my shit out of the yard. :(


Well-Known Member
i get it. Im a little slow lately:?. If only i could, my dog is a big baby @ 1 year old. maybe if i teach him to nudge the groin of anyone who says "god" and "salvation" that would be entertaining.
I'm just glad Gore invented the internet.:lol: Atheists have a public forum now,so to speak; much more so than before. This is the first time in history questioning of religion is not out of the social norm on the global social scale. The very existence of this thread has made at least one person go think a little about its topic. That alone is a good thing.
It wont take long (relatively), a few generations and im sure we'll be the majority, if we don't get blown to kingdom come first.