Attention Atheist


Well-Known Member
Keep laughing at your ignorance.
I'm starting to wonder if he treats people like this in real life, you know, the whole (I'm right and your wrong no matter what) kinda attitude... Therefore he doesn't have any friends anymore, and so he has to go on the internet to socialize... You won't have and virtual friends either if you can't have a mature, respectful debate...

I mean, wasn't that what this was SUPPOSED to be? A mature, respectful debate?

EDIT: n/m. Just looked at the first post again. Seems as he just wanted to start and talk some shit from the beginning... I'm done with this!



There are only two answers.

the first answer is "I don't know". This would be correct.

The second answer is "I do know". This would be incorrect.

It's very simple, it's very true.

So when my professor asks me ''is there life beyond our planet?'' ill be sure to tell him "uhh i dunno", and assure him its the correct answer.


I'm starting to wonder if he treats people like this in real life, you know, the whole (I'm right and your wrong no matter what) kinda attitude... Therefore he doesn't have any friends anymore, and so he has to go on the internet to socialize... You won't have and virtual friends either if you can't have a mature, respectful debate...

I mean, wasn't that what this was SUPPOSED to be? A mature, respectful debate?

EDIT: n/m. Just looked at the first post again. Seems as he just wanted to start and talk some shit from the beginning... I'm done with this!
Yeah this dudes (haze) fuckin dumb, doesnt know what he's talking about, and he contradicts himself.


I'm starting to wonder if he treats people like this in real life, you know, the whole (I'm right and your wrong no matter what) kinda attitude... Therefore he doesn't have any friends anymore, and so he has to go on the internet to socialize... You won't have and virtual friends either if you can't have a mature, respectful debate...

I mean, wasn't that what this was SUPPOSED to be? A mature, respectful debate?

EDIT: n/m. Just looked at the first post again. Seems as he just wanted to start and talk some shit from the beginning... I'm done with this!

Yeah "I'm done" but yet youll be back to see what my reply is.


So when my professor asks me ''is there life beyond our planet?'' ill be sure to tell him "uhh i dunno", and assure him its the correct answer.
You're professor doesnt know either, unless he's an alien.

That's why its the right answer.


Yeah this dudes (haze) fuckin dumb, doesnt know what he's talking about, and he contradicts himself.

Really where? Did i miss something?

If you truly believed i was wrong you would'nt continue to visit my thread day after day after day.


Ok then, go out to space and tell me if there's life on other planets. While you're at it, let me know if there's a god or not too, because you have all the answers. :D


Dude, your ignorance of the scientific method (while utilizing products of it, you fucking tool) does nothing to its validity.

Get an education.


In an infinte universe it is impossible that we are the only lifeforms to exist.As long as your not a narrow-minded scientist youll understand.


In an infinte universe it is impossible that we are the only lifeforms to exist.As long as your not a narrow-minded scientist youll understand.
You're right, but we dont know for sure or have any proof. That's what's being debated, whether there is proof or not, which there isnt.


In an infinte universe it is impossible that we are the only lifeforms to exist.As long as your not a narrow-minded scientist youll understand.
By the way, I bet scientists think there is life on other planets. It's religion and spirituality they dont believe in. Get it straight.


Dude, your ignorance of the scientific method (while utilizing products of it, you fucking tool) does nothing to its validity.

Get an education.

dude you fail to make sense in any of your post and by you constantly proposing i get and education just proves your stupidity, ignorance, & not to mention arrogance.
You're right, but we dont know for sure or have any proof. That's what's being debated, whether there is proof or not, which there isnt.
Actually there is a lot of evidence that some governments suppress or ignore. But the truth is there is a lot and the thing our scientists are interested in is looking for some in our solar system which there is not. The universe is vast and many other life forms are in our documents.


By the way, I bet scientists think there is life on other planets. It's religion and spirituality they dont believe in. Get it straight.

Dude do I have to say it again & again.

I am not religous nor do I follow organized religion.