Attention Atheist

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hmmm. that figures the only thing you have to argue is my punctuation, grammer, and spelling, Since you have no argument for why we got lucky over and over and over again.

420ezah: In this thread you've talked down to people for not being as smart/educated as you are. You called a guy stupid for just having a GED. You've bragged about being a college grad. You've claimed to only read the bible in its original, ancient languages. Basically, you seem to think of yourself as some super-genius, master linguist... yet, you barely have the grasp on grammar and spelling of a 10 yr. old. Personally, I think your puffed up claims are nothing but bullshit.

(Yes, I know I'm going totally OT. But this thread has become pointless anyway).
its like i keep saying

if your a bible bashing christian then you should be in church not a weed related site like this, if your a pot smoker, then your church is in you cubboard next to a 400watt hps
Hey all you ignorant atheist out there

Wow yer not terribly talented at public speaking are you?? I don't think you're seeking an answer as much as you making a point you passionately believe in. To give you my answer to your sedu-question...

The reason I don't believe there is a god is simple. No "loving" "vengeful" "god" would cause or ALLOW alllllllll the pain in the world! My mother had many medical issues. Her largest (which MMJ would have helped) was MS. I would sit and watch her legs jus go crazy in spasms! The pain had to be unimaginable!

Tell me would your god allow this to happen to any one of his "creatures". This isn't a case of free will. This is a case of your god saying "hahaha BITCH suffer"! Suffer she did. By the time she died a few years ago her sprit was broken and mind warped (which explains me LOL)

The big bang has been proven and is the accepted baseline for the universe. Religion, however, has no proven track record other than religious people saying "oh there IS a god, I just know it." In fact, religious people can't even agree on religion both domestically and worldwide. Christianity is only a small part of the world's religious community.

Lastly, I am not "ignorant." I am very intellegent and if you watch my posts you will see this. If you must fault me fault me for what is my BIG fucking mouth! ROFL

Oh and put this in yer pipe and smoke it...

I don't tell you what you must and must not be. I accept you for you...please afford me the same respect.

da bloke
Unlike you I have eyes and see the world as it is.

NO! You don't see, you accept others views as your own. You claim to have "Original Ideas" about GOD, but you don't. If you expect me to believe that you "arrived" at these conclusions through investigation, you have insulted me more than any one else on this thread! Be honest about your education and religious experience. "I don't follow the Bible."?!?! If you feel overwhelmed by this universe and arrived at the conclusion that there is "Something" out there, I can and will respect that. But don't try and illuminate your standpoint as original or unique....It's not. I'm not saying YOU are not unique, but your views on the universe, are in no way original...

And you DON'T see the world as it is, you see much more! I SEE THE WORLD AS IT IS! I see the flower, and the bee. I see them for what they are, not what I want them to be. I don't twist my observations to serve my convictions...Any HONEST theist will tell you it is impossible to recognize evidence in an unbiased manner. It violates your faith to consider an existence without GOD, so all evidence either supports a GOD (Good Luck), or doesn't. But if a theist was to admit evidence contrary to his beliefs, he would instantaneously be an Agnostic!!! So you can't see the world for JUST what it is. You MUST add magic, or you are NOT a theist!!! Step right up, pick one, pick one, everyone's a winner, don't be shy son!

Don't cry and call me names, just explain how you see JUST THE WORLD, JUST THE UNIVERSE, or JUST anything, without adding GOD's work in your head...
NO! You don't see, you accept others views as your own. You claim to have "Original Ideas" about GOD, but you don't. If you expect me to believe that you "arrived" at these conclusions through investigation, you have insulted me more than any one else on this thread! Be honest about your education and religious experience. "I don't follow the Bible."?!?! If you feel overwhelmed by this universe and arrived at the conclusion that there is "Something" out there, I can and will respect that. But don't try and illuminate your standpoint as original or unique....It's not. I'm not saying YOU are not unique, but your views on the universe, are in no way original...

And you DON'T see the world as it is, you see much more! I SEE THE WORLD AS IT IS! I see the flower, and the bee. I see them for what they are, not what I want them to be. I don't twist my observations to serve my convictions...Any HONEST theist will tell you it is impossible to recognize evidence in an unbiased manner. It violates your faith to consider an existence without GOD, so all evidence either supports a GOD (Good Luck), or doesn't. But if a theist was to admit evidence contrary to his beliefs, he would instantaneously be an Agnostic!!! So you can't see the world for JUST what it is. You MUST add magic, or you are NOT a theist!!! Step right up, pick one, pick one, everyone's a winner, don't be shy son!

Don't cry and call me names, just explain how you see JUST THE WORLD, JUST THE UNIVERSE, or JUST anything, without adding GOD's work in your head...

You see that flower that grew 100x what it used to be because the seed was exposed to water? You see that bee that also came about the same way scavenging for that flower that just happened to yield pollen? Why does everything just so happen work together flawlessly? You athiest think that nature is not for you but against you, it is a cold harsh unforgiving thing right? Wrong, nature is there for us, it yeilds fruits, vegetables, and medicine specifically for all life on earth to survive. Do you honestly believe that everything just so happened to exist perfectly? No sorry to break it to you but the almighty creator put it here for us living creatures specifically (Not just for us but for every living creature on earth)

I had these beliefs before I even cracked the bible open. It is just too hard to ignore the obvious. When I grew up I heared the official story for why life exist, you know the whole big bang theory. Like i said in my earlier posts it is impossible to believe with all the luck and chance that must be mentioned when telling this fairytale. Then they come saying that there is a peice missing that scientist have not been able to find.

Anyway, there is too many question marks and unsurities for me to believe this fairytale, even if i wanted to I have had too many experiences with god to deny it. You see that herb in your pocket? guess what? Jah made the herb for man.
Do you see that beautiful cannabis plant? You are a complete moronic fool if you cannot realize that it was put here by the almighty creator.
You athiest think that nature is not for you but against you, it is a cold harsh unforgiving thing right? Wrong, nature is there for us, it yeilds fruits, vegetables, and medicine specifically for all life on earth to survive. Do you honestly believe that everything just so happened to exist perfectly?

What an ego. Either nature, and the universe, are here just for you, or to be against you? I hate to break it to you, but most of nature (and the universe) doesn't give a shit about you. If living things care about anything, it's reproducing.

When I grew up I heared the official story for why life exist, you know the whole big bang theory.

Are you still sticking with the 'college grad, master linguist' story?!

The OP is an exceptional troll ;]

If there is a god, he is either not omnipotent, not all powerful or he is the most sadistic entity ever created...