Wow are you deaf, illiterate, or just plain stupid.
I clearly said that the big bang might have been the way the creator made life, but guess the fuck what, WE DID NOT GET LUCKY, CIRCUMSATANCES DIDNT JUST SO HAPPEN TO OCCUR TO THE POINT TO WHERE IT JUST ACCIDENTALY HAPPENED. Yeah sure theyre may have been a big bang, but you literaly have to be brainless to believe in you heart that it was accidental.
Since no one has claimed to know why and how the universe actually started, and no one has put forth the argument that it was accidental, you are arguing with yourself, your own made up opponent. This is the classical straw man argument.
Think long and hard about this, what was there before the universe?
What do you think was there before?
Where was the universe located?
What a fucking stupid question. Location is meaningless without space to define it. That should be obvious to anyone with a pulse and at least 2 neurons and a synapse.
It doesn't take any brains to realize that if the universe didn't exist, then it wasn't located anywhere. OTOH, if the universe always existed, it is 'located' in the same place it is located now.
I don't know, do you ?
What time and space was the universe in before it existed?
without an existing universe, asking about time and space is pretty meaningless considering there was no time or space prior to the universe.
With your theory you seem to believe that shit just popped out of nowhere from nothing
As opposed to what? With your theory, you seem to believe that shit just popped out of nowhere from nothing because a god that didn't live anywhere or anytime says magical incantations.
Actually, I don't believe everything just popped out of nowhere from nothing even though it is reasonable considering that in our universe, empty space is teaming with particles that just pop into existence from nowhere. Look up vacuum energy something that is absolutely real and observable.
The big bang is NOT a theory about the creation of the universe, it is merely a model of what happened when a small, hot, dense universe
that already existed expanded very rapidly for some reason. The universe could have existed for eternity. The universe could have bubbled or pinched off of another universe. The universe could be the result of collisions of branes. The universe could be the result of a supernatural being speaking it into existence. I don't know and neither does anyone else. Science doesn't claim to know the answer. Religious followers DO claim to know the answer. Isn't claiming to know something that can't be known the definition of arrogance?
No sorry im not as brainless as most people today,
Not so sure about that. You have a lot of votes on this forum for being the most brainless individual in existence.
it is cleary obvious to the point of being fact that there is an almighty creator responsible for this.
Still having problems understanding the definition of fact I see. Claiming to know something as fact without any proof and rejecting other possible solutions. What is the definition of close minded again?
Go ahead and sit back thinking that everything just so happened to exist accidentaly, your loss not mine.
It bears repeating. I don't think, nor have I claimed that everything was an accident.
Lucky for me my lord blessed me with a brain.
Since your brain doesn't to work well, and can't follow basic logic, isn't that evidence that there isn't a god?