Attention Atheist

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besides .. humans are to minute to prove the grand scale .. only evidence will be found... the evidence piles up but proof to some is actually seeing, hearing and touching all at the same time , if not they will pass it off as some phenomenon??/
there have been many expiriments to try an produce life out of nothing... the closest they have come is the production of amino acids .. but they used water and hydrogen to do this which is elements the sun cooks up to produce life......

lets look at this logically. The sun is not the supreme being but it is a god .. and it is our father and it is our king of this solar system .. all the stars of the night sky are gods and fathers and kings of their respective solar systems.....

I fail to understand your logic, or your logic fails.

WE have created life, in bacterial form. We used elements because ALL life is comprised of basic elements.

POST of the year for starting out saying logically and finishing with star gods, fathers and kings...ROCK ON!!
some people think if they type a long winded explanation, on here that it proves something the only thing it proves is...
(they like the sound of there own rantings and ravings)

and that some how they've, proved the existance of a creator. poppy cock, most christians i know dont even believe in dinosours, saying cave men and dinosours didnt exist, as it dont fit in to bible teachings, and that scientist are making shit up,, f#$king christian retards

i'm not hate full towards christians, i just wish they'd wake up, and pull their heads outa the clouds
some people think if they type a long winded explanation, on here that it proves something the only thing it proves is...
(they like the sound of there own rantings and ravings)

and that some how they've, proved the existance of a creator. poppy cock, most christians i know dont even believe in dinosours, saying cave men and dinosours didnt exist, as it dont fit in to bible teachings, and that scientist are making shit up,, f#$king christian retards

i'm not hate full towards christians, i just wish they'd wake up, and pull their heads outa the clouds
christian religion is based on the suns movement through the twelve zodiacs ....
The sun is not the supreme being but it is a god .. and it is our father and it is our king of this solar system .. all the stars of the night sky are gods and fathers and kings of their respective solar systems.....think about how the sun's rays reach out and touch all of its children .. but we can never touch the sun..... all the religions of the world fight over their god .. but every last one of them needs the sun and should give praise for the sun takes not one day off .. to make sure its children is warm and has food.

hmm the sun is pretty sweet and I am very thankful for it but not sure IT would really appreciate the praise. Def props to it tho. Now praising the one who sustains the moving order of the Universe (GOD) and put the sun there, making life possible to begin and continue life, who also demands to be HE deserves some praise.

I really like your philosophies though theyre very interesting! The planets and their incredible properties definitely put me in awe as well!

Also I'm finding this forum very favorable to the atheists but personally I am a Christian and a lot of the put downs just arent legitimate. If it was that simple I would probably be on the other side because I rely on reason heavily and seek only the purest truth. I honestly believe that for a 6000 year old book the Bible is pretty darn on point (kinda like my dubs...1.0 ;) ) and lines up very well with science despite the majority view. Be open minded and listen to a couple Christian philosophers and teachers. If anyone is interested "Chuck Missler" goes really deep into the issues. I find the incredible line of prophesies being fulfilled absolutely incredible, even to this day. If it is written, it HAS/WILL happen, just as the bible says.

God bless. peace and love. and please dont hate...just sharing my thoughts with yall :)
hmm the sun is pretty sweet and I am very thankful for it but not sure IT would really appreciate the praise. Def props to it tho. Now praising the one who sustains the moving order of the Universe (GOD) and put the sun there, making life possible to begin and continue life, who also demands to be HE deserves some praise.

I really like your philosophies though theyre very interesting! The planets and their incredible properties definitely put me in awe as well!

Also I'm finding this forum very favorable to the atheists but personally I am a Christian and a lot of the put downs just arent legitimate. If it was that simple I would probably be on the other side because I rely on reason heavily and seek only the purest truth. I honestly believe that for a 6000 year old book the Bible is pretty darn on point (kinda like my dubs...1.0 ;) ) and lines up very well with science despite the majority view. Be open minded and listen to a couple Christian philosophers and teachers. If anyone is interested "Chuck Missler" goes really deep into the issues. I find the incredible line of prophesies being fulfilled absolutely incredible, even to this day. If it is written, it HAS/WILL happen, just as the bible says.
See, science cannot make any claims about the non-existence of deities but as evidenced by your post, it doesn't end there. Religious people including Christians make claims like this all of the time. It is these claims that can be tested and always fall short of what the believers seem to say.
The bible is exactly what it seems, a book written by men during the bronze age. There is nothing in that book that lines up well enough with science that would imply knowledge unobtainable during that time period. You can take Chuck Missler and his stupid jars of peanut butter and believe his rubbish or you can learn some science.

Oh, BTW, I don't hate you or any other believer. I do hate the misrepresentations of what science is and says.
See, science cannot make any claims about the non-existence of deities but as evidenced by your post, it doesn't end there. Religious people including Christians make claims like this all of the time. It is these claims that can be tested and always fall short of what the believers seem to say.
The bible is exactly what it seems, a book written by men during the bronze age. There is nothing in that book that lines up well enough with science that would imply knowledge unobtainable during that time period. You can take Chuck Missler and his stupid jars of peanut butter and believe his rubbish or you can learn some science.

hmm...i'm no expert so i will try to answer through reason, with no prejudice. and I understand this a lot of this is metaphysical which is why one may be skeptical but that is not a reason to be close minded.

Ok it has been proven that there as many as 9 dimensions. We can only experience 4...length, width, height, and time. There have been several instances of documented extra-dimensional beings coming into our existence. These "space ships" MUST be massless due to their speeds of 20,000 mph and incredible stops and right angle turns. They are also known to materialize and dematerialize in front of witnesses. This has been confirmed by radar and video. Mass cannot do this, proving these are extra-dimensional. Therefore "deities" we cannot comprehend due to our lack of senses do exist. And Im not talking about aliens here I do not whatsoever believe in those there is 0 proof.

Time is a PHYSICAL property. God is outside of space and time, and I believe this is demonstrated by our creator leaving his fingerprints (the Bible) behind, through foretelling the future before it happens. There were 365 prophesies JUST surrounding Jesus. Hundreds of other predictions. Let's explore this interesting one from thousands of years before Jesus :)...

Isaiah 53: 3 He was despised and rejected by men,
a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering.
Like one from whom men hide their faces
he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
4 Surely he took up our infirmities
and carried our sorrows,
yet we considered him stricken by God,
smitten by him, and afflicted.
5 But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,
and by his wounds we are healed.
6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
each of us has turned to his own way;
and the LORD has laid on him
the iniquity of us all.
7 He was oppressed and afflicted,
yet he did not open his mouth;
he was led like a lamb to the slaughter,
and as a sheep before her shearers is silent,
so he did not open his mouth.
8 By oppression [a] and judgment he was taken away.
And who can speak of his descendants?
For he was cut off from the land of the living;
for the transgression of my people he was stricken. [b]
9 He was assigned a grave with the wicked,
and with the rich in his death,
though he had done no violence,
nor was any deceit in his mouth.
10 Yet it was the LORD's will to crush him and cause him to suffer,
and though the LORD makes [c] his life a guilt offering,
he will see his offspring and prolong his days,
and the will of the LORD will prosper in his hand.
11 After the suffering of his soul,
he will see the light of life [d] and be satisfied [e] ;
by his knowledge [f] my righteous servant will justify many,
and he will bear their iniquities.

Sounds a lot like Jesus. There is ONE example, i just copied that from the NIV Bible.

Now what I find interesting is there are soooo many more prophesies from sooo long ago that have no reason at all for happening. There are more predictions about the end times than there is of Jesus's stories while here on Earth. Example, the fall of the Temple, the extinction and rebirth of Israel, and manyyyy many more which I absolute cannot believe to be simply chance.

I have a lot more to say but dont want to hog the forum but it looks like its too late for that haha of course I respect all oppositions but I just ask you to truly think about it and meditate on it before hardening your minds.
hmm...i'm no expert so i will try to answer through reason, with no prejudice. and I understand this a lot of this is metaphysical which is why one may be skeptical but that is not a reason to be close minded.

Ok it has been proven that there as many as 9 dimensions. We can only experience 4...length, width, height, and time. There have been several instances of documented extra-dimensional beings coming into our existence. These "space ships" MUST be massless due to their speeds of 20,000 mph and incredible stops and right angle turns. They are also known to materialize and dematerialize in front of witnesses. This has been confirmed by radar and video. Mass cannot do this, proving these are extra-dimensional. Therefore "deities" we cannot comprehend due to our lack of senses do exist. And Im not talking about aliens here I do not whatsoever believe in those there is 0 proof.

Time is a PHYSICAL property. God is outside of space and time, and I believe this is demonstrated by our creator leaving his fingerprints (the Bible) behind, through foretelling the future before it happens. There were 365 prophesies JUST surrounding Jesus. Hundreds of other predictions. Let's explore this interesting one from thousands of years before Jesus :)...

Sounds a lot like Jesus. There is ONE example, i just copied that from the NIV Bible.

Now what I find interesting is there are soooo many more prophesies from sooo long ago that have no reason at all for happening. There are more predictions about the end times than there is of Jesus's stories while here on Earth. Example, the fall of the Temple, the extinction and rebirth of Israel, and manyyyy many more which I absolute cannot believe to be simply chance.

I have a lot more to say but dont want to hog the forum but it looks like its too late for that haha of course I respect all oppositions but I just ask you to truly think about it and meditate on it before hardening your minds.
I'll play.
No, 9 dimensions is not proven, as nothing in science is proven. String theory however is still at the level of hypothesis. We do not have evidence from particle accelerators or anywhere else for that matter. Besides, these extra dimensions are small, too small for us to see, so how would we see extradimensional "beings?" You also seem to take the idea that UFOs are ships and that speeds have been recorded and that these sightings are not natural.

Isaiah 53. There is some resemblance to the Jesus story but the Jews never even considered it a messianic prophecy, probably because it is a poem about the people Israel. Funny that Jesus fulfilled virtually none of the Jewish prophecies (oh, those will come during his do-over second coming....) but his followers have to attribute a non-prophecy to him and then claim fulfilled.
Hundreds of other predictions. Let's explore this interesting one from thousands of years before Jesus :)...

Isaiah 53: 3

Sounds a lot like Jesus. There is ONE example, i just copied that from the NIV Bible.

Before there even was a bible or any of these 'prophecies', people were worshiping a son of god, with twelve disciples, born in a manger of a virgin mother, sacrificed/crucified, etc.. The christians blatantly stole other peoples myths, changed a few names and details, and claimed it as their own. Do a google search for parallels between mithra and jesus. The whole jesus mythology is totally unoriginal. Not prophecy, plagiarism.
I'll play.
No, 9 dimensions is not proven, as nothing in science is proven. String theory however is still at the level of hypothesis. We do not have evidence from particle accelerators or anywhere else for that matter. Besides, these extra dimensions are small, too small for us to see, so how would we see extradimensional "beings?" You also seem to take the idea that UFOs are ships and that speeds have been recorded and that these sightings are not natural.

Isaiah 53. There is some resemblance to the Jesus story but the Jews never even considered it a messianic prophecy, probably because it is a poem about the people Israel. Funny that Jesus fulfilled virtually none of the Jewish prophecies (oh, those will come during his do-over second coming....) but his followers have to attribute a non-prophecy to him and then claim fulfilled.

No I dont believe UFOs are ships I have no idea what they are. And obv its not an exact speed but an example an estimate to show our sciences laws being defied. But tell me how you would explain this. especially the ability to materialize and dematerialize.

And I didnt know about that with the Jews not considering it prophecy but just because they interpreted it wrong doesnt mean they are right! According to my religions point of view they didn't even accept their God when he came to earth! Jesus. lol It is written and it looks pretty darn parallel to me!

Before there even was a bible or any of these 'prophecies', people were worshiping a son of god, with twelve disciples, born in a manger of a virgin mother, sacrificed/crucified, etc.. The christians blatantly stole other peoples myths, changed a few names and details, and claimed it as their own. Do a google search for parallels between mithra and jesus. The whole jesus mythology is totally unoriginal. Not prophecy, plagiarism.

Yes this is true that the Mithraism religion held common beliefs but you need to explain the big picture. The Mithraism religion was a mystery religion with roots in the Hindu Vedas religion around 200 BC. It was a pagan religion much like other competing pagan religions. At its origins, only initiates were taught the foundations of its beliefs. Owing to the cult's secrecy, we possess almost no literary evidence about the beliefs of Mithraism. The few texts that do refer to the cult come not from Mithraic devotees themselves, but rather from outsiders such as early Church fathers, who mentioned Mithraism in order to attack it. Mithraism peaked in around 200 AD, and THEY most likely adopted the vastly expanding Christian religions views in order to get followers. Not the other way around.
i wish christians had a video recorder to film their non stop dribble, perhaps if they heard how stupid they sound they might give it a rest, or think about what comes out of their cake hole, before sounding like a the idiots they are.

and again if any one on here that is a christian thinks this is a one sided thread, in favour of the athiests, then, i'll have to repeat myself by saying if you believe in god, then dont smoke weed, its against your own religon. and you should sell all your assets, and go preaching because thats in your bible too

i thought so your still here, well shut up about god, roll a joint and keep your assets, and put your bible in the bottom draw
OK... prophecies.

What makes a prophecy so special?

There really is no such thing as a "prophecy" the way you believe it to be. Think about it for a second. Someone says something, or writes it down hundreds or even thousands of years before it happens... Then it happens! OK, that sounds kind of special on the surface, I'll give you that, but take it a little bit further... What if someone wrote an article about the next Super Bowl, which teams were playing, and who won and lost, say the guy even got as detailed as describing some of the plays the teams used during the game! Then come Feb 2011, both teams the guy picked are in it, and the one he chose to win won, got the score right and everything! They ran two or three plays exactly as he called, before the game ever even took place! - is that a fulfilled prophecy? Is that guy who wrote that article God? Of course not right? It's all just coincidence and he happened to get extremely lucky. It's not impossible.

That's just one way a "prophecy" could be fulfilled...

What about if I wrote something down, say I had a little bit of a cult following during my lifetime, then I die and the cult carries the message forward... Fast forward a few more years and they all do something I said they would. Is that a prophecy fulfilled? How? I wrote it down, then years later, after these people had read what I had written, they decided to make it happen..

Someone explain to me how "prophecies" work, I'm just not getting it...
No I dont believe UFOs are ships I have no idea what they are. And obv its not an exact speed but an example an estimate to show our sciences laws being defied. But tell me how you would explain this. especially the ability to materialize and dematerialize.

And I didnt know about that with the Jews not considering it prophecy but just because they interpreted it wrong doesnt mean they are right! According to my religions point of view they didn't even accept their God when he came to earth! Jesus. lol It is written and it looks pretty darn parallel to me!
No scientific laws are being violated. Whether you accept they are ships or not, you seem to accept that UFOs are real and do the things people claim, without proper evidence.

As for Isaiah, now you claim that the very people that decided to include that passage in their holy book didn't know what it was? ROFL!
I didn't know Jesus was stricken from God. It also says he did not open his mouth yet preaching is what he was known for.
What about the line, " And who can speak of his descendants?" He didn't have any unless you believe the Da Vinci Code stuff.
There are many reasons to accept the Jewish interpretation, not the least of which is that this passage conflicts with the image of every other prophecy that was considered messianic.
yes ... here's a link in which the sun saved us all from coment mcknaught distruction a few years ago ....
this shows evidence of intelligence ... also the bible (?) says the earth will be destroyed by fire?? well in 2012 scientist expect the greaters solar flares ever... not that i believe the bible but it is stolen knowledge the romans/greeks got from some of the stuff has some validity.,..