Attention Atheist

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Let see we have an the Bibles description, and then few thousand years later some one brings forth the singularity

Nothing infinetly dense and hot but still nothing created itself and space?

I dunno sounds like ''Let there be light'', and makes more sense to me at least that Some one created everything rather than nothing created itself.

To answer your question from a biblical view point Holy Scripture says God has always been.
"If the general picture of an expanding universe and a Big Bang is correct, we must then confront still more difficult questions. What were conditions like at the time of the Big Bang? What happened before that? Was there a tiny universe, devoid of all matter, and then the matter suddenly created from nothing? How does that happen? In many cultures it is customary to answer that God created the universe out of nothing. But this is mere temporizing. If we wish courageously to pursue the question, we must, of course ask next where God comes from. And if we decide this to be unanswerable, why not save a step and decide the origin of the universe is an unanswerable question? Or, if we say that God has always existed, why not save a step and conclude that the universe has always existed?"
- Dr. Carl Sagan
"If the general picture of an expanding universe and a Big Bang is correct, we must then confront still more difficult questions. What were conditions like at the time of the Big Bang? What happened before that? Was there a tiny universe, devoid of all matter, and then the matter suddenly created from nothing? How does that happen? In many cultures it is customary to answer that God created the universe out of nothing. But this is mere temporizing. If we wish courageously to pursue the question, we must, of course ask next where God comes from. And if we decide this to be unanswerable, why not save a step and decide the origin of the universe is an unanswerable question? Or, if we say that God has always existed, why not save a step and conclude that the universe has always existed?"
- Dr. Carl Sagan

Sagan blows my mind...

You are looking at it the wrong way. "What" created the universe is a nonsensical question, just like "what does purple taste like?" or "what is outside the universe?" is.

We do not know why or how the universe got here. That's really the bottom line. Why is it good for us to pretend we do? Why? Tell me that. Why can't we get all the good stuff religion contributes without having to believe all the obvious metaphors and pseudo science? This is how science and religion must be if they carry on with our species.

Imagine a world where science and religion cooperated! It really would be the best of both worlds, complimentary to each other, building upon one another... Why can't it be this way?

Anyway "it's always been" - you can't expect to be taken seriously with that. That is not an explanation of anything. "It's always been" to an atheist is "everything came from nothing" to a believer (which atheists tend not to agree with, in general...).
hey i like this statement. esp. about cooperating with each other. we have a mind, we must use it. we have the earth, we must utilize it but not take advantage of it. i think ancient civilizations may have had an upper edge. but if we are to answer hard things of outer space maybe we should start with the earth. hell just look at the pyramids of giza. more then 2000 years and it's still a mystery.
I've got a question for you. Who or what created the "Creator"?

You are looking at it the wrong way. "What" created the universe is a nonsensical question, just like "what does purple taste like?" or "what is outside the universe?" is.

We do not know why or how the universe got here. That's really the bottom line. Why is it good for us to pretend we do? Why? Tell me that. Why can't we get all the good stuff religion contributes without having to believe all the obvious metaphors and pseudo science? This is how science and religion must be if they carry on with our species.

Imagine a world where science and religion cooperated! It really would be the best of both worlds, complimentary to each other, building upon one another... Why can't it be this way?

Anyway "it's always been" - you can't expect to be taken seriously with that. That is not an explanation of anything. "It's always been" to an atheist is "everything came from nothing" to a believer (which atheists tend not to agree with, in general...).

Baloney......If i take what cosmologists say as fact then the sigularity has always been, even wilder is that trillions of themhave
and that they are all seperate universes, see string theory.

Im not into ''religion'' and Christianty is a relationship with God, but what you ask me to imagine
I do not care to--- athiests take seriously? Perhaps not but then the world out numbers them .

I see no problem with science.....Just Vain sciences that discount the creator and worship the creation
you know whos really got thier heads on straight, people who worship satan. i havnt seen any of them on here tryin to sway anyones ideas. what good whole hearted people.

you just dont see it ya know. and i know they are still around, i see them w/ black gear and thier circlestar necklaces. (i think baggy black pants are part of it too)

im a big southpark fan, anybody seen the episode with the goths and the vamps? shit cracks me up.
you know whos really got thier heads on straight, people who worship satan. i havnt seen any of them on here tryin to sway anyones ideas. what good whole hearted people.

you just dont see it ya know. and i know they are still around, i see them w/ black gear and thier circlestar necklaces. (i think baggy black pants are part of it too)

im a big southpark fan, anybody seen the episode with the goths and the vamps? shit cracks me up.

Its kinda hard to debate for the loosing team......and Satanists are just as much deitiests as Christians are.

But whos pushing? All i see are many opinions, very few of them with any data to explain why?
Wow, who out there likes the idea of people worshipping Satan? You may think thats ok, but thats exactly what i would fight against. I at least respect Athiests because i liked the show Cosmos and still watch Discovery, Nat Geo and Smithsonian channel all the time. But Satan? cmon man, i cant see anyone getting any satisfaction there... one way ticket to hell if you ask me
Wow, who out there likes the idea of people worshipping Satan? You may think thats ok, but thats exactly what i would fight against. I at least respect Athiests because i liked the show Cosmos and still watch Discovery, Nat Geo and Smithsonian channel all the time. But Satan? cmon man, i cant see anyone getting any satisfaction there... one way ticket to hell if you ask me

Now that i think of it, there was this artist/comic writer in my school who i was friends with. He didnt believe in God or the Devil, he just worshipped himself. I didnt even know what to think of it, but that seems pretty atheist to me and he seemed at peace. Theres such a HUGE difference in beliefs out there, i dont know if people could ever coexist... I know I could work side by side in a scientific setting with anyone, but theres a lot of people who just wont stop fighting on their stance.
"It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring." Carl Sagan
I heard this quote long ago and it, among other things almost turned me to Atheism. But then i thought this to myself. "Even if you could grasp the infinite reaches of our universe, there is still a universe beyond that."
Heres a Sherlock Holmes quote i remembered from this link-
"Once you have eliminated the impossible, whatever is left, no matter how improbable, has got to be true"
Athiesm is just a belief in the lack of a God. Have you really eliminated God as the impossible?
...sitting on a bus, an old man sneezes.

"God bless you," says a younger gentleman. "I'm athiest!" says the old man. The young guy looks to the floor and has a silent thought. "O'really?" he ask, as he smiles. "What happens when you die as an athiest?" The old man looks of disqust and says, "We biodegrade into the ground and turn into plant food." "I see," says the young fellow, " The same plant food that feeds the trees?" "Correct!" says the old man. The young guy falls on the floor laughing while pointing his finger at the old man and says, "Trees make bibles!"

...I'm am an athiest, btw. This shit just made me laugh!
Just spent about 45 minutes talking to a Jehomie Witness... poor guy, I asked him if he could smoke a bowl with me and he said he "chose" not to. He insisted he was free to make his own choices but I kept shoving it into his face that it was his religion that didn't let him. I challenged him that if I went to church with him and asked his church if it was ok for him to smoke with me if he would... of course he wouldn't.

I feel for you religious people, as long as your church tells you what to do, you're not really free. At least the only people Atheists have to report to is the government, religious folk have that AND their God, lol
Just spent about 45 minutes talking to a Jehomie Witness... poor guy, I asked him if he could smoke a bowl with me and he said he "chose" not to. He insisted he was free to make his own choices but I kept shoving it into his face that it was his religion that didn't let him. I challenged him that if I went to church with him and asked his church if it was ok for him to smoke with me if he would... of course he wouldn't.

I feel for you religious people, as long as your church tells you what to do, you're not really free. At least the only people Atheists have to report to is the government, religious folk have that AND their God, lol
i think you could've went about that better then "shoving it into his face". you're no better then him or anybody that would try to shove the bible down your throat. a thanks but no thanks then a door closure probably could've sufficed.
Jehovahs are not Christians.Jehovah's Witness organization distorts the essential doctrines of Christianity. It denies the deity of Christ, His physical resurrection, and salvation by grace. This alone makes it non-Christian.
i think you could've went about that better then "shoving it into his face". you're no better then him or anybody that would try to shove the bible down your throat. a thanks but no thanks then a door closure probably could've sufficed.

That was the point I tried to make, that if I had gone to his house, knocked on his door and tried to shove my beliefs about marijuana down his throat, would he have opened the door. We both had strong opinions and the discussion ended respectfully with a hand shake. No harm no foul.
...what's hell? ...and, where is this place?

According to Christian doctrine its a holding cell for the lake of fire.

its in the center of the earth as scripture describes.

Scripture states that there will be a new heaven and earth, so hell is temporary untill the final judgement.

The new earth has no hell or oceans

Then its the lake of fire for ....
Jehovahs are not Christians.Jehovah's Witness organization distorts the essential doctrines of Christianity. It denies the deity of Christ, His physical resurrection, and salvation by grace. This alone makes it non-Christian.
could say that about many "christians" also.
That was the point I tried to make, that if I had gone to his house, knocked on his door and tried to shove my beliefs about marijuana down his throat, would he have opened the door. We both had strong opinions and the discussion ended respectfully with a hand shake. No harm no foul.
well thats cool then
In fact I think I took one from them, he had a 15 or 16 year old kid with him and he couldn't stop smiling every time I made a point. Hopefully that kid see's the light and dumps that religion, I have personally witnessed it destroy many families over their beliefs. For him to stand in front of me and lie to my face that it isn't true struck a nerve and what was a peaceful discussion turned into some strong opinions.

The discussion literally ended with both of us agreeing that Pearl Jam kicks ass, lol
athiest=pussys. Antitheism now thats proper

athiests believe there is no god or deity,
I believe this to, but I also believe that religion is a bad thing, a very bad thing indeed.
Rotten to the core, soul destroying.
if we had one that is.
How can any belief system that requires you to have blind faith in the unknown be exceptable,plausable even believeable.
Just accept what the next man tells you, dont go and find out for yourself. just accept what ever the "elders" tell you.
Sounds like brainwashing to me.
I "prey" for you children


p.s religion is poison make your own choices in life
Ive kinda gone past the point of making a big deal about it. Everyone should just make their own decisions about whats right. Help yourself to some herb, think a little and no put-downs. If you got beef with Christians, i wont fight you. But there is alot of muddy waters around here, i just want to clear things up. If you're a believer, dont be afraid of what atheists have to say. If you're an atheist, just do what you gotta do. Its your life and truth of the matter is, i dont really care. I just guide my boat in the right direction and for the time being, it floats.