Attention Atheist

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Ya...cept many world leaders are part of the if ure gunna look at it that way.....satanism or the occult gets you power, control and beaver......but once again is a religion which cannot prove it's deity to be real, or any of its scriptures factual....any open minded...sensible person would realize that and dismiss it as just another story, like all religions.
Wow, who out there likes the idea of people worshipping Satan? You may think thats ok, but thats exactly what i would fight against. I at least respect Athiests because i liked the show Cosmos and still watch Discovery, Nat Geo and Smithsonian channel all the time. But Satan? cmon man, i cant see anyone getting any satisfaction there... one way ticket to hell if you ask me
Great story dude, can't stand those guys peddling their dribble at my door step.....I should go sit outside their church with my bong and preach earth and mother nature.....alas...I would get arrested for that......anybody else see a problem with that?

That was the point I tried to make, that if I had gone to his house, knocked on his door and tried to shove my beliefs about marijuana down his throat, would he have opened the door. We both had strong opinions and the discussion ended respectfully with a hand shake. No harm no foul.
Great story dude, can't stand those guys peddling their dribble at my door step.....I should go sit outside their church with my bong and preach earth and mother nature.....alas...I would get arrested for that......anybody else see a problem with that?
Yeah man, I hate it when people of various religions come around trying to convert us to their religion, Mormon's, Jehovah's Witness, Roman a religion, chances are, one of it's believers have been at my doorstep, handin' out pamphlets and shit...haha

The guy even agreed with me that religions cause war. I wish I had done a better job of helping him see the light but I failed, hopefully I planted a few seeds in his young apprentice though :D
I'm not sying religious people are bad coz there not im sure some of um have kind harts. but the idea, the theoogy behind it is just bonkers.
Yeah man, I hate it when people of various religions come around trying to convert us to their religion, Mormon's, Jehovah's Witness, Roman a religion, chances are, one of it's believers have been at my doorstep, handin' out pamphlets and shit...haha
it's just the game of conversion. what's wrong with that? you are free to go door to door, spouting whatever nonsense happens to come into your head. why should it be any different for the believers of the one true faith (whichever one of those happens to be the flavor of the month)? are they doing you any harm by knocking on your door and trying to spread what they see as enlightenment into you life? you are free to slam that door in their face or some other more polite version of the same and you just might find some glimmer of usable truth in their dogmatic rantings.

like it or not, religion is an important part of society and it provides many with a meaning beyond mundane, dog-eat-dog survival. i met a lovely woman the other day who could barely grasp the idea that someone might not believe in god. she had emigrated from jordan thirty some odd years ago and had tried to learn our language to the best of her abilities, but had never even heard of the concept of atheism. as we spoke, she expounded on the traditions of family and duty that her religion had imparted to her and i found that our ideologies meshed quite nicely. the only difference between our outlooks was that she did what was right because an imaginary friend told her it was right and i did the same because my upbringing had instilled in me that same sense of right and wrong. her ethics were dependent on the teachings of the ghost of some eternal, all-powerful creator and mine were dependent on the ghosts of my ancestors. we both relied on the past to form our present and our future and we both had come to the same conclusions.
I have been given accolades for this statement a few times in the last weeks and months and it gives me great pleasure to repost it.

The "creator" is just a way to praise the amazing chance that there is anything. I mean if we weren't here to ask these questions, would the universe still exist? Theres no way to answer, we can't even prove that perception is not the only thing in the universe. Why do you assume that whats around you even exists beyond your mind? There is this self righteousness that people have when describing the universe, almost as if they have been blessed with some information that others haven't, if you think you know everything, be sure that you truly know nothing.

Just give it up already, theists and atheists alike, you aren't that great. To have such concrete views on reality is subtle naivety, I mean even if we can probe the structure of the universe, it doesn't mean we aren't creating universal schematics as we go, and I don't mean on paper, I mean reconstructing the fabric of the external environment as we revise and interpret new ideas.

Don't get me wrong, I do accept the possibility of having a fate doomed to this earth and of nothing more, but its just that, a possibility. I also accept that the more you research and begin to understand the workings of consciousness, things get very scary, interesting, and completely out of this world. Things almost stop making sense, you stop being able to look at the world in the same way. You have to drastically reconsider all of the things you hold as true, and keep changing your frame of mind.

Not many can accept that we are all just walking around blindly, not sure of whats to come or really of what was, and the ones that do accept it don't seem to want to talk about it.


OK wait a minute......that make absolutely no sense........whada you mean your free to go door to door and whats wrong with that.......just imagine every asshole that thinks he top shit and knows it all comes to you door on a regular basis.......jocks who like sports to get you to join a team........scientists to come and tell you that your belief system is wrong and to follow their text books.........musicians to come and tell you what music you should be listening too......librarians to tell what books you should read and what to stay away would be cool with that right??? So what makes these religidiots so damn special......I know where the church is and if I wanna seek out god.....i'll go there, I don't need to be pestered at my home.........what if I'm shaggin my girl, last thing I want is to have to answer the door and see some asshole trying to change my religion and give me god....what a crock of you know why they canvas......its not to save your all comes back to money....who else knocks on your door besides a salesmen......and thats exactly what they are.......the more people they can requite to a church the more money that church sees, either through donations from the sheep or funding from the top.......if a church doesn't have enough followers that church looses funding.......what a crock o shit...again!! Religion is not a important part of society it is a detrimental part of society that poor kids are brainwashed into believing and then grow up to be bible thumping nuts....almost every war is due to many people have to die in the name of god for you to open your eyes....why would he create man...just to see us kill each other in his don't find this ridiculous???? wouldn't be so bad if they actually practice what they preach.....i still have yet to meet one who does......the only thing they all have in common is they believe they are righteous.....going to heaven.....and above everybody you know what......stay the fuck off my property or I'll blow smoke in your face and tell you that is my god and you should try it! If the church really wants to prove it's reverance and legitimacy why don't they start spreading around the billions of dollars of wealth they have to the sick and poor and stop asking for handouts, or is that too much to ask. Now that I think about it, it's not even handouts and donations anymore, now they take directly from your would have to be daft not to see though that! I just don't get how people can be so ignorant!


it's just the game of conversion. what's wrong with that? you are free to go door to door, spouting whatever nonsense happens to come into your head. why should it be any different for the believers of the one true faith (whichever one of those happens to be the flavor of the month)? are they doing you any harm by knocking on your door and trying to spread what they see as enlightenment into you life? you are free to slam that door in their face or some other more polite version of the same and you just might find some glimmer of usable truth in their dogmatic rantings. like it or not, religion is an important part of society and it provides many with a meaning beyond mundane, dog-eat-dog survival. i met a lovely woman the other day who could barely grasp the idea that someone might not believe in god. she had emigrated from jordan thirty some odd years ago and had tried to learn our language to the best of her abilities, but had never even heard of the concept of atheism. as we spoke, she expounded on the traditions of family and duty that her religion had imparted to her and i found that our ideologies meshed quite nicely. the only difference between our outlooks was that she did what was right because an imaginary friend told her it was right and i did the same because my upbringing had instilled in me that same sense of right and wrong. her ethics were dependent on the teachings of the ghost of some eternal, all-powerful creator and mine were dependent on the ghosts of my ancestors. we both relied on the past to form our present and our future and we both had come to the same conclusions.
haha mindphuk man you gotta light one and give it a rest man. I think all your 1000 posts are in this thread lol nonetheless it appears you are very well educated it appears you strongly believe in the information u are conveying, and although we are clearly on far opposite sides of the line of scrimmage you are not makin it personal which i respect. so love to u brotha. ill leave it at that.


now semen u can go phuck yourself piece of shit. what i giant doucher. way to make it personal. i strongly believe many religions are phony, but im not gonna go attack them like that. grow up.

and i mean 0 disrespect to the RIU community...i just felt that was necessary :)

ha ha ha i went fishing for a few bites, and landed a looser
Hey all you ignorant atheist out there, Ive tried getting an answer to my question on your athiest thread but all of you just answer with some nonsense that has nothing to prove or do with the situation.Anyway my question is if god is not the creator of the heavens and the earth & you dont believe scientist big bang, ice asteroid theory then how in the hell did everything come about?Do you seriously think that the universe just accidently created everything & everyone for no reason? You cant just ignore reality your whole life & if you can I feel terribly sorry that your children must be raised upon lies. and Please id love to hear your bullshit explanations

I'm having a little trouble believing that this started a 200+ page rant.
i wish christians had a video recorder to film their non stop dribble, perhaps if they heard how stupid they sound they might give it a rest, or think about what comes out of their cake hole, before sounding like a the idiots they are.

and again

If any one on here that is a christian thinks this is a one sided thread, in favour of the athiests, then, .....

i'll have to repeat myself by saying if you believe in god, then dont smoke weed, its against your own religon. and you should sell all your assets, and go preaching because thats in your bible too

i thought so your still here, well shut up about god, roll a joint and keep your assets, and put your bible in the bottom draw

dont you christian loosers get it the bible and your elders, say weed is bad for you, and its only practiced by demon whorshipers,

so if you think your a christian that can smoke and go to church on sunday and shits forgiven, think again

ask your pastor, he knows the flippin answer to everything??
I believe in God... I believe Jesus Christ was a real person at some point in time... I believe in heaven... I believe in hell....

That said....

Church and the Bible is BS... seriously.. don't mean to offend... but my two cents...

God gave human being on this planet "free will"... The Bible.. was NOT written by God Himself... it was writtin, by a person, a human being, who has his god given free will, and whether or not God told him what to write, NO ONE will EVER know, as an imperfect human like we ALL are, they still had the ability to write whatever the fuck they wanted.....

Look at relgions, that have NOT been around for thousands of years.. Scientology.. shit like that... where do those stem from?... (in terms of Scientology, some idiot wrote a book)... Hell I could probably start my own religion.. but I'd be considered a cult huh?...

God exists, he created this planet, of this I'm sure... human beings directly? I doubt it...

You do NOT NEED to go to church to worship and pray to God, whoever believes that is misled terribly.

God exists... The idea of religion is a fucking hypocracy created by idiots who twisted the guidelines to our humanity. I promise when God looks down at our world in these times... He's not impressed.
Prove to me aliens arnt real ? there are pictures stories ect... buit still not 100% proof they are real... Prove to me God is real ? there is no picture of this " GOD " there is no clues or evidance exceapt that the bible sys so.... big whoop we all know Man made the bible from the words of GOD ? if God told a man or woman what GOD thought you would think that man or woman would of told every one what GOD looked like... ? answerd !
The "creator" is just a way to praise the amazing chance that there is anything. I mean if we weren't here to ask these questions, would the universe still exist? Theres no way to answer, we can't even prove that perception is not the only thing in the universe. Why do you assume that whats around you even exists beyond your mind? There is this self righteousness that people have when describing the universe, almost as if they have been blessed with some information that others haven't, if you think you know everything, be sure that you truly know nothing.

Just give it up already, theists and atheists alike, you aren't that great. To have such concrete views on reality is subtle naivety, I mean even if we can probe the structure of the universe, it doesn't mean we aren't creating universal schematics as we go, and I don't mean on paper, I mean reconstructing the fabric of the external environment as we revise and interpret new ideas.

Don't get me wrong, I do accept the possibility of having a fate doomed to this earth and of nothing more, but its just that, a possibility. I also accept that the more you research and begin to understand the workings of consciousness, things get very scary, interesting, and completely out of this world. Things almost stop making sense, you stop being able to look at the world in the same way. You have to drastically reconsider all of the things you hold as true, and keep changing your frame of mind.

Not many can accept that we are all just walking around blindly, not sure of whats to come or really of what was, and the ones that do accept it don't seem to want to talk about it.

wow thats some really true shit.
OK wait a minute......that make absolutely no sense........whada you mean your free to go door to door and whats wrong with that.......just imagine every asshole that thinks he top shit and knows it all comes to you door on a regular basis.......jocks who like sports to get you to join a team........scientists to come and tell you that your belief system is wrong and to follow their text books.........musicians to come and tell you what music you should be listening too......librarians to tell what books you should read and what to stay away would be cool with that right??? So what makes these religidiots so damn special......I know where the church is and if I wanna seek out god.....i'll go there, I don't need to be pestered at my home.........what if I'm shaggin my girl, last thing I want is to have to answer the door and see some asshole trying to change my religion and give me god....what a crock of you know why they canvas......its not to save your all comes back to money....who else knocks on your door besides a salesmen......and thats exactly what they are.......the more people they can requite to a church the more money that church sees, either through donations from the sheep or funding from the top.......if a church doesn't have enough followers that church looses funding.......what a crock o shit...again!! Religion is not a important part of society it is a detrimental part of society that poor kids are brainwashed into believing and then grow up to be bible thumping nuts....almost every war is due to many people have to die in the name of god for you to open your eyes....why would he create man...just to see us kill each other in his don't find this ridiculous???? wouldn't be so bad if they actually practice what they preach.....i still have yet to meet one who does......the only thing they all have in common is they believe they are righteous.....going to heaven.....and above everybody you know what......stay the fuck off my property or I'll blow smoke in your face and tell you that is my god and you should try it! If the church really wants to prove it's reverance and legitimacy why don't they start spreading around the billions of dollars of wealth they have to the sick and poor and stop asking for handouts, or is that too much to ask. Now that I think about it, it's not even handouts and donations anymore, now they take directly from your would have to be daft not to see though that! I just don't get how people can be so ignorant!


awesome , legalise it CNDA, i couldnt agree more, exspecially the fucking part, it happened to me two weeks ago, we'd told the witnesses to stop coming round, as they used to park in the opposite car park to our house for their weekly bible bash, anyway, they kept coming over first to our house, on a wednesday, after i told them to stop coming here, last week mid root they came round, i yelled fuck off, were busy! it didnt stop them coming round the following week, oh just in the neighbour hood and blah blah blah

some people can't take a hint,

i dont like slamming doors on anyone, but mormons, and witnesses are mad as hell