Bernie Sanders 2020

She appropriated their race, then plaigerized nyt recipes to write a book called pow wow chow.

She's about as self aware as you are, it's funny because it's true.
Actually you're projecting here, that's you. she isn't native American her dna test proved that. You can't have a cigar with 99% sheetrock and 1% tobacco and sell it to the masses, that's false advertising, which she did her whole life to get ahead.
Call her Pocahontas next then call everyone else a bigot

do some war whoops and tomahawk chips while you’re at it

Your gaslighting act is retarded

go ahead and ask @Bugeye how good I am at picking off lying fraudfucks like you
You're entire method is gaslighting, you seem to be a master at abusive behaviour, I'd be worried if you had any children but luckily you cannot reproduce. Nature works in mysterious ways huh?
Call her Pocahontas next then call everyone else a bigot

do some war whoops and tomahawk chips while you’re at it

No need to use that term. But you just did, you see how projection works? You fucking imbecile.

I said over half a year ago you would rally around her and predictably you did, now she's sliding and you're so upset boooo fucking hoo.

You're gonna be crying on this sub for months and it will be glorious.
You're entire method is gaslighting, you seem to be a master at abusive behaviour, I'd be worried if you had any children but luckily you cannot reproduce. Nature works in
No need to use that term. But you just did, you see how projection works? You fucking imbecile.
So you call people limp wristed homosexuals but Pocahontas is a bridge too far for you?

you are a complete lying sack of shit nazi
So you call people limp wristed homosexuals but Pocahontas is a bridge too far for you?

you are a complete lying sack of shit nazi
You are a limp wristed homosexual. You prove it by spending you life on this forum arguing and gaslighting people, you choose to discredit rather than deal with the significance of the content of the conversation.

Somehow me describing you accurately is insulting, maybe that's the problem. You have a delusional view of what you really are. Warped self perception, similar to Warren.

Go cry more and play the victim card kid.

"But but but... He called me a homosexual "

But you ARE one,

"You bigot!"

Now you you're sounding a little too limp wristed to have these keyboard conversations.


Wow I never seen a grown man cry like this before.
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You are a limp wristed homosexual. You prove it by spending you life on this forum arguing and gaslighting people, you choose to discredit rather than deal with the significance of the content of the conversation.

Somehow me describing you accurately is insulting, maybe that's the problem. You have a delusional view of what you really are. Warped self perception, similar to Warren.

Go cry more and play the victim card kid.

"But but but... He called me a homosexual "

But you ARE one,

"You bigot!"

Now you you're sounding a little to limp wristed to have these keyboard conversations.


Wow I never seen a grown man cry like this before.
You are a very credible person

people would be wrong to assume you are a bigot, or a phony pretending to be a progressive
All this stuff in the Politics section just makes me laugh. I thought this was a weed site, lol.
Yes it's hilarious, I dip my toe in here from time to time. My predictions from months ago were correct. I knew who would coalesce around Warren to feign progressive chops, and it was glorious watching her slide in the polls and see their uncontrollable vitriol spewed all over the place. Nobody gives a fuck what these morons have to say, you voice matters only at the ballot box, that's it. Bitch and moan as much as they please, it's their outlet to their only true friends in the world; those who can stomach their inane opinions stated as wisdom.
All this stuff in the Politics section just makes me laugh. I thought this was a weed site, lol.
It is a weed site but our politics forum gets a ton of traffic, enough to make it plenty attractive to the phony grifters trying to play bad faith roles in our elections

we even had one guy in here try to tell us that “Olaf isvery common American name” and that he “make visit to” people

I remain as surprised as anyone
Yes it's hilarious, I dip my toe in here from time to time. My predictions from months ago were correct. I knew who would coalesce around Warren to feign progressive chops, and it was glorious watching her slide in the polls and see their uncontrollable vitriol spewed all over the place. Nobody gives a fuck what these morons have to say, you voice matters only at the ballot box, that's it. Bitch and moan as much as they please, it's their outlet to their only true friends in the world; those who can stomach their inane opinions stated as wisdom.
You’re a nazi, bigot, and complete fraud
I'll enjoy watching you stress yourselves out
You refer to yourself in such self hating terms.

I showed my evidence with photographs. Once Bernie is president, he will use his executive order to legalize cannabis and I can fully disclose a photograph or a Instagram account. Then I can say for over the period of months you called a Jew a Nazi. You're mentally ill my dude. Spending your life on these forums... It's what you fucking deserve you empty husk of nothingness.
Yeah, you’re like the 87th nazi I’ve outed who pretends to be outraged by me stating the obvious
Yes it's hilarious, I dip my toe in here from time to time. My predictions from months ago were correct. I knew who would coalesce around Warren to feign progressive chops, and it was glorious watching her slide in the polls and see their uncontrollable vitriol spewed all over the place. Nobody gives a fuck what these morons have to say, you voice matters only at the ballot box, that's it. Bitch and moan as much as they please, it's their outlet to their only true friends in the world; those who can stomach their inane opinions stated as wisdom.
Ya Bucky Boy is actually one of the ones on my ignorance, I mean ignore list, lol. And I don't have many. I usually stay out of here too, but some of this shit is funny.

Bernie supporters get your Bernie Bears.

For the others.