Bernie Sanders 2020

I swear, y'all are like a bunch of bedbugs, parasitically absorbing your daily sustanance from online bickering. Linger here, it's where you belong.
I swear, y'all are like a bunch of bedbugs, parasitically absorbing your daily sustanance from online bickering. Linger here all you want, I'm canvassing for Bernie in the real world.
wow, with those big words I bet Barney pays you slightly less than VT's minimum wage. Bravo Madam!!
I love how angry y'all are.

Let the hate fester, let it grow, and then sharpen it into a tool that you can all cut yourselves with, like the Emos you are.
Gonna be awkward for you to pretend to still support Bernie if he gets the nod to run against the neo nazi praiser you actually like, won’t it?
Of course you would, because you have the cognitive ability of a four year old.
Deliberating and accounting for cost and ability to pay before buying is what adults do. Bernie and his bros, not so much. For example: how is Bernie's health care bill going to be paid for? Who will pay and how much? Do those extra taxes cover the full cost of his bill? This is something that Bernie has not done. Who is the adult in the room, Shua? It seems that Bernie and you are in a child's room.
Hey Dunce @Shua1991 , here's teh reference that you didn't get. Moron.

Cool reference. You must be fun at parties,
Gonna be awkward for you to pretend to still support Bernie if he gets the nod to run against the neo nazi praiser you actually like, won’t it?
Still calling Jews Nazis huh? Don't cry when we force your limp wrist to vote for a progressive you neo liberal trash.
Deliberating and accounting for cost and ability to pay before buying is what adults do. Bernie and his bros, not so much. For example: how is Bernie's health care bill going to be paid for? Who will pay and how much? Do those extra taxes cover the full cost of his bill? This is something that Bernie has not done. Who is the adult in the room, Shua? It seems that Bernie and you are in a child's room.
Lol Warren tanking in the polls and y'all are mad.

Maybe she misread the smoke signals again?
Two bigoted references in a row
She's not native American.

She literally plaigerized nyt recipes to write her pow wow chow cookbook. She's Rachel dolezal of a bygone era. She believes high cheekbones make people native Americans, how naive for her to appropriate another race for her own gain, really pathetic
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She's not native American.

She literally plaigerized nyt recipes to write her pow wow chow cookbook. She's Rachel dolezal of a bygone era. She believes high cheekbones make people native Americans, how naive for her to appropriate another race for her own gain, really pathetic
You’re a racist bigot
You’re a racist bigot
Actually you're projecting here, that's you. she isn't native American her dna test proved that. You can't have a cigar with 99% sheetrock and 1% tobacco and sell it to the masses, that's false advertising, which she did her whole life to get ahead.
Lol you're so pathetic buck I can't wait to see you fall behind trump once Bernie wins. The cycle will be complete. Enjoy your pathetic existence, I'll be back once the Iowa caucuses tally their votes, all the centrists will eat each other, Sanders is in a lane of his own and we are rabid.