New Member
Fixed it for ya.a lot of presumption and very little empathy. man are animals. dogs are also animals. if the bum has no one else you may be taking his only family. i couldnt do that.
We're all equal when we have and show emotions, but you are right, dogs are family, I'd risk my life to save any of my family, so they're more than "just dogs".
When you say this, if it was legal in the US then I couldn't because it be breaking the law and their are more efficient ways of helping the so you guys wouldn't take a dog from a family that eats dogs because that would be stealing? I see the logic there, just kinda funny.
The autopsy said he only had marijuana in his system, lol ironic huh?is that better than bath salts and face meat?
Like cn said, that's just a sugar coat of the word steal, wanted people to think about it and different scenarios.Can the op please edit the poll so the first option reads:
Take the dog (recover it)
As it is now, voteing for that option makes it seem as if you are doing something wrong.
Not saying what srh did was wrong since I'm more leaning towards that he did the right thing, but technically it is considered stealing so he did break a law no matter how you look at it.The hobo didn't own that dog. H8 broke no laws.
Like thechosen said, it would be your dog after recovering it.
And let it eat trash tied up in the sun all day? nahhhh
Well property more as in the sense if you 'owned' a is but it's not.Dogs are legally property. "Recover" is a whitewash of "steal". The bum has the same civil rights as you and I, and that's the elephant in this room. cn
I was more inspired by your thread, didn't originally make this to be directed at what your situation was, I just found the topic that interesting.whats funny is you blazin and fab know the most about this dog, these people honestly dont know shit.. we were talkin bout it a week or 2 before i did it, so honestly.. this 20 page piece of shit dont mean nothing
Hate repeating myself, but 3rd times a charm. Finding a job, especially for a's not the 90s dude i work for my money... that dude wants steady food he should find a job
go buy your own dog then faggot
Calm down lol, don't want this thread to get closed.YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT YOU MORON!!
you stole a guys dog because you assumed he was abused, because he was tied up on a leash and because he may or may not have gotten enough food.....
i think i know enough
Although, I'll just make another...and another...and another.