California Gubernatorial Recall Election

I think you would have to have a 2 step process.

After you say her name, start the count until they ask 'who' and you explain that it is the woman that the insurrectionists stomped to death then the time to their shitty face scowl.
I’d bet not a single person there would know her name. The dumb looks would last until you explained who she was.
It's obvious that Elder and others are using this recall election to market themselves. The repubs will love all of the shit he spews.

I guess it's like the porn star who runs for Governor whenever she can. Self marketing for name recognition.

It worked for Jesse Ventura.
Minnesota. I never followed the election or anything, but surprising when a pro-wrestler gets elected governor.

I cast my ballot today, and wrote in Wavy Gravy. I figured an acid-head clown would be a much better leader than any of the other options.

I voted for the likeliest Democrat. I am done with Repugs.