Cloning in a Cup of Water

Ok well here are some pics and while the bottom where I cut and scraped it doesn't seem to have any bumps slightly above it does, this makes me think that I may have done the scraping wrong, how deep was I supposed to scrape? this clone has been in the cup for about 2 weeks now and I have another clone just started, ive been keeping them in a window that doesn't get and direct light and changing there water daily.


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Id leave them in the cup and continue doing what u are doing. its really hard to say if those are the beginning of root growth bumps or not. Sorry. But i can say ur cuts look healthy ive seen much worse. Have a little more patience ur cuts will clone. Afterall widowmaker did this in a jar on the windowsill. Hope this helps man. Looking good.
I change my water daily or replenish what the plant has already dranken whichever comes first. Ive always used daylight cfl's mostly in my veg cab.
hey i took a clone off of my shwagg plant. i did what i had to do for the cuttling but could i make that clone have higher thc if grown just in water and gravel. i am new to tha site just need some info
Bro I said all that to be politicaly correct. But honestly I snip them off in broad daylight and place them directly into a cup of water about a 2 second process.Then I move to the scrape spot. Then I dip them.Them they go in the water which gets changed out daily till i get root formation.
It is true about air in the stalk.. I heard it slows down the process. But if ur quick and precise in ur movements i havent had any problems.
I alway wondered my self how to cut underwater. I think that is what people are trying to tell ya when they say cut underwater tho. Maybe the double cut like u described.

Oh yea I also scrape in broad daylight too. Not to make light of the whole process ive done it several times. Being set up to be able to do these things quickly is the key. U dont want to expose ur cuttings to prolonged air so that it would allow air to enter the main stalk.

But yea on another note. Its very easy to clone this way and transplant into the grow medium of ur choice.
The harder i have tried to make things the easier it is the screw my entire grow up.... Growing is so simple man they practicaly grow them selves.

Cutting under water means that when you're ready to cut your stem for a clone, you take a water source ( faucet, hose, friend/wife pouring water into/from containers, etc. ) that's flowing and lean the stem through the stream of water. Your area to cut is directly in the middle of the stream. Making your cut in the stream of water insures no air entry to the stem. However, that being said, I haven't had any problems cloning a variety of plants in open air, including the sweet green.
Oh yeah, and once cut follow thestream down into a container of some sort to not expose to air. Keep the stem in the stream until in container.
Ok so I put my 3" cuttings into the water and made sure I cut well. It has been about 6 hours since and the leaves are all droopy and look very depressed. Is this normal? They are under t5 bulbs that are pretty far away
Its normal for cuts to display droopy leaves in the first 6 -12 hours after being cut. Id chalk all that up to the initial stress of being cut. They should bounce back and become perky again after ur lights out and lights back on cycle continues. Placeing them in the dark for a couple hours directly after cut and then putting them back in the VEG lamp helps to acclimate them quicker. Takeing big enuff cuts so the fans rest on the top of the lid of the cup also helps. Hope that helps. Peace.
onthedl0008 = +rep I have been researching as much as I could about cloning and was amazed at how difficult it seemed. Your thread is awesome, I'm not worried about it now :leaf: Word
Whaddup all glad this has helped some peeps.
Just thought id give a quik update on this technique.
PH your water to 5.8 and feed your cuts 1/3 the ppm of the mother the cuts where taken from.
Yes tap water does work and will work just how described but after much work and many experiments this will ensure the best results and healthy clones posssible.
I don't doubt that pHing the water could maybe work better, but I have never found it necessary. I use ordinary tap water and get 99.9% success. I have been using this cloning method since I found your thread a couple years ago and the only ones that have died are the ones that I got careless with and let the cup get empty.

I also wanted to add that I now consider scraping to be useless. I took about 60 cuts recently and all 60 of them rooted above the scraped area where it was just normal stem. Not a single one showed any roots where I scraped and trust me I scrape as gently as humanly possible. Just make your normal 45' cut and place it into water immediately. Cutting under water is nonsense. Just make sure you cut and place it directly into the water. I don't even change my water anymore I just top it up as the plant needs it.
Right on I have also noticed that roots will grow on the unscraped areas before the scraped areas so u are right I don't believe its neccesary either. And thanks for shareing Hemp reps. Really am glad to see this worked for u. It is a very simple and effective way to clone. Not to mention u can easily fit five small cuts per party cup. Feeding your cuts also does work well. In the aspect of keeping them nice and healthy before they are transplanted back to the medium.
5 per cup is exactly the number I have opted for during times of heavy cloning.

This was taken recently and confirms my status as a cup of water faithful.


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