Cloning in a Cup of Water

Just a quick bump!
Also thought id add. For the greatest possible results I have found to date...
Take your cuts as already described. But put them in the res water that u are feeding the moms with.
That's right that's what I'm doing now and my clones are at times looking better than the moms when they have rooted.
U can play it safe and just go 1/3 the moms PPM if u want but its not necessary. The cuts are already acclimated to the feed because they have been taken from the moms eating the same solution to begin with.
Tear it up all. Wouldn't stear ya wrong.
And this is the conclusion to my cloneing in a cup experiments.
Any question just holler.
Peace and happy cloneing all.
No problem man. Hope it helps like I said I just took this method from WidowMakers 101 questions thread stickied at the top of this forum. All I did was experiment on it a little. Ur gonna tear it up.
This might have been answered already but to be honest I been reading an watching videos on cloning for the past 3 hours 8-/ , so I have read you have to feed the mother water for a week with no nutes is this true? Or can I just water it like twice an get away with it?
This might have been answered already but to be honest I been reading an watching videos on cloning for the past 3 hours 8-/ , so I have read you have to feed the mother water for a week with no nutes is this true? Or can I just water it like twice an get away with it?

I don't change my feeding schedule on my mother at all. It hasn't seemed to have negative or positive affects.
I don't change my feeding schedule on my mother at all. It hasn't seemed to have negative or positive affects.
Yea its not necessary to change feeding on ur moms. Like I said in the past I'm takeing my cuts now and just putting my cuts in the res water my mom plants r being fed in. Literally same feed ph changeing nothing. My Cuts are actually growing dureing root growth phase n sometimes ending up just as healthy or possibly even happier. Lol what could be more simple. And its not necessary to change out the water in the cups. I just do cause pathogens
Can and will grow in stagnant water.
This worked great! Took two clones one has bumps an the other has small roots starting to grow! The strange thing is I didn't even see the bumps on the one that has roots, I inspect them everyday an all of a sudden I seen roots! Thanks for the help! Great thread!
Points to expound on when cloning in a cup of water.Finely tuned.

Size of clone.I would reccomend at least 4-5 inches with at least 2 or 3 nodes.Reason being they are easier to transplant.
Stem size.When taking cuttings make sure the stem(New plant stalk) Is long enuff to be transplanted.
Transplantation. Its best to wait until new clones have began actual root growth. (Another day or 2). Actual roots growing from the stalk of the newly cloned plant. This allows for the new plant to get a better start at reaching the desired goal of the roots hitting the water or growing into whatever medium U wish to eat from faster and puts less stress on the plants in the medium.(Rock, Soil)

It is not neccesary to wait for actual root growth on the stalks as long as U have root formation.Those lil white bumps. While in the cup they are soaking up water and the food in the water but it is better to wait for the roots.Otherwise like already mentioned. This will put stress on ur babies. Without the cup under them ur plants will begin to use the nutrients store in the fan leaves.Begin to wilt and look like they are dieing for a day or 2. Have patience with the cup. But they will still survive once those roots hit the water or soil and begin feeding.

If all the previous steps on page 1 are followed on point I guarantee the success of cloning.
When taking this new finely tuned info...I can almost guarantee 100% cloning on all ur cuttings as long as they are transplanted into a finely tuned grow style.

Sorry for the stupid question, I think I skipped a page when I was reading lol, I will be waiting another day thanks!
Nah I found it on here, I was asking about why my Clone is so droopy when I put her in the soil, it's been 3 days now an she was still looking droopy but I'll just wait it out, I think I watered it to much, it's dryin up a bit tho. But like you said she was lookin like she was about to die.
Its normal for clones to droop for the first 24 hours they don't all droop just takes some a lil more time to get acclimated.
Overwatering will also cause that and being its ur first transplant u may have shocked her putting her in to. Let the soil dry out a little her fans should start raising and lowering with lights on and off that will tell u she's comeing around.
Don't overcare bro. Especially overwater. I only water my party cups once a week when I put newly transplanted clones in them. U want it to dry out a little it forcres the roots to grow out and search for water.
In 2 weeks the cups r full of roots is usually when I up pot and go to flower.
Another heads up just as u can overwater ur plants and make them droop. Allowing ur medium to dry too much will also make them droop. Give them that week to get going and u will see what I'm saying.
Good luck.