Cloning in a Cup of Water

great post DL i took some clones last night using ur method. dont have any more rooting hormone so thats the only thing different but if it doesnt work ill end up getting some. haven't had much success with rockwool hope this works out REP4u mang
I just wanted to put one last update on here and send you some props. I transplanted all of my cuttings today into some soil. Exactly what you have explained was starting to take place. The leaves were beginning to look nutrient deficient. I hope that now that they are in some soil they will bounce back. This method worked great for me. After 2 failed attempts at using the rock wool cubes I was very glad to find something that worked. I was able to get roots on 100% of the cuttings. All 10 rooted and hopefully all 10 will flourish in the new soil and give me 10 new little baby girls. Thank you for the very simple and effective cloning method. For those who missed my original post I took 10 cuttings following exactly as was described expect for without using rooting gel. Placed the cuttings in cups with about an inch of water and change the water daily. I took 16 days for all of my cuttings to develop root bumps. The earliest was ready at day 12.
Hey man thanks. Like to hear good things like that. Stick around man. Im getting ready to take a couple and do one in Ph'd water this time. And start feeding them when i get root bumps as well..Nothing to lose even if i fek um up i guess.
Many respects man.
All thanks go to Widowmaker tho man. All i did was steal this idea and work with it a bit.
So if your clone looks like it did the day you took from the mother plant, does this mean it might root??What are some signs your clone might not root?? A droopy cutting not supporting itself??Because I took a clone from a flowering plant about a week ago and still no roots but the cutting itself still looks healthy..
A cutting taken from flower can take up to 3-4 weeks to root. In any medium man..
Look close to the stalk thats in the water u may have little white specs forming on the stalk by now if not thats what u should be watching for..
Clones taken from healthy vegging moms will root faster..
Its all a waiting game bro but i can guarantee u if the cut looks like it did the day u took it everything good is happening.
I have used this method with a little variation and have had 100% success rate. I wait until a week into flowering and find the females and nip my clones off the lower branches with a pair of scissors I wipe down with rubbing alcohol to sterilize them. I nip the excess leaves off and cut the main branch shorter at a 45 degree angle. I then dip it in water and make 4 light scores with a razor blade cutting the green skin layer, dip in rooting hormone from wal-mart. I then place the clone in a red party cup filled with tap water but i use a piece of saran wrap to cover the top and cut a slit to stick the clone through which also supports the clone. I change the water about every 2 days and have them sitting in the corner of my veg room. After about 7-9 days roots will start to appear which I then stick it into a jiffy cube and about 2-3 days later I transplant into my growing medium.
I know I'm bringing up an old thread but didn't want to start a new one... my question is:

Once my clones root in the cup do I give them the same amount of nutes as I was giving them when they were part of the mother plant, or should I start at half or quarter strength and work my way back up?

thanks guys

I have used this method with a little variation and have had 100% success rate. I wait until a week into flowering and find the females and nip my clones off the lower branches with a pair of scissors I wipe down with rubbing alcohol to sterilize them. I nip the excess leaves off and cut the main branch shorter at a 45 degree angle. I then dip it in water and make 4 light scores with a razor blade cutting the green skin layer, dip in rooting hormone from wal-mart. I then place the clone in a red party cup filled with tap water but i use a piece of saran wrap to cover the top and cut a slit to stick the clone through which also supports the clone. I change the water about every 2 days and have them sitting in the corner of my veg room. After about 7-9 days roots will start to appear which I then stick it into a jiffy cube and about 2-3 days later I transplant into my growing medium.
Sounds good to me, i am going to try this method as ive never had any luck with those damn rooting cubes:(
Question do you have to cover the clone so it doesnt dry out or do you leave it open?
Its very simple.No dome or extra precautions required. A cup, a cutting and simple tap water following the simple rules i set forth.Dont take me the wrong way.

Way back to post #21....chill, bro.

I mist mine once a day (70% RH).

Wow, I'm still learning and all but there's something I can actually add here....maybe this stuff IS stating to sink in.
I found that a beer can works pretty well for a clone container. Fill it with water and pop in your prepped clone. Water doesn't evaporate, the roots are in the dark, and the top of the can supports the plant. Obviously you clean it really well first, just like all your cloning stuff.
After a week you're going to be pulling it daily to check rooting progress so it's easy to keep the water topped up.
No you don't need to cover it. You also don't seem to need to mist it either. Just keep your humidity high and you'll be fine
Really appreciate this thread bro. Doing exactly like you said. First time here and it was great to see such a simple method. Well here they are, mother and clone. Thanks again:hump:


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well you kept my strain alive if this works i was just gona flower because we didnt have the extra cash for what we thought it took to make clones : ) could not be any happier read all 14 damn pages and its 2 :24 in the morning and work tomarrow but well worth the read thanks man peace and we are gona start to flower the rest exactly tomarrow so i hope this works the girls are begging for 12/12 from what we can tell on our first grow
the strains are k1 and sour diesel and we just dont want to deal with plants we don't know with all the pm, and mites > seems stupid not to clone unless you got seeds and i don't really know how to get those or the best place to get them from if all you can do is order them....seems stupid that the dispensarys can't have them! But they can sell a fucking 12 inch tall or evan taller plant?
and dont be getting mad at me i see how you have been pissed about people changing the thread all ways and i feel you im taking it exactly but im wondering if my tap h2o will work with the because im only 100ppm and 7.0 ph here in Denver so I hope ill let ya see how it goes say 2 weeks from now..... straight simple -plastic cup/ and tap lol quit fucking with the formula it was designed with the broke person in mind. <--------PERIOD if it doesn't work try and figure out why mabee add your dome, different water , better sized cup, make a better cut, but damn like some guy said 7 pages ago if you've read this far you should deff. know alot about how to clone your plant by now lol -----

STEP 1- take a healty cut clone with a clean razor cut at an angle (say a 45')
STEP 2- Put in water right away!
STEP 3- scrape a bit of green from the bottom of stem - don't get carried away!
STEP 4- PUT into water right away!

then add ........

1 cup + 1 fill of fresh tap water every day at right level in the cup = 1 clone that will grow roots!

lol there shouldnt be this many questions on something this simple (14 PAGES!!!!!) lol fuck it im out and i read all of it to know what i knew from page 3 or so........
After reading this many pages I think this is alot easier than I thought it was going to be. I am now feeling confident about this. I have a houseplant that I cloned with this method. The the week or two that it will take should give me time to set up another grow spot to veg my clones while my other plants flower. crossing my fingers.
Hey if i were to post some pics would someone be able to tell me if my clones are ready to be put in soil? I followed the original steps and its now been two weeks im beginning to think I may have messed it up.
Post some pix man. U may or may not be able to see tiny white bumps on the stems by now those are the beginning of root growth n yes if u have bumps then throw them in the soil now u should be fine. Hope this helps. Glad to see peeps are haveing success with this. Good stuff.