Did you read the article? Corona was being spread communally since early February and has been here as early as December. Also two of the four cases in my county are asymptomatic. I dont know why California was not ravaged like new York or Michigan, but something is definitely different about our rate of infection. The article also mentioned a bad flu season may have helped mask it's presence.
Yeah, I was mostly fucking with you.
But for a more serious answer let me say this.
There's a ton of disinformation, misinformation, speculation, educated guessing, confusion and conspiracy theories on all of this.
It's a novel virus and definitive answers are probably over a year a way. And yes, I read the article and it's interesting.
All the models are based on different data input. The 2.2 million worse case US dead had to be based on zero mitigation efforts with the highest R0 estimate. We did a lot to cut that down by staying home and wearing masks in public.
So yeah, you may have had it. I hope you did if you didn't get real sick. I'm just thinking that's unlikely but what do I know?
Before this virus really started exploding we were having a bad flu season here. There were articles in the local paper about it. The regular flu shot that I got may have been less effective this year, I don't think they'll figure that out till later either. Without widespread testing, there has to be some cross over there. But there were people with colds too.
It would have been nice to have any previous administration in charge here. Obama, Bush, Clinton, anybody other that the science denying douchebag we got stuck with 4 years ago. That guy has blood in his hands, but again you can't put an actual number on it right now.
I'm waiting for the 2022 made for TV movie and the future documentaries. I'm not a person who likes to wait for answers and neither is the society we live in. Maybe that's why a lot of shit winds up on Fox and the internet that is total bullshit.
We still have a lot of studying to do about all this. And we sure as he'll need to reinvest in public health and avoid any politician who openly denies science like the plague (or covid-19).