Crock Pot Cannabutter for Dummies

If I strain the trichs out think the butter will still be strong enough? how many pounds of butter you think? one or two?i'm thinking one but i've never did this before.
I have some I kiefed out and saving for a topical for sore joints and skin moisturizer. give it a try and let me know
start with 2ozs and a lb of butter and go from there to start.
really don't have time to do another run. i'm gonna do the whole 10zips at once. one extraction one crock pot run One clean up . I guess i'll just do one pound of butter for now and if it is too strong I can always dilute it with more butter later. Thanks for the tips dirt
Make sure you use 5-6 cups of water for a good rinse and put it in the refrigerator not the freezer it'll be solid in 12 hours.
Yea and the refridg is slower and that gives the nasty stuff time to sink to the water
and out of the budder....
wait what do you mean as a rinse? I thought let it simmer in crockpot overnight. Drain and squeeze trim through a cheesecloth to extract all butter.
wait what do you mean as a rinse? I thought let it simmer in crockpot overnight. Drain and squeeze trim through a cheesecloth to extract all butter.
You need enough water that the butter will float away from the trim and once your bitter is solidified you re melt it in frsh water to rinse away any gunk then resolidify once more then I melt it once more and put into a mold for storage.
so I kinda got busy and let it simmer in the crock pot for two days instead of one. Hope it isn't bad.

Budder is pretty green.
Dark green almost black is what you want.I still can't figure out why people cook it for 24 hrs. 4 is plenty that's all it takes you risk losing potency the thx dissolves pretty quick no need for all that extra time. More is better I guess is what people think. Less is more really..
You need enough water that the butter will float away from the trim and once your bitter is solidified you re melt it in frsh water to rinse away any gunk then resolidify once more then I melt it once more and put into a mold for storage.

Dark green almost black is what you want.I still can't figure out why people cook it for 24 hrs. 4 is plenty that's all it takes you risk losing potency the thx dissolves pretty quick no need for all that extra time. More is better I guess is what people think. Less is more really..

well it's dark green almost black so i hope i'm good.
well just tried a brownie. Definitely taste the green. I replaced a quarter cup of oil with melted budder in the mix. Pretty strong taste really.

Refine it again.
Add your budder to water & melt everything on a low heat - allow it to solidify in the fridge again, wash off the bottom sides of the chunks with your sink sprayer nozzle on warm. After all the green chunks are gone & if you're satisfied with the results, warm it till liquid & put it into the small glad containers. I like the one cup models, freeze & away you go.

Edit: Ever think about trying peanut butter cookies ?
I think that is my favorite way to medicate other than putting it in tin foil with garlic, salt, pepper & fresh corn roasting on the grill.

And, cause I really like you bro:

Peanut Butter Canna Cookies

• 1 1/4 cups flour, sift or stir before measuring
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 1 teaspoon baking powder
• 1/2 cup Canna butter
• 1/2 cup peanut butter
• 1/2 cup granulated sugar
• 1/2 cup light brown sugar, packed
• 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
• 1 egg
Sift together flour, salt, and baking powder; set aside. Cream melted butter, peanut butter, and sugars; beat in vanilla and egg. Stir in flour mixture, blending well. Shape mixture into 3/4-inch balls; place on greased baking sheets. Flatten each cookie with the tines of a fork; dip fork in flour periodically to keep it from sticking to the peanut butter cookie dough.
Bake peanut butter cookies at 375° for about 10 to 12 minutes
yes I found out the hard way to take small doses to start until you determine potency. ended up taking quadruple what I needed and then it was Tuesday all of a sudden
The first time I cooked with it I made the peanut butter cookies.
Once they cooled I ate two, an hour later after nothing I ate two more.
A half hour later I ate a fifth and final one.

I think I woke up on Wednesday. Man was I ever out there !
i've been making /experimenting with the wifes slowcooker for awhile now using relatively fresh trim with about 5-6 grams of micro buds added too it..use the same approach but after about 3.5hrs on low i add 1qrt of boiled water and continue cooking on low for about 5-6hrs ,complete the full process of drain,strain and in the fridge...very potent product.I make it for myself ..I had severe spinal stenosis and works like a charm ...can't dance but sleep like a baby!!