Electric costs

Yes and no like it’s completely possible but unless you’re noticing extension cords or somebody’s actually tapped into your meter would be very hard
I checked the electric board and there doesn't seem to be anything suspicious going on with it. It must be my oil filled radiator pulling 2KW of electric when it should be pulling less, maybe? I'm going to buy a new one tomorrow and hope that fixes the issue :)
That's what I thought myself to be fair, is it possible for someone to steal my electric?

Are you in a multiple dwelling? I lived in an apartment that had some single room studios on the top floor. One day the power breaker blew so I went down into the basement to investigate. Sure enough the breaker was tripped and while I was down there some guy from the floor above came down as well. Apparently we were on the same circuit but I was the only one getting a bill. He had rented a studio with electric included. I called the power company but they told me to contact the building owner. I talked to the property management company and got nowhere. The actual owner was some investment company in another state. The building ended up getting sold and I moved but I had lived there for years paying for someone else's electricity. I never did get a dime in compensation.

So yes it's possible someone else is using your power but that's probably not it. Your power costs have likely just gone up substantially.
I checked the electric board and there doesn't seem to be anything suspicious going on with it. It must be my oil filled radiator pulling 2KW of electric when it should be pulling less, maybe? I'm going to buy a new one tomorrow and hope that fixes the issue :)
Just for information my sister in law was living in my shops mother in law suite and ran 2 1k heaters and my electric for my house went from 280 a month to over 870. I took those heaters away from her and gave her some ventless propane heaters.
Under a 600 watt HPS bulb in the middle of the winter in an unheated basement, I can maintain 80 degrees F in a 4x2x5ft. box. When the light is on. Two of those boxes with the doors open help me heat my whole house. (it is a small house).

Point being: Those HIDs throw a lot of heat, especially HPS bulbs at 600watts or more.

I am still switching to LEDs. I may end up using both types in winter for the heat that the HIDs generate............... but I will use LEDs that will enable me to grow in summer where I can not now because of the heat.

It is a double edged sword in cold climates

Some areas of the UK is .28p per kWh right now.

Whoops I looked at the schedule wrong. Corrected

I'm in off peak season right now so it's $0.056666 per kWh for the first 475 kWh $0.037563 per kWh for the next 775 kWh $0.025186 per kWh for all additional kWh. On peak season it's $0.063496 per kWh for the first 1,350 kWh $0.081655 per kWh for all additional kWh. Thats my PSO Rates in Oklahoma.
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Some areas of the UK is .28p per kWh right now.

I'm in off peak season right now so it's .12 cents kWh. On peak season it .18 cents kWh peak season peak hours from 2 pm to 7 pm it's .22 cents kWh.
Where I'm at in Oklahoma commercially here's my rate 6.18¢/kWh.
Residential is 8.01¢/kWh.
So should I scrap the oil filled radiator? I heard that I really want to keep my humidity and temps in check?
Just run it on the lowest setting when lights on, or a portion of lights on. Something seems wrong though...I use a few of those oil filled radiators and my bill isn't anywhere near that high, and I am in NYS with HIGH electric costs.