Well-Known Member
I replaced the soil. I started with Sta-Green potting soil that I got from the hardware store. I believe its time released fertilizer was harmful to the seedlings. I changed to Roots Organics soil that I got from a local hydroponics shop and I add extra perlite. The last of the three to break out of its peat puck never went into the Sta-Green, just the Roots Organics. And it was the only one that didn't show damage early on.
The Roots Organics is a peat based soil who's ingredient list does not include dolomite lime. And my pH measurements (possibly flawed) kept showing the runoff pH and the soil pH itself to be more acidic than I believed (not know) to be ideal. I wasn't sure if I should be adding dolomite lime to the soil to buffer the pH levels or if I should be watering with a higher pH to try and adjust, etc. etc. Eventually, I decided to stop obsessing over the runoff pH, focus on the pH of the water going in, and stop trying to correct problems that might not even really be there.
The Roots Organics is a peat based soil who's ingredient list does not include dolomite lime. And my pH measurements (possibly flawed) kept showing the runoff pH and the soil pH itself to be more acidic than I believed (not know) to be ideal. I wasn't sure if I should be adding dolomite lime to the soil to buffer the pH levels or if I should be watering with a higher pH to try and adjust, etc. etc. Eventually, I decided to stop obsessing over the runoff pH, focus on the pH of the water going in, and stop trying to correct problems that might not even really be there.