I will throw in my two cents worth: From the beginning as a seed, Sally had the DNA to either be male or female & that can never change. Stress can cause a female plant to produce male flowers in some cases, but the pollen produced by these female plants only contains female DNA. So, a female hermi can only produce female seed with her pollen. This same condition is forced with a chemical spay applied to female clones to cause pollen production used in obtaining feminized seed.
Hopefully, Sally will become an unstressed plant well before she/he is sexually mature, so I doubt that chemical burn on a seedling would cause any variance in male/female flower production much later in a plant's life cycle. If it did though, you could possibly end up with some valuable feminized seed.
Sorry if that sounds way too technical, but then I talk to my plants and call them ladies to encourage them to be so. So where is the logic in that?